
What is with this body, O my temptation?

ما بال هذا الجسم يا فتنتي

1. What is with this body, O my temptation?
Who stole the brocade from the confinement

١. ما بالُ هذا الجسم يا فتنتي
مَنْ سرقَ الديباجُ من حبسِ

2. Some of it is in a spacious shroud
And some of it in the narrowness of chalk

٢. وبعضهُ في كفنٍ واسعٍ
وبعضهُ في ضيقِهِ الرمسِ

3. Everything beautiful has its adornment
And the adornment of wine is in the cup

٣. لكلِّ شيءٍ حسنٍ زينةٌ
وزينةُ الخمرةِ في الكاسِ

4. The moon shines in brocade
While you are in ten and five

٤. والبدرُ في ديباجةٍ يجتلى
وأنتِ في عشرٍ وفي خمسِ

5. A law that revokes from its day
All that was legislated yesterday

٥. شريعةٌ تنسخُ من يومها
كلَّ الذي قد شرعتْ أمسِ

6. If beauty's clothes were to increase
The lack of beauty in the sun would show

٦. ولو تزيدُ الحسنَ أثوابُهُ
لبانَ نقصَ الحسنِ في الشمسِ

7. The slanderers insulted the people of passion
And they were humiliated in myself

٧. أهانتِ الغاداتُ أهلَ الهوى
وهنَّ قد هُنَّ على نفسي

8. The people's eyes and their trails
Are good for the feather duster and broom

٨. فأعينُ القومِ وأذيالها
مصلحةٌ للرشِ والكنسِ