
Her letter has come to me, carrying

كتابها قد جاءني حاملا

1. Her letter has come to me, carrying
To my fluttering heart a fluttering heart

١. كتابها قد جاءني حاملا
لقلبي الخفاق قلبا خفق

2. And stars of wishes have glittered in it
In lines like the blackness of dusk

٢. والتمعت فيه نجوم المنى
في أسطر مثل سواد الغسق

3. And I know the kiss in a place
That appears to me like a flower, not like a leaf

٣. وأعرف القبلة في موضع
يلوح لي كالزهر لا كالورق

4. And how many a line to another
Like chest to chest drew near and embraced

٤. وكم به سطر إلى آخر
كالصدر للصدر دنا فاغتنق

5. And how much meaning in it I slept
And how much meaning in it came with insomnia

٥. وكم به معنى أنام الجوى
وكم به معنى أتى بالأرق

6. I asked him how he saw her face
He said, "God be glorified in what He created"

٦. سالته كيف رأى وجهها
فقال جل اللَه فيما خلق

7. I said, "And that cheek when it was shy"
He said, "Like the dawn in it is the glow"

٧. قلت وذاك الخد لما استحى
فقال مثل الفجر فيه الشفق

8. I said, "And that mouth, what is its matter?"
He said, "When I mentioned you, it closed"

٨. قلت وذاك الثغر ما أمره
فقال لما ذكرتك انطبق

9. Oh her mouth, in you is the breeze of dew
So how can my heart not burn in your breath

٩. يا ثغرها فيك نسيم الندى
فكيف قلبي في نداك احترق