
The arrogance of kingship possessed her,

ذات ملك طغت بها عزة الملك

1. The arrogance of kingship possessed her,
Yet she did not care for her slaves.

١. ذاتُ ملكٍ طغتْ بها عزةُ المل
كِ فلم ترعَ في هواها العبيدا

2. She oppressed them, though they strove to be just.
So he who died under her rule died wretched.

٢. ظلمتهم وجاهدوا علمَ الل
هُ فمن ماتَ راَ فيها شريدا

3. She is a branch of gardens, of flowers and roses,
Upright, fragrant, with blushing cheeks.

٣. هي غصنُ الرياضِ والزهرِ والور
دِ قواماً ونفحةً وخدودا

4. She is the sun of the sky, the gazelle of the valley,
With a face, eyelashes, and smooth neck.

٤. وهي شمسُ السماءِ والظبيةُ الغي
داءُ وجهاً ومقلتينِ وجيدا

5. She has authority in love, she holds command
In what was promised and threatened alike.

٥. ولها النهيُ في الهوى ولها الأم
ر وما كان موعداً ووعيدا

6. In love there is no choice, nor in the fate of love;
Destiny allows no desire.

٦. ليس في الحبِّ أن تشاءَ ولا في
قدرِ الحبِّ والقضا أن تريدا

7. For in necks is the abode of humiliation,
As shackles once graced the Jews.

٧. إنهُ في الرقابِ مسكنةُ الده
رِ كما طوقَ الهوانُ اليهودا