
They said, "Forget her though you can't help but remember her,

قالوا جفتك ولا تنفك تذكرها

1. They said, "Forget her though you can't help but remember her,
For advice is soothing to one in torment."

١. قالوا جفتك ولا تنفكُّ تذكرها
إن النصيحةَ سلوانٌ بسلوانِ

2. But I said, "My eyes belong to me yet if they grow bleary,
The cure won't be an ointment for the blind."

٢. فقلتُ عينيَ مني وهْيَ إنْ رمدتْ
فلا يكونُ دواها كحلُ عميانِ

3. She drew near, united, embraced, turned away, abandoned,
Through all that I adored her and she possessed me.

٣. نأَتْ دنَتْ وصلَتْ ضمتْ نفتْ هجرتْ
في كلِّ ذلك أهواها وتهواني