
O you who takes pride in his ancestors,

يا من يرى الفخر بأجداده

1. O you who takes pride in his ancestors,
You would not be of the ancestors, if only you knew.

١. يا من يرى الفخرَ بأجدادِهِ
لستَ من الأجدادِ لو تدري

2. I see nothing stranger than a brook,
That dries up while the river flows.

٢. وما ارى أعجبَ من جدوَلٍ
ينضبُ والأمواهُ في النهرِ

3. So leave the bones of men in their graves,
And say not 'My Zaid' or 'My Amr'.

٣. فاترك عظامَ الناسِ في قبرها
ولا تقل زيدي ولا عمري