1. O you little birds, while sorrow weighs on me,
Won't you give me some relief from my sorrows?
١. أيكُ العصافيرِ والدنيا عليَّ أسىً
أما تُرَوَّحُ عني بعضُ أحزاني
2. Among you I have a little bird, if only she would speak -
You would see how the mortal being is revived from death.
٢. لي فيكَ عصفورةٌ لو أنها نطقتْ
رأيتَ كيفَ يُعادُ الميتُ الفاني
3. People have depicted wings in lights,
But at dawn both wings are seen to be gone.
٣. ما صوَّرَ الناس في الأنوارِ أجنحةً
إلا غداةَ بدا منها الجناحانِ
4. Oh my heart! Whenever it exults,
I feel it between my ears.
٤. فويحَ قلبي ما من مرّةٍ صدحتْ
إلا شعرتُ بقلبي بينَ آذاني
5. Oh woe to their coquetry - in their sides
Is my heart! So who can tell their tale but I?
٥. وويحَ عُذالها ما في جوانبهمْ
قلبي فمن أينَ يحكى شأنهمْ شاني
6. When they are harsh I suffer, when they excuse I languish,
And when they judge, the first to condemn me is I.
٦. أنا إذا عذلوا عانٍ وإذا عذروا
فآنٍ وإن حكموا لي أولها جاني
7. Love is the spirit of its people, so with them
This life and death are equal.
٧. والحبُّ روحٌ لأهليهِ فعندهمُ
هذي الحياةُ وهذا الموتُ سيَّانِ