
A throne as long as the orbit of the seven stars

عرش بطول مدار السبعة الشهب

1. A throne as long as the orbit of the seven stars
With the sun as its crown, not gold's adornment

١. عرشٌ بطولِ مدارِ السبعَةِ الشهبِ
والشمسُ في تاجِهِ لا حليةَ الذهبِ

2. It revived the times with the palm of glory owning it
So the palm of glory and merit greeted it

٢. حيّ الزمانَ بكفِّ العزِّ مالكهُ
فصافحتْ منهُ كفَّ المجدِ والحسبِ

3. On its sides shone a light that sparkled
From the light of the Prince and ancestors of his and father

٣. على جوانبهِ نورٌ تلألأَ منْ
نورِ الأميرِ وأجدادٍ لهُ وأبِ

4. Its awe draws souls near and examines them
Like the sun's decor in Indian aloe wood canes

٤. يدني النفوسَ وتقصيها مهابتهُ
كزخرفِ الشمسِ في الهنديةِ القضُبِ

5. And none who saw Abbas's face facing it
Except they were delighted between bewilderment and wonder

٥. وما راى وجهَ عباسٍ يقابلهُ
إلا تهللَ بينَ التيهِ والعجبِ

6. My Master, I have indeed risen with it one day
Through God's mercy, a secret made clear by time

٦. مولايَ إنَّ بيومٍ قدْ رقيتُ لهُ
من رحمةِ اللهِ سرّاً بانَ للحقبِ

7. The day Egypt wished for before God made its attainment permissible
And it became connected by cause

٧. يوم تمنتهُ مصرَ قبلَ سوّغها اللّ
ه المنى وغدتْ موصولة السببِ

8. Abbas made it prosperous and God supported it
And time honored it with knowledge and literature

٨. عباسُ أسعدها واللهُ أيدها
والدهرُ مجَّدها بالعلمِ والأدبِ

9. So its side expanded and its companion strengthened
And its suitor retreated from that sand dune

٩. فامتدَّ جانبها واشتدَّ صاحبها
وارتدَّ خاطبها عن ذلكَ الأربِ

10. And since they attributed the Nile to the Prince it flowed
Repelling the rivals and the envious in lineage

١٠. والنيلُ مذ نسبوهُ للأميرِ جرى
ينافرُ السينَ والتاميزَ في النسبِ

11. Like a bride when she is brought on her wedding day swaggering
In wondrous silk brocade or shiny Chinese satin

١١. مثل العروسِ إذا زُفتْ تبختر في
استبرقٍ عجبٍ أو سندسٍ قشبِ

12. Or like a poem in praise of the glorious when it extends
Across the land like poetry's extension in books

١٢. أو كالقصيدةِ في مدحِ العزيزِ إذا
ما امتدَّ في الأرضِ مدَّ الشعرِ في الكتبِ

13. O Nile's companion protecting and guarding it
From the guile of one with covered hatred in his heated chest

١٣. يا صاحبَ النيلِ يحميهِ ويحرسهُ
من كيدِ ذي غللٍ في الصدرِ ملتهبِ

14. If Egypt's people could they would have hidden
This Nile in every eyelid that is not weeping

١٤. لو يستطيعُ بنو مصرٍ لقد خبأوا
ذا النيلَ في كلِّ جفنٍ غيرَ منتحبِ

15. So extend your hands that it may take refuge in them
I see alarm in its loud injured cries

١٥. فابسطْ يديكَ ليجري لائذاً بهما
إنب أرى الروعَ في آذيِّهِ الصخبِ

16. These hearts you have captivated with passion so they
Throb for none but you out of joy

١٦. هذي القلوبُ أحلتكَ الشغفُ فلم
تخفقْ وأنتَ بها إلا من الطربِ

17. And they were in distress that did not subside until
Today when they are sated, and were it not for you, they would not be sated

١٧. وكنَّ في مضضٍ لم يألها وأجاً
واليومَ طبْنَ ولولا أنتَ لم تطبِ

18. You have made Egypt triumphant on a wind equaling it
Like the ship's captain in the currents and open waters

١٨. أفزرتَ مصرَ على ريحٍ تكفؤها
كبَّ السفينةِ في التيارِ والعببِ

19. And you protected it when there was no safety or prosperity
And you came to it with life when it was failing

١٩. وقيتها حينَ لا أمنٌ ولا رغدٌ
وجئتها بحياةٍ وهي في العطبِ

20. So you were its shield against every intruder
And you were its shield in its fertile region

٢٠. فكنتَ جُنتها من كلِّ طارقةٍ
وكنتَ جَنتها في ربعها الخصبِ

21. You are the excellence from its forefathers has emerged
I am not surprised if they say father of excellences

٢١. أنتَ النجابةُ من آبائها ظهرتْ
فلستُ أعجبُ إن قالوا أبو النُّجبِ

22. You have ascended with the ascending greatness and merit
And with the striving the effort and quest

٢٢. سموتَ بالصاعدينَ الجد والحسبَ العا
لي وبالساعدينَ الجِدَ والطلبِ

23. So stay for Egypt for none but you has been proven loyal to it
By resolve's sincerity and time's lies

٢٣. فَدُمْ لمصر فلم يُثَبتْ سواكَ لها
صدقُ العزيمةِ والأيامُ في كذبِ

24. Verily time is for those who strove with insight
With policy while it toys with the heedless

٢٤. إن الزمانَ لمن جدوا على بَصَرٍ
بالرايِ وهو على الساهينَ باللعبِ