1. Glory is inherited and earned
And raindrops on the ground are not like raindrops in the clouds
١. المجدُ بينَ موروثٍ ومكتسبِ
والقطرُ في الأرضِ لا كالقطر في السحُبِ
2. A young man is not noble just because he had noble fathers
Unless he himself is noble when his enemy is in dire straits
٢. وما الفتى من رأى أباءَه نجباً
ولم يكن هو إنْ عدوهُ في النُّجبِ
3. The one most deserving of glory is every young man
Who earns it himself and through his own glorious lineage
٣. وإن أولى الورى بالمجدِ كلُّ فتىً
من نفسه ومِنَ الأمجادِ في نسبِ
4. There are many shooting stars when you see them
But people only count the seven stars of Ursa Major
٤. فالشهبُ كثرٌ إذا أبصرتهنَّ ولا
يعددُ الناسُ غيرَ السبعةِ الشُهُبِ
5. Neither did the Caliph al-Ma'mun ascend on the day he went up
To the heights of glory and nobility
٥. وما رقى الملكُ المأمونُ يومَ سما
للمجدِ في درجاتِ العزِّ والحَسَبِ
6. Nor did the angels respond to him when he called
Through the grace of his mother or father
٦. ولا استجابت له الأملاكُ يومَ دعا
بفضلِ أم غذته الفضلَ أو بِأبِ
7. Rather, he saw that glory was sought, so he strove for it
And whoever knows the right way will not go astray
٧. لكن رأى المجدَ مطلوباً فهبَّ له
ومن يكُن عارفاً بالقَصدِ لم يَخِبِ
8. He strengthened knowledge, so people were honored through it
For there is no path to honor but through knowledge
٨. وعزَّز العلمَ فاعتزَّ الأنامُ بهِ
وما إلى العزِّ غيرَ العلمِ من سَبَبِ
9. The state of the sword, its pillars cannot be strengthened
Unless joined by the state of books
٩. ودولةُ السيفِ لا تقوى دعامَتُها
ما لم تَكُنْ حالفَتْها دولةُ الكُتبِ
10. Whoever makes an effort succeeds, and the self, if it grows weary
Perhaps rest will come from the fatigue
١٠. ومن يجدَّ يجد والنفسُ إن تعبتْ
فربما راحةٌ جاءت من التعبِ
11. Woe to him who lives in vain play and nonsense
For the death of glory is between play and nonsense
١١. ويلٌ لمن عاش في لهوٍ وفي لعبٍ
فميتةُ المجدِ بينَ اللهوِ واللعبِ
12. Did you not see the sun descending in Libra
When the mansion of the star of play and delight rose?
١٢. ألم ترَ الشمس في الميزانِ هابطةً
لما غدا برجُ نجمِ اللهوِ والطربِ