
They built it upon those vanished moons

بنوه على تلك اللحاظ الفواتك

1. They built it upon those vanished moons
And formed it from the light of smiling horizons

١. بنوهُ على تلكَ اللحاظِ الفواتكِ
وصاغوهُ من نورِ الثغورِ الضواحكِ

2. And since they folded your youth within it, it has not ceased
To display a touch of your youth upon it

٢. ومنذُ طووا فيهِ شبابكِ لم يزلْ
تلوحُ عليهِ مسحةٌ من شبابكِ

3. The builder built it for you, and passion
Did not delay to lead it until it lay by your side

٣. بناهُ لكِ الباني فلم يلبثِ الهوى
أن اقتادهُ حتى ثوى في جواركِ

4. Ask it, has his heart become a tomb now
And is your tomb in obscurity, or other than that?

٤. سليهِ أهذا قلبهُ صارَ مدفناً
وقبركِ في السوادءِ أم غيرُ ذلكِ

5. And are those ornaments fantasies of his soul
And is that darkness, or the concerns of kingdoms?

٥. وتلكَ لآلٍ أم أمانيُّ نفسِهِ
وذاكَ ظلامٌ أم همومُ الممالكِ

6. You placed at its right a heart, but it found
Nothing but its rule, a jewel for your left

٦. وضعتِ بيمناهُ فؤاداً فلم يجدْ
سوى ملكهِ ن حليةٍ لشمالكِ

7. Neither what Khosrow built, nor Ja'far's palace
Nor Ghumdan's palace, nor Baram's

٧. فلا ما بنى كسرى ولا قصرُ جعفرٍ
ولا قصرُ غمدانَ ولا للبرامكِ

8. As if hearts burnt with passion for you
Were melted by the goldsmith among ingots

٨. كأنَّ قلوباً في غرامكِ أُحرقتْ
فذَوَّبها الصيَّاغُ بينَ السبائكِ

9. As if the ornaments resembling flowers
Were bouquets whose chalices were your falling tears

٩. كأنَّ اللآلي المشبهاتِ أزاهراً
فرائدها بعضَ الدموعِ السوافكِ

10. As if the tomb's darkness in its flashes
Were the thrills of the lovesick between one state and your state

١٠. كأنَّ ظلامَ القبرِ في لَمَعانِها
شعورُ الغواني بينَ حالٍ وحالكِ

11. As if your teeth in their pearls were an intention
Echoing in a pure, blessed heart

١١. كأنَّ سناكِ في دياجيهِ نيَّةٌ
تردَّدُ في قلبٍ طهورٍ مباركِ

12. As if I see those minarets as hands
Signaling to the cosmos that you are there

١٢. كأني أرى تلكَ المآذنَ أيدياً
تشيرُ إلى الأفلاكِ أنكِ هنالكِ

13. Marvels that preoccupied the preoccupied, and there was no preoccupied one
To rival it through those paths

١٣. بدائعُ نالتْ من يراعي ولم يكنْ
يراعٌ يباريهِ بتلكَ المسالكِ

14. And they brought majesty and piety upon my heart
So I became distinguished among people, and an ascetic

١٤. وكنَّ على قلبي الجلالةَ والتقى
فأصبحتُ منها بينَ ناسٍ وناسكِ

15. And my life became for the heart window lattices
So I let loose my steed galloping with the lattices

١٥. وصارتْ حياتي للفؤادِ سنابكٌ
فأطلق جوادي ينطلقُ بالسنابكِ