1. O you who reproach from on high
Look to the stars, do they look back?
١. يا أيها العائبُ من فوقهُ
انظرْ إلى النجم فهلْ ينظركْ
2. You've parched your pens, so strike with them
The rabble's hordes, perhaps they'll wet you
٢. اظمأتَ أقلامكَ فاضربْ بها
حوافلَ المزنِ عسى تمطرُكْ
3. You've brought us sweetness, so you think
To us it's been but vinegar and sugar
٣. وجئتنا بالحلو فيما ترى
فكانَ ملحاً عندنا سُكَّركْ
4. You've said your words are purest pearls
To us mere pebbles are your treasures
٤. وقلتَ لفظي جوهرٌ نيرٌ
وعندنا أنَّ الحصى جوهركْ
5. So say to those who fling their spears
Skyward - pause, just pause, lest you be scattered
٥. فقلْ لمن يقذفُ مشارهُ
في الجوِّ مهلاً ربما ينشركْ