
They hid him from my eyes, so my eyelids became sleepless,

حجبوه عن عيني فباتت صبة

1. They hid him from my eyes, so my eyelids became sleepless,
Lest they see his phantom image in dreams,

١. حجبوهُ عن عيني فباتتْ صبةٌ
كيلا ترى في النومِ طيفَ خيالهِ

2. And I remained; dreams torment me by repelling him,
And wakefulness afflicts me by humiliating me in his absence,

٢. وبقيتُ يعذلني المنامُ بصدِّهِ
ويسومني التبريحُ في إذلالهِ

3. Oh what pity for passion in what has afflicted me!
Until my eyelids grew weary of his torment.

٣. يا رحمتا للصبِّ فيما نابهُ
حتى كرى جفنيهِ من عذالِهِ