
Though they told you tales of it

أما حدثوك بأخبارها

1. Though they told you tales of it
And separation has descended in its abode

١. أما حدثوكَ بأخبارها
وقد نزلَ البينُ في دارِها

2. The nights of Ibn Qabis between the tents
Vying with the sky through its moons

٢. ليالي امرؤِ القبسِ بينَ الخيامِ
يباهي السماء بأقمارِها

3. Why then do you recall those abodes
And why do you weep to remember them

٣. فما لكَ تذكرُ تلكَ الديارْ
ومالكَ تبكي لتذكارِها

4. In the ribs are chaste hearts
And passion has clung to their vestiges

٤. وبينَ الضلوعِ قلوبٌ عفت
وضنَّ الغرامُ بآثارِها

5. Hearts we startled with them to tears
That the tears did not quench their fires

٥. قلوبٌ فزعنا بها للدموعِ
فما أطفأ الدمع من نارِها

6. The singing girls shake for them the tuneful lutes
When they whisper their secrets

٦. تهزُّ لها الغانياتُ القدودَ
إذا ما تناجت بأسرارها

7. May God tend those palaces
And adorn the sky with their lights

٧. ألا فرعى الله تلكَ القصور
وحلى السماءَ بأنوارها

8. Its neighbor spends the night yearning for it
Though it did not yearn for its neighbor

٨. يبيتُ يحنُّ لها جارها
وإن لم تحنَّ إلى جارها

9. Palaces whose days reveal
The coquetry of gardens in their prime

٩. قصورٌ تدلُّ بأيامها
دلال الرياضِ بآذارها

10. When dawn rises, intelligence awakens
Suns obscured by their veils

١٠. إذا طلع الصبحُ حيتْ ذكاءُ
شموساً توارتْ بأستارها

11. Due to the gentleness of their dwellers
They almost return greetings to their visitors

١١. تكادُ لرقةِ سكانها
تردُّ السلام لزوَّارِها

12. They taught them to captivate hearts
And cleave the breasts of their gazers

١٢. همُ علموها اجتذابَ القلوبِ
وشقَّ مرائرِ نظَّارها

13. The vicissitudes of fate have pardoned them
And clad them in their burdens

١٣. وقد سامحتها خطوبُ الزمانِ
وضنتْ عليها بأكدارها

14. Encircling their wrists like a bracelet
Are gardens perfected by their walls

١٤. ودارتْ بمعصمها كالسوار
رياضُ تسامتْ بأسوارها

15. Their rivers mimic the Milky Way
And their flowers narrate the stars

١٥. تحاكي المجرةُ أنهارها
وتحكي النجومُ بأزهارها

16. Winter clothed them in spring robes
And buttoned them with its pearls

١٦. كساها الشتاءُ ثيابَ الربيعِ
وزرت عليها بأزرارها

17. When the morning breeze rises in them
Their birds chant with their tongues

١٧. إذا اعتلَ فيها نسيمُ الصباح
ناحتْ بألسنِ أطيارها

18. And if shade seeks refuge in them
Their trees refuse it hospitality

١٨. وإن طلبَ الظلُّ فيها الهجيرَ
تأبتْ عليهِ بأشجارها

19. And if boon companions settle in them
They see their nights like their dawns

١٩. وإن حلَّ الندامى فيها رأوا
لياليها مثل أسحارها

20. The breeze strokes for them the treetops
And they spend the night lamenting their strings

٢٠. ودبَّ النسيمُ لعيدانهم
فباتت تنوحُ بأوتارها

21. And made them forget the temple and passion
And roused the singers with their poems

٢١. وأنستهمُ معبداً والغريضَ
وشدو القيانِ بأشعارها

22. And the people of separation and a beloved's memory
And spurred the riding-beasts with their reins

٢٢. وأهل البضيعِ وذكرى حبيبٍ
وشد المطيِّ بأكوارها

23. The sky watered them with what they crave
And was generous to them with its rain

٢٣. سقتها السماءُ بما تشتهي
وجادتْ عليها بأمطارها