
O stranger in the land, though

يا غريب الدار إن

1. O stranger in the land, though
Far from home the pearl is strange.

١. يا غريبَ الدَّارِ إنَّ
الدُّرَّ أعلاهُ غريبُهْ

2. If you've been gone for long,
The moon has missed its range.

٢. إن تكن غبتَ فإنَّ
البدرُ قد طالَ مغيبهْ

3. Pass your days, then turn back home,
Where your heart is healed and whole.

٣. فاطوِ أيامكَ وارجعْ
يبرئُ القلبَ طبيبهْ

4. All a man can claim of life
Is the love that fills his soul.

٤. إنما حظُّ الفتى من
هذهِ الدنيا حبيبهْ

5. Though fate's dealt so much to me,
My days with you were fair and bright.

٥. قد شطرنا الدهرَ لي ما
مرَّ ولكنت لكَ طيبهْ

6. What God has willed for each man,
He shall have, as is his right.

٦. ونصيبُ المرءِ مما
قدَّرَ اللهُ يُصيبهْ