1. I would sacrifice myself for you, visiting every year
Greeting with wellness and peace
١. فديتكَ زائراً في كلِّ عامٍ
تحيِّ بالسلامةِ والسلامِ
2. And kissing like pouring rain for a while
Leaving after it the trace of rain
٢. وتُقبِلُ كالغمامِ يفيضُ حيناً
ويبقَ بعدَهُ أثرُ الغَمامِ
3. And how many soft, yearning people among the people
Longing for you, and how many burning with passion
٣. وكم في الناسِ من دَنِفٍ مَشوقٍ
إليكَ وكمْ شجيِّ مُستهامِ
4. I signaled to him with the gazes of the nights
And time had given up on speaking
٤. رمزتُ لهُ بألحاظِ الليالي
وقد عيَّ الزمانُ عنِ الكلامِ
5. So he kept counting a day after a day
As they were used to in the days of sickness
٥. فظلَّ يعدُّ يوماً بعدَ يومٍ
كما اعتادوا لأيَّامِ السِّقامِ
6. And the night spread for him a shaded porch
On which the wings of darkness flutter
٦. ومدَّ لهُ رواقُ الليلِ ظِلاً
ترفُّ عليهِ أجنحَةُ الظلامِ
7. So he slept with his eyes full of slumber
To shake off the drowsiness of sleep
٧. فباتَ وملءَ عينيهِ منامٌ
لتنْفُضَ عنهُما كَسَلَ المَنامِ
8. And I have not seen before your love anyone
Who sufficed the lovers the agonies of passion
٨. ولم أرَ قبلَ حبَّكِ من حبيبٍ
كفى العُشاقَ لوعاتِ الغرامِ
9. If the worlds knew what we knew
They would incline to prayer and fasting
٩. فلو تدرِ العوالمُ ما درينا
لحنتْ للصلاةِ وللصيامِ
10. O my Islam, this is the best guest
When the generous man hosts the generous
١٠. بني الإسلامَ هذا خيرُ ضيفٍ
إذا غَشَيَ الكرِيمُ ذرى الكِرامِ
11. Bringing you together on the best manners
And uniting you on the greatest aspirations
١١. يلُمكمْ على خيرِ السجايا
ويجمعكُم على الهِمَمِ العِظامِ
12. So brace yourselves in it with determination
As Al-Kamil did with the swords
١٢. فشُدُّوا فيهِ أيديكُم بعزمٍ
كما شدَّ الكَمِيُّ على الحُسامِ
13. And stand during its sublime nights
For they were not too hard for staying up
١٣. وقوموا في لياليهِ الغوالي
فما عاجتْ عليكُم للمُقامِ
14. While a group are tempted by the nights
And they were not created for eternity
١٤. وكم نفرٍ تغرهمُ الليالي
وما خُلقوا ولا هيَ للدَوامِ
15. And leave the habit of fools
Those are the morals of mean people
١٥. وخلوا عادةَ السفهاءِ عنْكم
فتِلكَ عوائدُ القَومِ اللئامِ
16. They make the unlawful lawful when they want
And the lawful and unlawful had become clear
١٦. يُحلُّونَ الحَرَامَ إذا ما أرَادوا
وقد بَانَ الحلالُ منَ الحرامِ
17. Not all people are reasonable
When they count beasts among people
١٧. وما كلُّ الأنامِ ذوي عُقولٍ
إذا عدَّوا البَهائِمَ في الأَنامِ
18. And whoever was nursed by the breastfeeding of disobedience
The days of weaning had come to him
١٨. ومن روتْهُ مرضَعةُ المعاصي
فقد جاءَتهُ أيَّامُ الفِطامِ