
A car went astray after

وسيارة ضلت عن القصد بعدما

1. A car went astray after
Wings of darkness enshrouded them

١. وَسَيّارَةٍ ضَلَّت عَنِ القَصدِ بَعدَما
تُرادِفُهُم جُنحٌ مِنَ اللَيلِ مُظلِمُ

2. So listen to a voice while we are a gang
With a lad among us drunk and humming

٢. فَأَصغوا إِلى صَوتٍ وَنَحنَ عِصابَةٌ
وَفينا فَتىً مِن سُكرِهِ يَتَرَنَّمُ

3. A coffee shone on us from afar
As if its brightness is that of glowing embers

٣. أَضاءَت لَهُم مِنّا عَلى النَأيِ قَهوَةٌ
كَأَنَّ سَناها ضَوءُ نارٍ تَضَرَّمُ

4. When we felt it, they lit up the darkness
And if it was stirred, they went on and wore their headcloth

٤. إِذا ما حَسوناها أَضاءوا بِظُلمَةٍ
وَإِن قُرِعَت بِالمَزجِ ساروا وَعَمَّموا

5. I say to a group brought together by the cup
And a roisterer of passions humming

٥. أَقولُ لِرَكبٍ ضَمَّتِ الكَأسُ شَملَهُم
وَداعي صَباباتِ الهَوى يَتَرَنَّمُ

6. Take a share of bliss and pleasure
For all, however long the course, will crumble

٦. خُذوا بِنَصيبٍ مِن نَعيمٍ وَلَذَّةٍ
فَكُلٌّ وَإِن طالَ المَدى يَتَصَرَّمُ

7. And do not postpone the days of joy to tomorrow
For many a tomorrow comes with what you know not

٧. وَلا تُرجِ أَيّامَ السُرورِ إِلى غَدٍ
فَرُبَّ غَدٍ يَأتي بِما لَيسَ تَعلَمُ

8. The world nearly said to her son
Take my pleasures if only she could speak

٨. لَقَد كادَتِ الدُنيا تَقولُ لِاِبنِها
خُذوا لَذَّتي لَو أَنَّها تَتَكَلَّمُ

9. Verily, the best living is what
The turns of nights and events permit

٩. أَلا إِن أَهنى العيشِ ما سَمَحَت بِهِ
صُروفُ اللَيالي وَالحَوادِثُ نُوَّمُ