
The reckless reveler called to me urgently

دعا الأخطل الملهوف بالشر دعوة

1. The reckless reveler called to me urgently
Yet whose call could I heed when summoned thus?

١. دَعا الأَخطَلُ المَلهوفَ بِالشَرِّ دَعوَةً
فَأَيُّ مُجيبٍ كُنتُ لَمّا دَعانِيا

2. So with my presence I alleviated his plight
And with my tongue I stilled the gossips’ fuss

٢. فَفَرَّجَ عَنهُ مَشهَدَ القَومِ مَشهَدي
وَأَلسِنَةُ اللواشينَ عَنهُ لِسانِيا