1. When I glance at Layla from afar,
A glance that quenches the fire within my ribs and heart,
١. إِذا رُمتُ مِن لَيلى عَلى البُعدِ نَظرَةً
تُطَفّي جَوىً بَينَ الحَشا وَالأَضالِعِ
2. The women of the neighborhood say with greedy hopes,
"We wish to see Layla's beauty that perished due to greedy hopes."
٢. تَقولُ نِساءُ الحَيِّ تَطمَعُ أَن تَرى
مَحاسِنَ لَيلى مُت بِداءِ المَطامِعِ
3. How can you see Layla with an eye you use to see
Others when you have not purified it with tears?
٣. وَكَيفَ تَرى لَيلى بِعَينٍ تَرى بِها
سِواها وَما طَهَّرتَها بِالدامِعِ
4. And how can you find pleasure in talking to her when
The talk of others has flowed into your hearing?
٤. وَتَلتَذُّ مِنها بِالحَديثِ وَقَد جَرى
حَديثُ سِواها في خُروقِ المَسامِعِ
5. I glorify you, O Layla, from the eye. Rather,
I see you with a heart humble and yielded to you.
٥. أُجِلُّكِ يا لَيلى عَنِ العَينِ إِنَّما
أَراكِ بِقَلبٍ خاشِعٍ لكِ خاضِعِ