1. This anxiety has made me cease to eat,
And disrupted my sleep completely.
١. آبَ هَذا الهَمُّ فَاِكتَنَعا
وَأَتَرَّ النَومَ فَاِمتَنَعا
2. Sitting watching the stars, waiting for one to rise,
But when a planet appeared,
٢. جالِساً لِلنَجمِ أَرقُبُها
فَإِذا ما كَوكَبٌ طَلَعا
3. I can hardly see,
That it has set in the west.
٣. صارَ حَتّى أَنَّني لا أَرى
أَنَّهُ بِالغَورِ قَد وَقَعا
4. It has rained so much,
The ants have eaten their stored grains.
٤. وَلَها بِالماطرونَ إِذا
أَكَلَ النَملُ الَّذي جَمَعا
5. So old its dwellings are decaying,
It recalls a long gone sale.
٥. خُرفَةٌ حَتّى إِذا رَبَعَت
ذَكَرَت مِن جِلَّقٍ بيعا
6. In domes around Daskara,
Olive trees grow in abundance.
٦. في قِبابٍ حَولَ دَسكَرَةٍ بَينَها
الزَيتونُ قَد يَنَعا