
O women of the neighborhood, return to me

يا نساء الحي عدننيه

1. O women of the neighborhood, return to me
My tormentors have cut me off from you

١. يا نِساءَ الحَيِّ عُدنَنِيَه
حَجَبوا عَنّي مُعَذِّبِيَه

2. A face like the rising moon is his appearance
If he would give me poison for one hour

٢. رَشَأٌ كَالبَدرِ طَلعَتُهُ
لَو سَقاني سُمَّ ساعَتِيَه

3. I would not say that I was drunk, nor
Would I say that what I desire is my religion

٣. لَم أَقُل إِنّي سَكِرتُ وَلا
إِنَّ ما أَهواهُ مِلَّتِيَه

4. Who will save me from love of a moon
Who has filled my heart with fire?

٤. مَن مُجيري مِن هَوى قَمَرٍ
قَد مَلا ناراً حُشاشَتِيَه

5. He is my pilgrimage, he is my lesser pilgrimage
He is my religious duty, he is my tradition

٥. فَهوَ حَجّي وَهوَ مُعتَمَري
وَهوَ فَرضي وَهوَ سُنَّتِيَه

6. He is my religion, he is my hereafter
He is my hellfire, and he is my paradise

٦. وَهوَ ديني وَهوَ آخِرَتي
وَهَو ناري وَهوَ جَنَّتِيَه

7. My nation knows from my great passion
And my wounds are from my own limbs

٧. أَمَّتي مِن عَظمِ مَعرِفَتي
وَجِراحي مِن جَوارِحِيَه