1. And how much we left in Damascus and its land
Of grieving widows and childless mothers
١. وَكَم قَد تَرَكنا في دِمَشقَ وَأَرضَها
من أَشمَطَ موتورَ وَشَمطاءَ ثاكِلِ
2. And a young woman whose husband met his fate
From the spears, now one of the widows
٢. وَعانِيَةٌ صادَ الرِماح حَليلَها
فَاِضحَت تُعَدُّ اليَومَ إِحدى الأَرامِلِ
3. She weeps for a husband who left confused
Not to return till the Day of Reckoning
٣. تَبكي عَلى بَعلٍ لَها راحَ غاوِياً
فَلَيسَ إِلى يَومِ الحِسابِ بِقافِلِ
4. We are people whose spears when we strike
Spare none but fighters during the attack
٤. وَإِنّا أُناسٌ ما تُصيبُ رِماحُنا
إِذا ما طعنا القَومَ غَيرَ المَقاتِلِ