1. The means of communication between us and them
Are an affliction like the edge of a sharp sword that shreds the veins
١. وَسائِل بَني الماهاتِ عَنّا وَعَنهُم
بَلاءٌ كَحَدِّ اللُجِّ يَقتَطِعُ الوَتينا
2. They called our father theirs and claimed their father was ours
So they turned their backs covered in dust and filth
٢. دَعونا أَبانا وَاِدَّعوا بأَبيهم
فَوَلّوا خَزايا في الغُبارِ جَبينا
3. Then, o Lord of the tribe whom we had united before them
And whose neighborhood they had plundered before that for years
٣. فَيا رُبَّ جَمعٍ قَد فَلَلناهُ قَبلَهُم
وَنَهَب حَوينا قَبلَ ذاكَ سنينا
4. Even though we did not leave in it any remainder
The morning after they ambushed in the valley of Khord a group of us
٤. عَلى أَنَّنا لَم نُبقِ فيها بَقَيَّةٌ
غَداةَ هَوَوا في وادي خُردَ كَمينا