1. With ruins that circle endlessly,
Of marble, brick, and stone masonry,
١. عوجا بمغنى الطلل الدائرِ
بالخلدِ ذات الصخرِ والآجرِ
2. And marble attributed and lined
With a door of polished, shiny gold.
٢. والمرمرِ المنسوب يطلى به
والبابُ بابُ الذهبِ الناضرِ
3. Ruins where we were certain,
Of the power of the Able.
٣. عُوجا بها فاستيقنا عندها
على يقين قدرةِ القادرِ
4. And convey my words,
To the Master of all commands.
٤. وأبلغا عنى مقالاً إلى
المولى على المأمورِ والآمرِ
5. Say to him, O son of Abu Nasir,
Purify the lands of God, from the pure.
٥. قولا له يا ابن أبي الناصرِ
طهر بلادَ الله من طاهرِ
6. It did not suffice that he tore his viscera,
Slaughtering offerings as far as the butcher goes.
٦. لم يكفه أن حز أوداجهُ
ذبحَ الهدايا بمدى الجازر
7. Until he came pulling his own viscera,
In a riverbed, such is the wayfarer's reach.
٧. حتى أتى يسحب أوداجه
في شطنٍ هذا مدى السائر
8. Death has cooled upon his side,
So his gaze is broken, no longer seeing.
٨. قد برد الموتُ على جنبه
فطرفه منكسرُ الناظرِ