
I have wisdom and eloquence,

لي في الفصاحة حكمة وبيان

1. I have wisdom and eloquence,
And rhetoric unmatched by Luqman.

١. لي في الفصاحة حكمةٌ وبيانُ
وبلاغة لم يحوِها لقمانُ

2. How strange are the lexicons of his time,
While your lover made eras recognize him.

٢. ما الغرُّ مثلُ معاجم أيامهُ
ومحبَّك عرفت بهِ الأزمانُ

3. I have experienced the events of time, and time
Has tested me with a touchstone unmatched by epochs.

٣. مارستُ أحداث الزمان ومارست
مني محكاً لم يبِدِه قرانُ

4. How often did I know the matter before its occurrence!
Thus it happened, and so did minds comprehend.

٤. كم قد عرفتُ الأمر قبل وقوعه
فكذاك جاءَ وهكذا الأذهانُ

5. I still restrain the glance of every disappearing one,
Until hope appears on his horizon.

٥. مازلت أزجرُ طَرف كل مغَّيبٍ
حتى يلوحَ بوفقهِ العنوانُ

6. And I see on the pages of my addressee's face
What concealment had included for me.

٦. وأرى على صفحات وجه مخاطبي
ما قدْ تضمنَّه لي الكتمانُ

7. And the shining one let his heart's pen
Flow with what future times had not received from his sermons.

٧. والألمعيُّ جرى بمقلةِ قلبهِ
مالستقبلتهُ بخطبه الأحيانُ

8. And if the attire of my sermons lowers its garb,
It brings forth a dawn that cannot be seen.

٨. وإذا دياجي الخطْب أسدل ثوُبها
أطلعت فجراً منه ليس يرانُ

9. I have experienced from the wickedness of time and its vicissitudes
What no sultan has undergone the like of.

٩. جرّبت من ريب الزمان وصرفهِ
ما لم يجرب مثله سلطانُ

10. I have overturned the structures of sorrows and delved into
The sea of tribulations and perils—peril upon peril.

١٠. قلبت ناصبة الخطوب وخضت في
بحر التجارب والهجان هجانُ

11. And I have filled the crevasse of every hidden evil
Until the dawn of elucidation shone from its horizon.

١١. وعَمَرت صدعةَ كل شر مضمرٍ
حتى أضاء بأفقهِ التّبيانُ

12. Attributes I have been exclusively endowed with since my prime
By an Able One from whom no place is devoid.

١٢. شيَم خُصصتُ بهنّ مُذ أنا يافع
من قادرٍ لم يخلُ منهُ مكانُ

13. Thus, when I compose poetry, I am no Zuhayr or Tarafa,
And when I speak, I am no youthful Suhban.

١٣. فإذا قرضت فما زهير وطرفة
وإذا نطقت فما الفتى سحبانُ

14. And flowing prose has coursed upon my tongue
Like the running of a beloved prey chased by hunting companions.

١٤. ولقد جرَين على لساني وُثَّباً
جري الأتيّ رمت به الأقرانُ

15. And the mind is the pinnacle of virtue without participation,
And through it, by your life, the Merciful is known.

١٥. والعقلُ رأس الفضل غيرُ مشارك
وبه لعمرك يُعرف الرحمانُ

16. Do not envy, my oblivious brother, an ignorant man his loftiness,
For the mind suffices you—not the body.

١٦. لا تحسُدنَّ أخا البلادة عظمةً
فالعقلُ يغني عنكَ لا الجثمانُ

17. And the mind is the husband of life, and from the two of them
Beauty is brought forth, and faith is born.

١٧. والعقلُ بَعل للحياةِ ومنهما
نُتجَ الجمال ووُلد الإيمانُ

18. And oftentimes, one's bashfulness prevents him
From that which man intends to do.

١٨. ولطالما منعَ الكريمَ حياؤهُ
عَّما يرومُ بفعله الإنسانُ

19. So guard your bashfulness—do not waste its waters—
For one who sheds its waters is lost.

١٩. فاحفظ حياءك لا تبّددْ ماءَهُ
إنَّ المريقَ لمائه خَسرانُ

20. A man abased when fortune favors his brothers
Is abject, disgraced, and lowly.

٢٠. ذلَّ امرءُ غبط الذليل بنعمةٍ
أخواه فيها ذلة وهوانُ

21. Do not envy save a courageous hero
Whose might fierce warriors have surrendered to.

٢١. لا تغبطنَّ سوى شجاعٍ باسل
خضعتْ لشدَّةِ بأسه الشجعانُ

22. Or a benefactor who has sown the winds his gifts
While having the blame of the fickle and deviant.

٢٢. أو مُنعِمٍ بارى الرياحَ مواهباً
ولديه ذُمَّ العارض الهَّتانُ

23. There is no praise except for a man of great integrity
Who gives possessions while honor is protected from him.

٢٣. لا حمْدَ إلا لامرئ متطولٍ
بذلَ اللُّها والعرضُ منه مصانُ

24. And when days oppress a noble man,
His brothers reject him like an alien rejects his brothers.

٢٤. وإذا الكريمُ كبت به أيامه
رفضته رفضَ الاجرب الإِخوانُ

25. And people are assistants to the strong one by himself,
And are his supporters if he falls.

٢٥. والناس اعوان القويّ لذاته
وهمُ عليه إذا هوى اعوانُ

26. And one who wears the garment of blame—
If he owned the world's scale, it would not weigh in his favor for praise.

٢٦. والمرتدي بالَّلومِ لم يرجح له
في الحمد لو ملك الورى ميزانُ

27. Do not gloat at the misery of a people overcome
By the vicissitudes of misery—for as you judge, you will be judged.

٢٧. لا تشمتنَّ رديَّ قومٍ غالهم
صرف الردى وكما تدينُ تدانُ

28. Do not be fooled by the humility of the crafty one,
For his humility is a clever trick.

٢٨. لا يخدعنك للعذول خضوعُه
فخضوعه لمكيدةٍ برهانُ

29. If the hand of fate empowered him over you a moment,
He would reject the stirrup of kindness if it returned to you.

٢٩. لو أظفرته يد المقادر لمحةً
بكَ لو يردَّ مراسه الإحسانُ

30. And accept the apology if a friend apologizes for a slip—
For to accept the excuse of a brother is faith.

٣٠. واعذُر إذا اعتذر الصديقُ لزلةٍ
فقبول عذرِ أخي الوَفا إيمانُ

31. And fold your wing humbly for the commoners,
So the Compeller aids you by His gentleness.

٣١. واخفِضْ جناحكَ للرَّعية لاطفاً
بهمْ يعنكَ بلطفه الدَّيانُ

32. And pelt the tyrants with a barrage of deafness
From which their eyes will find no relief from it.

٣٢. وارمِ الطغاةَ بدردبيسٍ صَّمةٍ
لم يلقَ منها عن أولاك عيانُ

33. One who is not helped by his wings
Cannot recoil—one who is not faced by cowards is no coward.

٣٣. ما قادرٌ من لم يعنه جنانه
ما ناكص من لم يجبه جبانُ

34. And attack the enemy—a people have not been attacked in their homes
And pillars of might stood up for their honor.

٣٤. واغزُ العدوَّ فما غُزي في دارهم
قومٌ فقامَ لعزِّهم أركانُ

35. And when a warrior does not attack his foe one day,
He will be attacked, his courtyard destroyed, and disgraced.

٣٥. وإذا الفتى لم يغزُ يوماً خصمه
يُغزى ويهدم حوضُه ويهانُ

36. You do not gain your right with jest—rather
The serious gain their right from the critic.

٣٦. لم تحوِ حقَّكَ بالمزاحِ فإنما
بالجَدِّ يحوي حقه الطعَّانُ

37. And when the two armies draw near, do not be
Dazed so the blaze of Hellfire stuns you.

٣٧. وإذا تدانى الجحفلان فلا تكن
دَهشاً يرتعُك للسَّعير دخانُ

38. And when you strike, bite with the bite of a biter
So the sword will be loyal to you while it is a coward.

٣٨. وإذا ضربت فعضَّ عضَّةَ كادمٍ
ليفي عليك السيف وهو جبانُ

39. And when you stab, throw yourself in the moment
Until its stabbing excites the horses.

٣٩. وإذا طعنتَ فألقِ نفسكَ عندها
حتى يثورَ بطعنها الخُرصانُ

40. And when the two forces approach, do not step
A foot, or else the steeds will step like you.

٤٠. وإذا تقاربتِ الكماة فلا تخمْ
قدَماً فيقدم مثله الأقرانُ

41. For the one who meets you as a horseman
Or a rider with the spear—and spear to spear!

٤١. إن الذي يلقاك مثلك فارساً
أو راحلاً ومعَ السَّنان سنانُ

42. Shake your sword before drawing it
From the scabbard, so the swordsman is alert.

٤٢. قَلْقِلْ حسامك قبل أن تستلَّهُ
في الغمد كي يتنبَّهَ الوسنانُ

43. And glance with your eyes after you shoot
The furthest battalions—for the shooter is aiming.

٤٣. واغضضْ بطرفك بعدما ترمي به
أقصى الكتيبةَ فالكميُّ معان

44. And strike the neck if you are able
For the neck cannot sustain bodies.

٤٤. واضْربْ إذا أمكنت هَبراً راسيا
فالهَبر لا تثبت له الأبدان

45. And stab with penetrating flechettes if you wish
For flechettes are more successful when a stabber stabs.

٤٥. واطعن إذا ما شئت شَزراً نافذاً
فالشَّزر أنجح إِذ يعدُّ طعانُ

46. Then curb your armies if they dispute
A matter, so their affair will fail and they will be disgraced.

٤٦. واكفُف جيوشك ثم إن يتنازعوا
أمْراً فيذهب أمرهم ويهانوا

47. And if they mute their voices in the fray,
They will not fail—thus did the Qur’an come.

٤٧. وإذا أماتوا في الوغى أصواتهم
لم يفشلوا وبذا أتى القرآنُ

48. And know that victory is brought by Him
To whom the whales prostrated in their swelling seas.

٤٨. واعلم بأنَّ النصر يبعثه الذي
سجدت له في لجّها الحيتانُ

49. O you who wades into the deep waters, act upon what
I have said, so the horsemen will submit to you.

٤٩. يا خائضَ الغمَرات اعمل بالذي
قد قلته تخضعْ لك الفرسانُ

50. I am the son of Nabhan the son of Kaykarib the son of the one
Who ruled the people and who has favor.

٥٠. وأنا ابن نبهان بن كيكرب بن َمن
راش الأنامَ ومن له الإِحسانُ

51. I have suppressed al-Wa'iqa while she was a sullen virgin,
And I have built the highest rank’s staircase—and war is wanton.

٥١. أغشى الوقيعة وهي بكر عابس
واعلُّ والحرب الزَّبون عَوانُ

52. And I left the stalwart lions, thrown about,
Prey for the vultures’ necks to pick at.

٥٢. ومدجَّج شهمِ الجنان تركتُه
ملقىً تنازع شلوه العِقبانُ

53. And I have defeated cavaliers of resolute hearts,
So it was as if their flight were the darkness of night.

٥٣. وفوارس ثُبتِ القلوب هزمتها
فكأنها بفرارِها الظلمانُ

54. And gifts that remove worries—I have granted them—
For none can say "So-and-so was generous" but me.

٥٤. ومواهبٍ تجْلي الهُمومَ وهبَتهُا
إذْ لا يُقال سِوايَ جادَ فُلانُ

55. From a people who lowered the shoulders they are attained by
The plots of disgrace which their father Qahtan knew.

٥٥. من مَعْشَر سُدلِ الاكفّ تنالهم
خِططَ الفَخار أبوهم قَحْطانُ

56. The steeds have taken freely to praising our knowledge
That praise belongs only to our horses and their price.

٥٦. نَهَب الجِيادَ على الثَّناءِ لِعِلمِنا
أنَّ الثَّناءَ لخيلنا اثمانُ

57. Other than us, whom has abundant honor that wields power altered?
Or who possesses crowns and tiaras?

٥٧. مَنْ ذالهَ العزُّ المُؤثَّل غَيرنا
أمْ مَنْ لَه الأتخات والتيجان

58. For us are the kingdoms, positions, and ascendancy,
And preeminence—Adnan knew our merit.

٥٨. فَلنَا المَمالك والمراتِب والعُلى
والفَضل قدْ عَلمتْ بنا عدنان

59. Honor we inherited—victorious for glory—
And Nabhan built for us the staircase to ascendancy.

٥٩. كرماً ارثنا للفخارِ مظفَّرٌ
وبنى لنا درج العلى نبهانُ

60. And the crowned one singled us out, O people of Hamir,
Apart from kings, and his son Kahlân.

٦٠. واخصنا ذو التاج حمير تاجَه
دون الملوك ونجلُه كهلانُ