1. The flag, O one with allure and charm
Mistress of necklaces and one with smooth skin
١. رَايةُ يا ذاتَ الخبا والهَودَج
ورَبةَ الطَّوقِ وذاتَ الدُّملجِ
2. And grace and connected forehead, snow-white
With beautiful, well-shaped eyebrows
٢. والدَّلِّ والصَّلتِ الجبينِ الأبلجِ
والحاجبِ المستحسنِ المُزَّججِ
3. And cheek and kohl-lined eyes, most alluring
Does a glimpse go to a fervent lover
٣. والخدِّ والطّرف الكحيل الأدعجِ
هَلْ نظرةٌ لعاِشقٍ مُهَّيجِ
4. A wailing woman, far from family, lost
Who did not heed the rule of passion or its way out
٤. نآءٍ عَنِ الأهلِ بعيدِ المَنْهجٍ
لم يَرعنْ حُكم الهوى منَ مخرجِ
5. Why not recall our pact in intimacy
While we were between modesty and virtue
٥. هلاَّ ذكرتِ عَهدنا بمنْعجِ
ونحن ما بينَ الغَضَا والعرفجِ
6. In easy living and continual comfort
We did not care for a fervent chider
٦. في خفضِ عيشٍ ونعيمٍ سجسج
لم نحتِفل لعاذلٍ مُهّيِجِ
7. Indeed, you have unsheathed the sword of an eyelid, most adorned
Against aspirations, most eminent and crowned
٧. لقد سللتِ سيفَ جفنٍ أدْعج
عَلى هُمامٍ أروعٍ مُتَوَّجِ
8. Aiding a forsaken one, and refuge for a seeker
Traversing the deserts with sturdy she-camels
٨. نُصرةُ مخذولٍ ومَلجا مُلتَجي
يطوي القفارَ بالنَّياقِ العُسَّجِ
9. Yearning, brilliant, white she-camels
That he may see you, O allure of charm
٩. الشَّذَّنيات النَّواجي الوَّسجِ
لكي يَراك يا مهاة الهَودَجِ
10. I asked the Throne that never falters
To relieve all distress that did not get relieved
١٠. سألت ذَا العرش الذي لْم يُحرج
فارج كلّ كُربةٍ لْم تفُرجِ
11. To convey to me in passion what I wish
From the kiss of Raiya’s reddened cheek
١١. أن يُبلّغني في الهَوى ما أرَتجي
من َلثمِ خدّ رايةَ المُضرَّجِ
12. And sip of the darkness of her parted lips
But, by the Lord, how far the path I have not taken
١٢. ورشَفِ ظَلمِ ثَغرِها المُفَّلجِ
بَل ربَّ دَوَ سبْسَبٍ لم ينهج
13. I skipped past her on a quick she-camel, elegant
A brilliant star, shining like unripe dates
١٣. جاوزتُها بعَيْسَجورٍ نيزَج
ناجيةٍ تَملعُ مَلْعَ الأهوجِ
14. As if my camel were amidst anchored ships
Or a heated cooking pot, firing hot
١٤. كأنَّ رحلي في ذُرى سَفنَّجِ
أو مِسحلٍ عَبلِ الشَّوى مُشحَّجِ
15. It gallops powerfully like a strong-legged she-camel
When will it ever journey with haste
١٥. يَبرى انْصلاتاً ِلأتانٍ سَمحجِ
أمَّ مَتى تمعجُ سَيراً يمعّجِ
16. To a friendly, welcoming, fully loaded encampment
Valiant heroes, courageous and brilliant
١٦. وَضَيْعمٍ مُستلئِمٍ مُدَّجج
شَهمِ جَنانٍ شمرْيٍ أبلجِ
17. I have rallied them with the edge of a curved sword
How it split the skull of a ferocious roaring lion
١٧. عمَّمتُهُ بِحدّ سيفٍ أعْوَجِ
كم شقَّ من هامةٍ ليثٍ مرهجٍ