
Alas! O day of al-Hubyal,

ألا ليت صولة يوم الحبيل

1. Alas! O day of al-Hubyal,
When death bared its fangs,

١. ألا ليْتَ صَولةَ يومِ الحُبيلِ
وقد كشَر الموتُ عن نابهِ

2. And war cried out to the banners,
And tumult called to its people,

٢. وَقد صاحت الحربُ بالمُعلمين
ونادى الهَياجُ بأصحابِه

3. When the sea surged with horses frothing,
Throwing riders with their mounts.

٣. وقد جَاش بالخيل بحرٌ يموجُ
فيرمي القُرُومَ بعَبَّابِه

4. Those who would flee have fled
From its fires, all exposed in their shame.

٤. وَقد فرَّ عن نارها المائقونَ
وكلٌ تكشَّف عن عابِه

5. They see me though spears are leveled,
Each hinted by his nickname.

٥. يُشاهدُني والقنا شُرَّعٌ
وكلٌّ يكنَّى باْلقابِه

6. No cowardly lion in his den,
Warding off troops from his lair,

٦. فَما ليثُ عِرّيسةٍ خادرٌ
يصُدُّ الكَتيبةَ عن غابِه

7. Snoring, roaring, inciting the blacks,
His forepaws and fangs prepared.

٧. هزبرٌ همُوسٌ نجيعُ الأسودِ
عَلى لُبدَتيهِ وأنيابِه

8. Braver than I on the morn of Hubyal,
When fright dressed itself in gowns.

٨. بأشجَعَ مني غَداةَ الحُبيلِ
إذا الروّعُ سُرّي بجِلبابِه

9. With my sword I repelled the violent assailants,
In their tracks and on their heels.

٩. رَددتُ بسيفي خَميسَ الكُماة
على أثريِه وَأعقابِه

10. And what delighted me in the encounter
Was the flight of the king and his noblemen.

١٠. وممَّا شفاني عندَ اللّقاءِ
فَرارُ المليكِ وأنسابِه

11. I pressed them again and again, and soon
Death is not painful for its victim.

١١. كررْتُ عليهمْ فلْم يلبثوا
ومَا الموتُ عذبٌ لِشرَّابِه

12. As if they were a flock of birds
Frightened of the barking of dogs.

١٢. كأنَّهم دَرْدَق مُرتهنٌّ
تَوجَّسَ نَبأةَ كلاَّبِه

13. I grasped the tallest of them in the tumult
So stick to your weapon, lad!

١٣. تناوَلت عكلَّيُهمْ في الهياج
فَالثق سَلحاً بأثوبه

14. Like the kite with the fox in its claws
That she gripped in her talons.

١٤. كفَرخِ الحُباري بذي هبوةٍ
توَّخاهُ بازٍ بمخلابِه

15. He fell to grief in surrender,
Shielding his soul in rags.

١٥. فخَرَّ على الحَزنِ مُستسلماً
يقي الرُّوحَ ذلاً بأسلابِه

16. And so Quda'i remained under the dust,
As his family poured out their laments-

١٦. فَظلَّ القُضاعيُّ تحت العجاجِ
وللنَّجع نضحٌ بأقرابِه

17. The women crying and wailing for him,
Scratching their cheeks in grief.

١٧. تطيلُ النساءُ عليه العَويلَ
ويَصرخن ثُكلاً بتَندابه

18. I sacrificed him to the wolves of Murit,
And none could ransom him with treasure.

١٨. سخَوتُ بِه لذئاب المروِت
وَلم يكُ قدماً ليسُخَي بِه

19. I bought glory at the price of myself,
And praise belongs to its seeker.

١٩. شريتُ بنفسي ثنَا الجَحْفلين
ولَلْحَمْدُ خير لِطُلاَّبهِ

20. And he who contends with me in glory,
With the fires of war and their heat,

٢٠. وَمنْ يكُ مثلي كذا يَصطلي
بِنار الوَطيسَ وتلهابِه

21. Then I, by God on High, am worthier of it
So spare yourself what you hoped for.

٢١. فَيا من يُجاذبُني في الفخار
فأني وذي العرش أولى بِه

22. Leave the Glorious One to His riders,
Who kindles war after tranquility,

٢٢. أرِحْ ويْك نفسَك مما رجوت
وخلِّ العظيمَ لرَكَّابِه

23. And who makes the horses race madly
To the praiser's gate for his odes,

٢٣. لِمن يُسعرُ الحربَ بعد الخُمود
ويدخل لليثِ في غابِه

24. The food of riders with narcissus wine
And pure drink in goblets,

٢٤. وَمن يهَبُ الخيلَ مجنوبةً
لهادي المديح لأبوابِه

25. Who protects the innocent from harm
When fright wraps itself in gowns,

٢٥. وَقودِ الرَّكابِ معَ البهكنات
ومحض النُّضار بأكوابه

26. Who lays bare the sea's depths like
Clouds shedding their rain in torrents,

٢٦. وَمن يمنعُ البيض ممَّا يسوءُ
إذا الرَّوُع ألوى بِهيّابِه

27. Who waters with sword and reddened blade,
As generosity is his nature.

٢٧. وَمنْ يفضحُ البحرَ عِلماً كَما
يسوءُ الغمامَ بتسْكابه

28. Ask the people, each will guide you to me,
So you may know the true from the false.

٢٨. ومن يُروِ بالسَّيف والسمْهريِّ
وذلك والجُودُ من دابِه