1. Time was excessive, so why not be moderate?
What fault was it if healing the echo’s wound?
١. أسْرَف الدّهْرُ فَهَلا قَصَدا
ما عليهِ لوْ شَفَى بَرْحَ الصّدَى
2. My day passes like my vain yesterday
Knocking forever on a closed door
٢. يَنْقَضي يَومي كأَمسي خيبةً
أبَداً أقْرَع بَاباً مُوصَدا
3. My cup is long for the trusts that were broken
And the toil of a barren palm trunk
٣. طالَ قَدْحي لأمَانٍ أُخلِفَتْ
وَعَناءٌ قَدْحُ زَنْدٍ صَلَدا
4. Alas, the prophecy since you blocked
Did not last being a hypocrite till it was blocked
٤. آهِ مِنها نبوةً مذ سَدِكتْ
لمْ تُلبِّثْ نافِقاً أن كَسَدا
5. The return of my states, opposing their beginning
Would that I know what was, besides what appeared
٥. عَوْدُ حَالاتي مُنافٍ بدْءَهَا
ليتَ شِعري ما عَدا عَما بَدا
6. Eternally I carry worries that approached me
And in my worries, harm upon harm compacted
٦. سَرْمَداً أَحمِل خَطْباً آدَنِي
وَبِخَطبِي الإِدُّ فيهِ سَمَدا
7. How many times I wished for misery in a living
That became for it the ribs of misery
٧. كَمْ تَمَنيتُ الرّدَى في عِيشَةٍ
ضَرِباً صَارَ لَها صُلب الرّدى
8. I do not want a lifetime I spend
When rare in it what sets up affections
٨. لا أَوَدّ العُمْرَ أَلْقاهُ إذا
عزّ فيه ما يُقيمُ الأَوَدا
9. Enough is Allah for diverse sins
That an account does not count, never
٩. حَسْبِيَ اللّهُ لِشَتّى نُوَبٍ
لَيْسَ يُحْصيها حِسابٌ أَبَدا
10. I took off patience amidst it
Excess effort and wore perseverance
١٠. قَدْ خَلَعْتُ الصّبْرَ في أثْنائِها
فَرْطَ جَهْدٍ ولَبِست الكَمَدا
11. This is some of what strains my liver
Seething and smashing liver
١١. هَذِهِ مِمّا أُعاني كَبَدي
تَتَلَظّى وَتَشَظّى كَبَدَا
12. I am a sea neighbour, but I have
From it at the time of influx, the brine
١٢. أنَا جَارُ البَحْرِ إلا أنّ لي
مِنْهُ في حالِ الوُرودِ الثَّمَدا
13. And based on that, O self, so do not
Despair, with today comes tomorrow
١٣. وعَلى ذلِكَ يا نَفْسُ فَلا
تَيْأَسي إنّ مَعَ اليَوم غَدا
14. For Al-Murtada from what passed
A successor that gives you a plentiful living
١٤. لِلإمَامِ المُرْتَضَى مِما مَضى
خَلَفٌ يُولِيكَ عَيْشاً رَغَدا
15. And when you return to pleading to Him
You find return to Him best
١٥. وَمَتى عُدْتَ إِلى اسْتِعْطافِهِ
تَجِدِ العَوْدَ إِلَيْهِ أَحْمَدا
16. A king close to his blockade
One gains the height and durability
١٦. مَلِكٌ بالقُرْبِ مِن سُدّتِه
يُحرزُ المَرْءُ العُلى والسؤْدَدا
17. Just as he gained from his fathers
The righteous caliphs and guidance
١٧. مِثْلَمَا أحْرَزَعَنْ آبَائِهِ
الأمَراء الراشِدينَ الرُّشَدا
18. He divided time for formidable justice
And length between might and bounty
١٨. قَسَم الدّهْرَ لِصَوْلٍ يُتّقَى
ولِطَوْلٍ بينَ بَأسٍ وَنَدَى
19. Why would not his hands care for us
When he is the highest of people, of eye and hand
١٩. كَيِفَ لا تُعْنَى أياديهِ بِنَا
وَهوَ أعْلَى النّاسِ عَيْناً ويَدا
20. Indeed, Yahya’s state is a mercy
For creation, and life for guidance
٢٠. إنَّما دَوْلةُ يَحْيَى رَحْمَةٌ
للبَرايا وَحَياةٌ لِلْهُدَى
21. It blocked what misguidance dispersed, his rule
So contemplate! Do you see a thing misguided?
٢١. سَدَّ مَا هَدَّ الشأَى سلْطانُهُ
فَتَأمّلْ هلْ ترَى شَيئاً سُدى
22. Or did it not settle what was chaotic
Or did it not fix what was corrupt?
٢٢. أوَ لَمْ يَسكُنْ بِهِ ما شَرَدَا
أوَ لَمْ يَصْلُحْ بِهِ ما فَسَدا
23. It spread the call when it waned
And established truth when it settled
٢٣. نشر الدّعوة لمّا هَمَدتْ
وأقامَ الحَقّ لَمّا قَعَدَا
24. Clear signs in it, signs of the Sublime
At ease, good omen, and tomorrow went
٢٤. بَيّناتٌ فِيهِ آيَاتُ العُلَى
رَاحَ مُرْتاحاً لِحُسنَى وَغَدا
25. An enemy in its valuables, and enough
That enemies acknowledged its virtues
٢٥. مِنْ عَدِيٍّ في ذُرَاها وكَفَى
أن أقرّت بمَزَاياها العِدى
26. He paved the path so willingly
Every obstinate threw in his hands
٢٦. عَبّد النَّهْجَ فَأَلْقَى طَيّعاً
بِيَدَيْهِ كُلُّ طَاغٍ عَنَدا
27. Conduct that made the states of the world
When religion was mighty in it, most devout
٢٧. سِيَرٌ صَيَّرنَ أَملاكَ الدنى
حينَ عَزّ الدّين فيها أعبُدا
28. Below him, their bureaucracy presents them
Exporting or importing
٢٨. دُونَهُ يَعْرضُهُم ديوانُهُم
مُصْدِراً يَعْتامُهُ أو مُورِدا
29. Why then did they revere Al-Mu’tasim
And why did they prefer Al-Mu’tadid?
٢٩. فَلِماذا عَظَّموا مُعْتَصِماً
وَبماذَا فضّلوا مُعتَضِدا
30. He clarified the difference with the one whose affair
Raised the height competing even with the Pleiades
٣٠. أوْضَحَ الفَرْقَ بهِ مَن شَأوه
شَادَ عَليْاء تُناصي الفَرْقَدا
31. They missed knowledge unto wisdom and who
United diversities was the solitary
٣١. فَاتَهُمْ عِلْماً إلى حِلْم وَمَنْ
جَمَعَ الأشْتَاتَ كانَ المُفْرَدا
32. The nomads take what they hear
Of tones the lonely turned away from
٣٢. تَقْتَفِي الأعْرابُ مَا يُسمعُه
مِن قَوافٍ سِرْن عَنهُ شُرّدا
33. And he has favour over its states
A semblance they portrayed, and he portrayed Al-‘Asjad
٣٣. وَلَهُ الفَضْلُ عَلى أمْلاكِهَا
شَبَهاً صاغوا وصاغَ العَسْجَدا
34. No one but him, victory and support, when
A star beamed in the horizons
٣٤. لا عَداهُ النَصر والتّأييدُ ما
غَارَ في الآفاقِ نجْمٌ وَبَدا