1. The sincere judge has decreed your perfect rule,
That you possess the world and inherit satisfaction.
١. قَضَى صادِقُ الآثارِ في أمْرِكَ الأَرضَى
بِأنْ تَمْلِكَ الدُّنْيَا وأَنْ تَرِثَ الأَرْضَا
2. He made the water and soil flow to your happiness,
So you have before you an open or closed expanse.
٢. وأَجْرَى إِلى إسْعَادِكَ الماءَ والثَّرَى
فَدُونَكَ بَسْطاً لِلْبَسِيطَيْنِ أَوْ قَبْضَا
3. Good fortune and the army fight for you,
And the effort and sharp sword of your enemies will not cease,
٣. يُجَالِدُ عَنْكَ السَّعْدُ والجَيْشُ وَادِعٌ
ويُنْضِي عِداك الجُهْدُ والسَّيْفُ لا يُنْضَى
4. And empowerment continues to open what is near,
And height and breadth shoot tents for you.
٤. وَما يَفْتَأُ التَّمْكينُ يفتَحُ ما دَنَا
وَما شَطَّ جَوَّاباً لكَ الطُّول والعَرْضا
5. It is as if the horizons have made a donation for you,
So part fulfills the loyalty after part.
٥. كأَنَّ علَى الآفَاقِ نَذْراً بِوَقْفِهَا
عَلَيْكَ فَبَعْضٌ في الوَفَاءِ تَلا بَعْضا
6. Africa obeyed you, so you were enough
For the rebels who collaborated for its destruction.
٦. أَطاعَتْكَ إفْرِيقِيَّة فَكَفَيْتهَا
عُصاةً علَى إتْلافِهَا ائْتَلَفوا هُضَّا
7. It had been thickets with enmity, but you made it,
Gardens, which the light permeates its density,
٧. وَكانَتْ غِيَاضاً بِالعِدَى فَأَعَدْتها
رِياضاً يَرِفُّ النَّوْرُ أثْنَاءَهَا غَضَّا
8. And when you responded to Nasiriyya as a supporter
You sped to its open deserts sprinting.
٨. ولَمَّا أَجَبْت النَّاصِرِيَّةَ نَاصِراً
وجُبْتَ إلَى البَطْحَاءِ بَيْدَاءَها رَكْضَا
9. Tlemcen called you, so you responded to its voice,
A granter of amnesty, while the fang of injustice widened it forcefully,
٩. دَعَتْكَ تِلِمْسَانٌ فَلَبَّيْتَ صَوْتَهَا
مُجِيراً ونابُ الجَوْرِ يُوسِعُهَا عَضَّا
10. And you cloaked it, while obedient,
With your blessings, not with a coat or a ripped garment,
١٠. وَأَلْحَفْتهَا نُعْمَاكَ وَهْيَ مُطِيعَةٌ
رِدَاءً قَشِيبَا لا دَريساً وَلا رَحْضَا
11. So when it slipped into betrayal, filling up its rein,
And ruin and acceptance flowed into its corners,
١١. فَحِينَ جَرَتْ في النَّكْثِ مِلْءَ عِنَانِها
وجَرَّتْ إلى أرْجَائِهَا الضُّرَّ والرَّضَّا
12. You rose over it, filling the breadth of authority,
Like battalions of defenders and satisfiers
١٢. طَلَعْتَ عَلَيْهَا مالِئاً سَعَةَ المَلا
كَتَائِبَ ما أَضْرَى حُمَاةً وَما أرْضَى
13. And you lead to it every hero general
To raid its depths and unblock its passes.
١٣. وَقُدْتَ إلَيْهَا كُلَّ ألْيَسَ قائِدٍ
لأَعْلاقِهَا حَوْزاً وأَغْلاقِها فَضَّا
14. And the day does not announce your conquests,
How so when their land complains of rending?
١٤. ولَيْسَ يُسرِّي عَن فُتُوحِكَ يَوْمُهَا
وأنَّى وهَذِي أرْضُهُم تَشْتَكِي الأَرْضا
15. You uncovered its protector able, and protected him
So you left the love of betrayal in his chest with hatred
١٥. أبَحْتَ حِماها قادِراً وحَمَيْتَه
فَغَادَرْتَ حُبَّ الغَدْرِ في صَدْرِها بُغْضا
16. And you left the army of terror in its sister lands
To disturb the beds dismantled.
١٦. وخَلَّفْتَ جَيْشَ الرُّعْبِ في أَخَوَاتِهَا
يُقِضُّ عَلَيْهِنَّ المَضاجِعَ مُنْقَضَّا
17. So the regions did not settle since it quaked with it,
Nor did sights sleep since tears moistened it.
١٧. فَلَمْ تَسْكُنِ الأَقْطَارُ مُذْ رَجَفَتْ بِهِ
ولم تَهْجَعِ الأبْصار مُذْ بَزَّها الغَمْضَا
18. You penetrated it, so its governors feared you
With their obedience, repelling separation and dispersal
١٨. تَوَغَّلْتَ فيها فاتَّقَتْكَ وُلاتُها
بِطَاعَتِهَا تَسْتَدْفِعُ الهَدَّ والهَضَّا
19. And it did not rise up against you for reconciliation and consent,
No matter how grave the crime, but it rose submissively.
١٩. وَما اسْتَنْهَضَتْ عَلْياكَ لِلصَّفْحِ والرِّضَى
وَإنْ عَظُمَ الإِجْرام إِلا وَفَتْ نَهْضَا
20. Thus is the Hafsid class, if they are capable they pardon
So neither alarm exhausts nor excuse draws out.
٢٠. كَذا المَلأُ الحَفْصِيُّ إنْ قَدِرُوا عَفَوْا
فلا ذُعْرَ يَسْتَقصِي ولا عُذْرَ يُسْتَقْضَى
21. Ibn Khalas was saved by his loyalty even if he inclined
Against it, no bonus gathered and no bonus distributed,
٢١. نَجَا ابْنُ خَلاصٍ بِالخُلوصِ وَلَوْ ثَوَى
عَلَى ضِدِّهِ لا نفلّ جَمْعاً ولا نفضّا
22. And woe to the multitude from the people of Ceuta
For the pledge of satisfaction they saw as duty!
٢٢. وَحَيْهَلا بالجُمْهورِ مِنْ أهلِ سَبْتَةٍ
لِبَيْعَةِ رِضْوَانٍ رَأَوْا عَقْدَهَا فَرْضَا
23. Caprice diverted them therein, so they missed
Their position of elevation and livelihood of debasement,
٢٣. تَوَلَّتْهُمُ فيها السُّعودُ فأَحْرَزوا
مَكَانَهُم رَفْعاً وعَيْشَهُمُ خَفْضا
24. And without your victory, what bent
Their resisting party and reinforced their cheek swelling?
٢٤. وَطالَعَهُم مِنْ غَيْرِ نَصْرِك ما ثَنَى
مُقَاوِيَهُمْ شَحْنَا وَمُقْوِيهُمْ بَضَّا
25. And before Andalus entreated you, it did not
Find your generous outpouring, neither rain nor vegetation,
٢٥. وَمِنْ قَبْل ما اسْتَسقَتْكَ أنْدَلُسٌ فَلَمْ
تَجِدْ جُودَك الفَيَّاضَ غَيْضاً ولا بَرْضَا
26. With the opening of the Ribat of Victory, hopes tie
And those who spent the night with the fire of turmoil are rewarded
٢٦. بِفَتْحِ رِبَاطِ الفَتْحِ تَرْتَبِطُ المُنْى
ويَحْظَى بها مَنْ باتَ نارَ الوَغَى يَحْظَى
27. And it is more fitting for Fez to reconsider its rectitude
Since Marrakesh confused its mind confusedly
٢٧. وَأجْدِرْ بِفَاسٍ أنْ تُرَاجِعَ رُشْدَها
وَقَد رَحَضَتْ مَرَّاكشٌ غَيَّهَا رَحْضا
28. Is it not that its invasion of Rome
Is from its violent whipping by intense concealment?
٢٨. أَمَا أَنَّهُ مِنْ رُوبِها غَزْوُ رُومِها
فَلَوْ سَنِيَتْ أَغْرَاضُهَا شَدَّتِ الغُرْضَا
29. It is as if resolute parties that morning greeted it
Healed ones for the ecstasy of their purpose though sick
٢٩. كَأَنَّا بِها قد شايَعَتْهَا عَزَائِمٌ
صِحاحٌ لأَشْياعٍ بِوَجْدِهِم مَرْضَى
30. The least of them is to shorten their gaze and their resolve
Over embers kindled or tears pouring
٣٠. قُصَارَاهُمُ أَن يَقْصُروا الطَّرْفَ والحَشَى
علَى الجَمْرِ مَشبوباً أو الدَّمْع مُرْفَضَّا
31. They congratulated you from it with the Caliphate where no
Trunk of Caliphs pulsed authority for it
٣١. فَحَيَّوْكَ مِنْهَا بالخِلافَة حَيْثُ لَمْ
يَدَعْ جَذُّ أعْراق الخِلافِ لَها نَبْضَا
32. The regions pledged allegiance to you, so your
Enemies were pushed from its highest pulpits forcibly
٣٢. تَشَيّعَتِ الأَمْصار فيك فَزَحْزَحَتْ
عُداتَك عَنْ أَعْلَى مَنَابِرِها رَمْضَا
33. And where are all the varieties of realms
To the perfect judge or the decisive executioner?
٣٣. وأَيْنَ بأَصْنَافِ العَوَالِمِ كُلِّهَا
من القَائِمِ الأَرْضَى أوِ الصارِمِ الأَمْضَى
34. To the fervent in supporting guidance
With a strike and stab not laborious or burdensome
٣٤. عنِ الخائِضِ الهَيْجَاء في نُصْرَةِ الهُدَى
بِضَربٍ وطَعْنٍ لَيْسَ مَشْقاً ولا وَخْضَا
35. The unique one of the monotheists in superiority as if
His skill is purity and his purity is honor
٣٥. وَحِيدُ بَنِي التَّوْحِيدِ فَضْلاً كأَنَّما
مَهَارَتُهُ عِلماً طَهَارَتُه عِرْضا
36. Verily, Yahya among the imams takes their quintessence
So it is no wonder to extract the perfect generosity
٣٦. أَلا إنَّ يَحْيَى في الأَئِمَّةِ مَحْضُهُمْ
فَلا غَرْوَ أنْ يَسْتَخْلِصَ الكَرَمَ المَحْضَا
37. Blessed in bonding and undoing, supported
If he attempts bonding or attempts undoing
٣٧. مُبَارَكُ إبرامٍ ونَقْضٍ مُؤَيَّدٌ
إذَا حاوَلَ الإبْرَامَ أوْ حَاوَلَ النَّقْضَا
38. He pours upon sovereigns smiling with dew
And lashes sovereigns smiling with violence
٣٨. يُفِيضُ عَلَى المُلاكِ مُسْتَبْسِلاً نَدىً
وَيَبْطِشُ بالأَمْلاكِ مُسْتَبْسِلاً عَضَّا
39. Whenever the rain clouds gathered stingily, he gathered smiling
And if the course of fate withdrew aggressively, he withdrew
٣٩. مَتَى شَحَّ صَوْبُ القَطْرِ سَحَّ أنَامِلاً
وَإنْ غاضَ صَرْفُ الدَّهْرِ مُعْتَدِياً أَغْضَى
40. And the face of the matter only darkened for him
To clarify it with the radiance of joy lightening
٤٠. وَما اسْوَدَّ وَجْهُ الخَطْبِ إلا سَمَا بِهِ
لِيَجْلُوَهُ طَلْقَ الأَسِرَّةِ مبيضَّا
41. So O honor of taking refuge in his pillar,
And O wealth of grace flowing into his favor!
٤١. فَيا عِزّةَ العِانِي إِلى رُكْنِهِ أَوَى
وَيا ثَرْوَةَ العَافي إلَى فَضْلِهِ أَفْضَى
42. The virtues that poetry lauded in describing it
And alas! It is too magnificent for creation to repay
٤٢. مَناقِبُهُ غَنَّى القَريضُ بِوَصْفِها
وَهَيْهَاتَ جَلَّتْ أن يُوَفِّيَهَا قَرْضَا