1. The Master pitied his weak and oft-complaining servant
Though not long ago he was but a little child
١. رقَّ مَولانا لِعَبْدٍ زَمِنِ
دَنِفِ الجِسْمِ لِشَكْوٍ مُدْمِنِ
2. Fate has led him where it willed, as it does to all
Yet still he shows gratitude and does not complain
٢. لم يَكُنْ يَبْعُدُ عَهْداً بالصِّبى
وهْوَ في ضَعْفِ الكَبيرِ اليَفَنِ
3. His complaints of hardship were soothed
And he was consoled with kind sweetness
٣. قَدْ وَنَى خَطْواً كَما شاءَ الضَّنَى
ولهُ نَهْضَةُ شُكْرٍ لا تَنِي
4. And it was deemed well that he remain in service
For one so deserving of great blessings
٤. فَشَفَى شَكْواهُ مِن عُسْرَتِهِ
وضَناهُ بالسَّماحِ الهَتِنِ
5. Never did the favor of the beloved Prince wane
His call forever invigorates me
٥. وَرَأَى إِبقاءهُ في خِدْمَةٍ
وهْوَ أهْلٌ لِجَسيمِ المِنَنِ
6. I have no fear of disgrace in his state
No dishonor for one who is his servant
٦. لَم يَزَلْ عَطْفُ الأَميرِ المُرْتَضَى
ونَداهُ أبداً يُنْعِشُنِي
7. I died from ecstasy over my fortunes after him
So gracious and generous has he been to me
٧. لا أَخَافُ الهونَ في دَوْلَتِهِ
مَنْ يكُن عَبْداً لَهُ لا يَهُنِ
8. He favored me with the service of his noble son
Who has shown me such affection and favor
٨. متُّ وَجْداً لِثَوَائِي بَعْدَه
وَكَريمُ القَصْدِ بي أنْشَأَنِي
9. The moon of fortune who brings me happiness
The life of generosity who gives me life
٩. خَصَّنِي مِن خِدْمَةِ النَّجْلِ الرِّضَى
بِحَنَانٍ وامْتِنَانٍ عَمَّنِي
10. May he live long, protecting religion and world
Eternal in kingship, for all time
١٠. قَمَرُ السَّعْدِ الذي يُسْعِدُني
وَحَيا الجُودِ الذي يُوجِدُنِي
١١. دامَ للدِّينِ وللدُّنيا حِمىً
خَالِدَ المُلْكِ خُلُودَ الزَّمَنِ