1. The heat sufficed me, the place of retreat of clouds
So thanks, then thanks to the Imam
١. كَفَانِي الحَرُّ مُنْتَجَعُ الغَمَامِ
فَشُكْراً ثُمَّ شُكرْاً للإمَامِ
2. Hands that have not ceased increasing
As excellence scattered from order
٢. أيادٍ ما أعَمَّتْ في ازْدِيادٍ
كَما انْتَثَرَ الفَرِيدُ منَ النِّظامِ
3. As if its fragrance is the blossom of meadows
Laughing, tearing the veil of wraps
٣. كَأَنَّ أرِيجَهَا زَهْرُ الرَّوابِي
يُمَزِّقُ ضَاحِكاً جَيْبَ الكمَامِ
4. As if its talk is the chanting of singers
Casting off the coos of doves
٤. كأنَّ حَديثَهَا شَدْوُ الغَوانِي
مُطَارِحَةً أغارِيدَ الحَمَامِ
5. I shook my coats for it in comfort
As the drinker thrilled from the wine
٥. هَزَزْتُ لَهَا مَعَاطِفِيَ ارْتِيَاحاً
كَمَا طَرِبَ النَّزيفُ مِنَ المُدامِ
6. And I spend the night for its pearls as an old infant
But secure of the consequences of weaning
٦. وَبِتُّ لِدرِّها كَهْلاً رَضِيعاً
وَلَكِنْ آمِناً عُقْبَى الفِطَامِ
7. So I am driven from sublime ambition
And promised from gracious bestowal
٧. فَمَنْقُودٌ مِنَ الإعْطَاءِ هَامٍ
ومَوْعُودٌ مِنَ الإحْظَاء نَامِ
8. And it comes from a white hand in what
I hope for of peace and receipt
٨. وكَائِن مِنْ يَدٍ بَيْضَاءَ فِيما
أُؤَمِّلُ مِن سَلامٍ واسْتِلامِ
9. Worthy to be generous with all goodness
And favor is a position like the position
٩. جَدِيرٌ أنْ يَجُودَ بِكُلِّ حُسْنَى
وإِحْسانٍ مَقَامٌ كَالْمَقَامِ
10. The ages wary of my hands because I
Overflow with its ardor in a fervent army
١٠. يُرَاعُ الدّهْرُ مِن أيْدِي لأَنِّي
بِفَيْضِ لُهَاهُ في جَيْشٍ لُهَامِ
11. Is not my complaint without doubt from it
My stars or my teeth or my swords?
١١. أَلَيْسَتْ شِكَّتِي لا شَكَّ مِنْها
مِجَنِّي أوْ سِنَاني أَوْ حُسَامِي
12. So if I cast the stars they would show me
Its felicity in attaining hopes
١٢. فَلَوْ رُمْتُ الكَواكِبَ ظَاهَرَتْنِي
سَعَادَتُهُ عَلى نَيْلِ المَرامِ
13. And whoever serves the Caliph, the nights
Are its servants to no end
١٣. وَمَنْ خَدَمَ الخَلِيفَةَ فالليالي
خَوادِمُهُ إلى غَيْرِ انْصِرامِ
14. The Imam of guidance refused any beginning
Except to end error and conclusion
١٤. إمامُ هُدىً أَبَى غَيْرَ افْتِتاحٍ
بِإرْداءِ الضَّلالَةِ واخْتِتَامِ
15. With its rise, every glory appeared
Like the dawn's light dispelling darkness
١٥. بِمَطْلَعِهِ تَجَلَّتْ كُلُّ جُلَّى
كَنورِ الصُّبْحِ يَذْهَبُ بالظَّلامِ
16. And greatest what you witness it attend
When it handles the greatest responsibilities
١٦. وأَعظَمُ مَا تُشاهِدُهُ مَنَاباً
إذا ما قامَ بالنُّوَبِ العِظَامِ
17. The enemies submit to it every lowliness
And the monster of treachery, assassin of the sublime
١٧. تُسامُ بهِ الأَعادِي كُلَّ خَسْفٍ
ولَيْثُ الغِيلِ مُغْتَالُ السَّوامِ
18. It is as if the clan of Abi Hafs are stars
And Yahya the Chosen is the full moon
١٨. كَأَنَّ بَنِي أَبي حَفْصٍ نُجُومٌ
وَيَحْيَى المُرْتَضَى بَدْرُ التَّمامِ
19. If it forms connections in its place of assembly
Then what are the Pleiades to Lesser Syria
١٩. إذا عَقَدَ الحُبَى في مُنْتَداهُ
فَما الشّمّ الهَوادِجُ مِنْ شَآمِ
20. And if the collecting of loved ones is entrusted to its closeness
Then what are the two oceans compressed in the struggle
٢٠. وإنْ وُكِلَ الحِبَاءُ إلى نَداهُ
فَما البَحْرانِ عَبّا في الْتِطامِ
21. Possessions of mortals fall short of it
And promises of generosity are not complete
٢١. تُقَصِّرُ عَنْهُ أمْلاكُ البَرَايا
وعُودُ النَّبْعِ لَيْسَ مِنَ الثِّمامِ
22. For their souls its pinnacle is passion
And their noses are attached with cords
٢٢. لأَنْفُسِهمْ بِغايته غرامٌ
وَآنُفُهُمْ لَوَاصِقُ بِالرَّغامِ
23. My Lord, excuse the failing of rhymes
To you though the speech excelled
٢٣. أَمَولانا أقِمْ عُذْرَ القَوَافِي
إلَيْكَ وإنْ جَلَتْ حُرَّ الكَلامِ
24. And which spilled from your branch in every call
Like the fragrance of perfumed musk unsealed
٢٤. وَفَضَّتْ من ثَنَاكَ بِكُلِّ نَادٍ
كَعَرْف المِسْكِ مَفْضُوضَ الخِتامِ
25. Can you count what excellencies you have
When it has mounted to the clouds' rain?
٢٥. أَتُحْصِي مَا لَدَيْكَ منَ المَعَالي
وقَدْ أرْبَتْ عَلَى قَطْرِ الغَمامِ
26. My Lord, complete for me what you have granted me
From tremendous blessings
٢٦. أمَولايَ ومَا أوْلَيْتَنِيهِ
فأتْمِمْهُ مِنَ النِّعَمِ الجِسَامِ
27. And allow me to intercede, pleased
With your sons with every zealous hero
٢٧. وَسَوِّغْنِي التَشَفُّعَ في الرِّضَى مِنْ
بَنِيكَ بكُلِّ جَحْجَاحٍ هُمامِ
28. The length of deprivation has shown me naked
And in your generosity is healing for speech
٢٨. بَرانِي طُولُ إقْصَاءٍ عَرَاني
وفي يُمْناكَ بُرْءٌ للْكلامِ
29. And if I adhered to its generosity
The vestiges of hope would be covered in satisfaction
٢٩. ولَوْ أَنِّي لَثَمْتُ الجودَ مِنْها
عَفَتْ بالرِّيِّ آثارُ الأوَامِ
30. Greetings that give good news of wishes
And greetings that show the path for people
٣٠. مُحَيَّاكَ المُبَشِّرُ بالأمَاني
ومَحْيَاكَ المُبَصِّرُ للأَنَامِ
31. And you are the son of noble kings, but
Your nature is for the honorable angels
٣١. وأنْتَ ابْنُ المُلوكِ الصِّيدِ لَكِنْ
خِلالُكَ للْمَلائِكَةِ الْكِرَامِ