
They blamed him for his youth and lineage

عذلوه في تشبيبه ونسيبه

1. They blamed him for his youth and lineage
Who can forget their beloved?

١. عَذلُوهُ في تَشْبِيبِهِ ونَسيبِه
من ذا يُطيقُ تَنَاسِياً لحَبيبِهِ

2. They passed over his rebuke and deemed it enough
That his life denies his rebuke

٢. ومَضَوْا عَلى تَأنيبِهِ وبِحَسْبِهِم
تأبِينُه مَحياهُ في تأنيبِهِ

3. Isn't the whiteness of hoariness concealed
Like the writhing of the crooked palm tree and its fruit?

٣. أو ليسَ من خَضَب البياض مموها
كَصَريعِ مُشْتَجر القَنا وخضيبِهِ

4. The prime of youth stopped in its track
And the breeze halted its blowing and disturbance

٤. ركدت صَبا عَصْر الصّبا وهُبوبُها
وهَفا النَسيم لِنَوحه وهبوبِهِ

5. By God, the lad's sin wasn't of his doing
His weakness and frailty during his test were enough

٥. تاللّهِ ما جَوْرُ الفَتى من كَوْرِهِ
وَكَفاهُ وَهْنُ قراهُ في تَجريبِهِ

6. Life's old age isn't like its youth
As today's dawn isn't like its sunset

٦. والْعُمْرُ ليس قَشيبُه كَدَريسِه
كاليوم لَيْسَ شُروقُهُ كغُروبِهِ

7. He who neared fifty, his excuse narrowed
His counting of white hairs over his youth

٧. من شارف الخَمسينَ ضَيّقَ عُذْرَهُ
تَعْدَادُهُ في الشّيبِ عَن تَشبيبِهِ

8. But the brow's glance concealed for him
Some of its magic which helped in his love

٨. لَكِنها حَدَقُ المَهَا خَبَأت لَهُ
مِنْ سِحْرها ما جَدّ في تَحبيبِهِ

9. So the heart bears the barbs of his passions
And the body contains the fullness of his pallor

٩. فالقَلبُ محتَملٌ صِلاءَ شُجونِهِ
والجِسْم مُشْتَمِلٌ مُلاء شُحوبِهِ

10. Alas! They thought hoariness would bar him
From remembering the days of passion and his companion

١٠. واهاً لَه حَسِبُوا المَشيبَ يَصُدُّهُ
عَنْ ذكر أيّامِ الحِمَى وكَثيبِهِ

11. When the dignified one donned the garb of his youth
Delusion with grayness seduced him

١١. وإذا العَميدُ نَضا رداءَ شَبابِهِ
أغراهُ بِالتّهْيام لِبْسُ مَشيبِهِ

12. Far from it! Will he awake or regain consciousness from passion
While he luxuriates being severed in his torment?

١٢. هَيهات يَصْحو أو يفيقُ مِنَ الهَوى
مُسْتَعْذِبُ البُرَحاء في تَعذيبِهِ

13. O excellent are the past days and time gone by
When we benefited from its goodness and bounty

١٣. يا حَبَّذا نَجدٌ وسَالِفُ عَهْدِهِ
فيهِ استَفَدنا طيبَها من طِيبِهِ

14. And our place was the garden's expanse
In the shade of its towering jujube and irrigation

١٤. ومَجالُنا مِن رَوْضهِ بغَديرِهِ
في ظِلّ مائِسِ دَوْحِهِ وَرطيبِهِ

15. My youth bore from the excess of his teasing
And bareness what increased his flirtation

١٥. وصَباً تَحَمّلُ من تضَوّعِ رَندِه
وعَرَارِهِ ما زادَ في وَصبي بِهِ

16. Trouble didn't last in it before it went away
When the beloved came without a guardian

١٦. لَم يَلْبثِ المَكروهُ فيها أنْ نَأى
لمّا دَنا المَحبوبُ دونَ رَقيبِهِ

17. The gift of time paid the debt of wishes
Even if after it he didn't return to his gift

١٧. هِبة الزمانِ قَضى بِها دَيْن المُنى
لو لم يَعُدْ مِنْ بَعد عن موهوبِهِ

18. Vast is the difference between one who drags his train
Agitated, and one whose clothes are torn

١٨. شتّان بَينَ مُجَرِّر لِذُيولِهِ
طَرَباً وبَيْنَ مُمَزّقٍ لِجُيوبِهِ

19. And of wonders is that a perfection was completed
For my brother's love, delicate and wondrous

١٩. ومِنَ العَجائِبِ أن يَتمّ تَمَتُّعٌ
لأخي هَوى بأَنيقِهِ وعَجيبِهِ

20. It would have remained if it lasted, but the
Laugh of time is a pretext for its cutting off

٢٠. كانَت مَتَاعاً لَوْ يَدومُ وإنّما
ضَحِكُ الزمانِ ذريعَةٌ لِقُطوبِهِ

21. If it ends, its days won't be forgotten
Affection intertwined in its creation remains

٢١. ولئِنْ تَقضّت لَيسَ يَنسَى عَهْدَها
كَلِفٌ بَسيطُ الحُبّ في تَركيبِهِ

22. Without its intimacy, promptings of anguish
Wrung my heart, awakened and alert

٢٢. مِنْ دونِ سَلْوتِها نَوازِعُ لَوْعَةٍ
قَرَّ الفؤادُ بها فُوْيقَ وجِيبِهِ

23. My life expanded with Yahya the Chosen One
In the breadth of his reach and welcome

٢٣. رَحُبَتْ حَياتي عندَ يَحيى المُرْتَضى
في رَحْبِ نائلِهِ وفي تَرحيبِهِ

24. A king who established truth in his sitting
And restored the overflow of generosity after its exhaustion

٢٤. مَلِكٌ أقامَ الحَقّ عندَ قُعودِهِ
وأَعادَ فَيْضَ الجُودِ بَعد نُضوبِهِ

25. His caliphate felt the caliphate and led
To his party those who erred in partisanship

٢٥. حَسّت خلافَتُهُ الخلافَ وصيّرت
مِنْ حِزْبِه مَنْ لَجّ في تحزيبِهِ

26. And so anyone who glimpsed the consequences, his heart
Feared punishment, and so stopped his incitement

٢٦. وكذاكَ من لَحِظ العَواقِبَ لُبُّه
حَذِر العِقاب فكفّ عن تأليبِهِ

27. The tyrant cannot seize the egg of a king's realm
Unless he deviates from his method

٢٧. لاَ يَسْلُبُ الجَبّارَ بَيْضَةَ مُلكِهِ
إلا إذَا هوَ حاد عَن أسْلوبِهِ

28. Fates take revenge, serving him
In his ease and war

٢٨. تَتَقمّنُ الأقْدارُ خادِمةً لَهُ
سَرّاءه في سِلْمِهِ وحُروبِهِ

29. And for his right side are protections with wishes
Like securing for the desert gazelle its foe the wolf

٢٩. وعَلى مَيامِنِهِ الكَوافِلِ بِالمُنى
تأمِينُ ظَبْي القَفْر عَدْوةَ ذيبِهِ

30. Time fulfilled in him a just imam
While wrongdoing spread in the land in its forms

٣٠. وافَى الزمانُ بهِ إماماً عادِلاً
والجَوْرُ قَد عَمّ الوَرى بِضُروبِهِ

31. And a caliph on earth, but his house
Above the sky, extended in its perfume

٣١. وَخليفَةً في الأرضِ لكِن بَيْتَه
فَوْق السماء يُمَدُّ في تَطْنِيبِهِ

32. He shoots, and his judgment hits distant aims
With its correctness and precision

٣٢. يَرْمِي فيُصمي قاصِياتِ مَرامِهِ
مِن رَأيهِ بِسَديدِهِ ومُصيبِهِ

33. His noble traits took off their bondage
And brilliance, even to his little finger

٣٣. خَلَعَتْ مَناسِبُه الكَريمَةُ عِتْقَها
وزكاءَها حتى عَلى يَعْبُوبِهِ

34. So when the stars crown his neck with their position
And the winds revel in his vicinity and disturbance

٣٤. فإِذا امتَطاهُ سَما النُّجومَ بِجيدِه
وشَأى الرياح بِحَضْره ووثوبِهِ

35. If the angels had any share of his fortune
They would praise like his fortune's share

٣٥. لو أنَّ لِلأملاكِ فَضْلَ نِصابِهِ
مَلَكوا مِن الأمداحِ مِثْل نَصيبِهِ

36. Looting the public treasury is a habit of his munificence
And immunity of the elite in his looting

٣٦. تَخريبُ بَيْتِ المالِ عادَةُ جُودِه
وحَصَانَةُ العَلياءِ في تَخْريبِهِ

37. Guaranteed taxes secured for him
That did away in them with the existence of any tax

٣٧. ضَمِنَتْ لَهَاهُ ضَرَائِبٌ حَفْصِيّةٌ
قَد أعْدَمَتْ فِيهَا وُجودَ ضَريبِهِ

38. When guidance complained to him of scarcity
It didn't doubt his rejuvenation with its remedy

٣٨. إنَّ الهُدى لمّا شَكا لِضَنىً بِهِ
ما شَكّ في إبْلالِه بِطَبِيبِهِ

39. He dragged the armies determined in its elevation
The fullness of the requests of its plateaus and desolate tracts

٣٩. جَرّ الجُيوشَ مُصَمّماً في رَفْعِه
مِلْءَ الملا هَضَبَاتِهِ وَسُهوبِهِ

40. And reaped the harvest of victory in its rising
From the betrayal of those who abandoned it and exiled it

٤٠. وجَنَى جَنِيّ النّصْرِ في تَشريقِه
مِنْ غَدْر خَاذلهِ وفي تَغْريبِهِ

41. He didn't leave any trace of the paths of misguidance
With hunting in its settlements and nomadic tribes

٤١. لَمْ يُبْقِ مِنْ شُعبِ الضلالَة شُعْبَةً
بالصَّيدِ من أحيائِه وَشُعُوبِهِ

42. Smiling while his spears shed blood
In the day his sun is veiled by his sandal

٤٢. مُتَبسّماً ورِماحُهُ تَبْكِي دَماً
في اليَوْمِ تُحْجَبُ شَمْسُه بِكُعوبِهِ

43. Where the spears listen to their clashing
And death escorts the valorous with his cup

٤٣. حَيثُ المُهنَّدُ مُسمعٌ بِصليلِهِ
والمَوْتُ ساقٍ للكُماةِ بِكوبِهِ

44. That is the caliphate in his hands and its affair
To his descendant, Lord of dew and his foster son

٤٤. تِلْك الخِلافَة في يَديْهِ وعَهْدُها
لِسليلِه رَبّ النّدى ورَبِيبِهِ

45. Its pacts were fixed on supporting him
And its foundations settled on backing him

٤٥. ثَبَتَتْ معاقِدُها علَى تَأريبِهِ
وَرَسَت قَواعِدُها على ترْبيبِهِ