1. When the noble heroes were led forth with spears
As their steeds were urged on with slender swords,
١. ألِمَّا بأَشْلاء العُلى والمَكَارِمِ
تُقَدُّ بأَطْرَافِ القَنَا والصَّوَارِمِ
2. And bent over them was a tribe from Ma'rib, and Khaulan,
Whose battlefields were strewn with skulls and bodies,
٢. وعُوجا عَلَيها مأْرَباً وَحفَاوَةً
مَصَارِعَ غَصَّتْ بالطُّلى والجَماجِمِ
3. We salute the venerable faces in Paradise
Which met red death in the heat of battle,
٣. نُحَيِّي وُجُوهاً في الجِنَانِ وَجيهَةً
بمَا لَقِيَتْ حُمْراً وُجُوهَ المَلاحِمِ
4. And the bodies of faith which were all clothed
In the raiment of stallions charging in attack,
٤. وَأجْسَادَ إيمانٍ كَساها نَجيعُهَا
مَجاسِدَ منْ نَسْجِ الظُّبَى واللهاذِمِ
5. They were honored even in burial in the earth
For God honors none but the noblest of men,
٥. مُكَرَّمَةٌ حَتَّى عَنِ الدّفْنِ في الثَّرَى
وَما يُكْرِمُ الرَّحْمَنُ غَيْرَ الأَكَارِمِ
6. They are the people who went forth unto martyrdom, and so they attained it,
And none could resist them in their victory,
٦. هُمُ القَوْمُ رَاحُوا للشَّهادَةِ فاغْتَدَوا
وَما لَهُم في فَوْزِهِم مِنْ مُقَاوِمِ
7. They sipped from cups of death in the tumult of battle,
So they inclined to it gently, like the swaying branches.
٧. تَسَاقَوْا كُؤُوسَ الْمَوْتِ في حَوْمَةِ الوَغَى
فَمَالَتْ بِهمْ مَيْلَ الغُصونِ النَّواعِمِ
8. They went forth in God's cause as though they were flying
In their daring, on the backs of racing steeds,
٨. مَضَوْا في سَبيلِ اللَّهِ قُدْماً كَأنَّما
يَطِيرُونَ في إقْدَامِهِمْ بقَوادِمِ
9. They see nearness to God as the greatest spoils -
Thus is nearness to God the finest gain -
٩. يَرَوْنَ جِوَارَ اللَّهِ أكْرَمَ مَغْنَمٍ
كَذَاكَ جِوارُ اللَّهِ أسْنَى المَغانِمِ
10. Sublime goals they sought, and plunged in to attain them,
While no fear could deter their valiant hearts,
١٠. عَظَائِمُ رامُوها فَخَاضُوا لِنَيْلها
ولا رَوْعَ يَثْنيهِم صُدُورَ العَظَائِمِ
11. And they cared not if their bodies fed the beasts
Or lay in the bellies of wild animals.
١١. وهَانَ عَلَيْهِم أنْ تَكُونَ لُحُودُهُم
مُتُونَ الرَّوابِي أو بُطُونَ التَّهائِمِ
12. Nay! By the Father of those youths, singling them out -
Though with God they are no different than others -
١٢. أَلا بِأبِي تِلكَ الوُجُوه سَوَاهِماً
وَإنْ كُنَّ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ غَيْرَ سوَاهِمِ
13. Only the remnants of their smiles remain
Which we find too painful to behold,
١٣. عَفا حُسْنُها إلا بَقايَا مَبَاسِمٍ
يَعِزُّ عَليْنا وَطْؤُها بالمَنَاسِمِ
14. And the splendor of their radiant faces
That outshone the glowing stars at night,
١٤. وسُؤْرُ أسَاريرٍ تُنيرُ طَلاقَةً
فَتَكْسِفُ أنوارَ النُّجومِ العَواتِمِ
15. Were the clouds to withhold rain from those faces
Flashes of lightning would scold the miserly skies,
١٥. لَئِنْ وَكَفَتْ فيها العُيونُ سَحَائِباً
فَعَنْ بَارِقَاتٍ لُحْنَ مِنْها لِشَائِمِ
16. And O Father of those bodies, slender as gazelles
Racing with purpose to earn great reward -
١٦. ويَا بِأبِي تلْكَ الجُسوم نَواحِلاً
بإِجْرائِها نَحْوَ الأجُورِ الجَسائِمِ
17. In them the dark-skinned and fair dissolved together
And braided as one, the rugged with the smooth,
١٧. تَغَلْغَلَ فيها كُلُّ أسْمَرَ ذَابلٍ
وجَدَّلَ منْها كُلَّ أبْيَضَ نَاعِمِ
18. So may God not distance those who drew near
By sacrificing lives most precious,
١٨. فَلا يُبْعِدِ اللَّهُ الذينَ تَقَرَّبُوا
إلَيهِ بإِهْدَاءِ النُّفوسِ الكَرائِمِ
19. They are stops of righteous men who fulfilled with their striving
Obligations that were like ordained duties,
١٩. مَواقِفُ أبْرارٍ قَضَوْا مِنْ جِهَادِهِمْ
حُقُوقاً عَلَيْهِمْ كَالفُرُوضِ اللوازِمِ
20. Afflicted while they were exemplars of worship
Youth and elders, at dawn and eve,
٢٠. أصيبُوا وكانُوا في العِبَادَةِ أُسْوَةً
شَبَاباً وشيباً بالغَوَاشِي الغَوَاشِمِ
21. So the spear-bearer lies pierced in the chest by a spear-bearer
And the swordsman lies beheaded by a swordsman.
٢١. فَعَامِلُ رُمْحٍ دُقَّ في صَدْرِ عامِلٍ
وقَائِمُ سَيْفٍ قَرَّ في رَأسِ قَائِمِ
22. O Lord of vigils by night, and selfless giving at noon,
There life was cut short by the blades of swords,
٢٢. وَيا رُبَّ صَوَّامِ الهَواجِرِ وَاصِلٍ
هُنَالِكَ مَصْرومُ الحَياةِ بصَارِمِ
23. The rescuer of the weak lay fallen into the fray
Toppled in the midst of the battle's rage,
٢٣. ومُنْقِذ عَانٍ في الأَداهِمِ راسِفٍ
يَنُوءُ بِرِجْلَيْ راسِفٍ في الأداهِمِ
24. They were lost on that fateful Thursday when they lost
Their comrades, and met their end in the deadly trap,
٢٤. أَضَاعَهُم يَوْمَ الخَميسِ حِفاظُهُم
وكَرهُمُ في المَأزَقِ المُتَلاحِمِ
25. God watered their mangled limbs on the plain of Anishah
With downpours from heavily laden clouds,
٢٥. سَقَى اللَّهُ أَشْلاءً بِسَفْحِ أَنِيشَةٍ
سَوَافِحَ تُزْجِيها ثِقَالُ الغَمائِمِ
26. And He prayed upon them, souls whose mention is blessed,
Sweetening thereby the gales that blow soft,
٢٦. وصَلَّى عَلَيها أنْفُساً طَابَ ذِكْرُها
فَطَيَّبَ أنْفَاسَ الرِّيَاحِ النَّواسِمِ
27. They showed patience - and such patience! - therein, and we can only
Respond by letting fall our eyelids and biting our lips,
٢٧. لقَد صَبروا فيها كِراما وصَابَرُوا
فَلا غَرْو أن فَازُوا بِصَفْو المكَارِمِ
28. I have spent the nights in darkness on their account, as though I am
Wounded by spears or bitten by snakes,
٢٨. وما بَذَلُوا إلا نُفُوساً نَفِيسَةً
تَحِنُّ إلى الأُخْرَى حَنِينَ الرَّوائِمِ
29. I consort with ever-growing anguish, not tiring,
And meet with the most prolific weeping, not bored,
٢٩. ولا فارَقوا والمَوْتُ يُتْلِعُ جِيدَهُ
بِحَيْثُ التَقَى الجَمْعَانِ صِدْقَ العَزائِمِ
30. I gaze upon the radiant stars, sleepless,
Yet they set away from me, slumbering,
٣٠. بِعَيْشِكَ طَارِحْنِي الحَدِيثَ عن التي
أُراجَعُ فيها بالدُّمُوعِ السَّوَاجِمِ
31. I complain unto the days of their evil works,
But my complaint is to one who lacks mercy.
٣١. وَما هِيَ إِلا غادِياتُ فَجائِعٍ
تُعَبِّرُ عَنْها رَائِحاتُ مآثِمِ
32. Calamities whose blows have rendered patience limp,
And tribulations have come one after another.
٣٢. جَلائِلُ دَقَّ الصّبْرُ فيها فَلَمْ نُطِقْ
سِوَى غَضِّ أجْفانٍ وعَضِّ أبَاهِمِ
33. Even if the Sultan were to soothe my burning anguish,
I would still freely choose the gloom of wild beasts,
٣٣. أَبِيتُ لَها تَحْتَ الظَّلامِ كَأَنَّنِي
رَمِيُّ نِصَالٍ أو لَديغُ أراقِمِ
34. But what Sultan is there for me, who might cheer me
With a cup of wine circled by songs?
٣٤. أُغازِلُ مِنْ بَرْحِ الأَسى غَيْرَ بَارِحٍ
وأَصْحَبُ مِنْ سامِي البُكَا غَيْرَ سائِمِ
35. Among the sand dunes and meadows are maidens
Whose scent has mingled with the pleasant breeze,
٣٥. وأَعْقدُ بالنَّجْمِ المُشَرِّق نَاظِري
فَيَغْرُب عَنِّي سَاهِراً غَيْرَ نَائِمِ
36. The stalwarts wept for them as they exerted themselves fully,
But none shares in kindness save the equally kind.
٣٦. وأَشْكُو إِلى الأيامِ سُوءَ صَنِيعِها
ولَكِنَّها شَكْوى إِلى غَيْرِ رَاحِمِ
37. I poured upon them copious tears, crimson and flowing,
As though hands had scattered rubies and pearls,
٣٧. وَهَيْهاتَ هَيْهاتَ العَزَاءُ ودُونَهُ
قَواصِمُ شَتَّى أرْدِفَتْ بِقَواصِمِ
38. And I joined the bereaved women, sleepless with elegy,
Who stir the most delicate leaves at night,
٣٨. ولَوْ بَرَّدَ السُّلْوانُ حَرَّ جَوانِحِي
لآثَرْتُ عَنْ طَوْعٍ سُلُوَّ البَهائِمِ
39. And I shared in carrying the bier with their people -
But none bears goodness like those who bear it too.
٣٩. وَمَنْ لِي بسُلْوان يَحُلُّ مُنَفِّراً
بِجاثٍ مِن الأَرْزاءِ حَوْليَ جاثِمِ
40. So alas for the religion whose wound festers!
And whose remedy is not seized by a decisive healer,
٤٠. وبَيْنَ الثَّنايَا والْمَخَارِمِ رِمَّةٌ
سَرَى في الثَّنايا طِيبُها والمَخَارِمِ
41. And alas for knowledge, whose hills lie barren!
Its pillars fallen and its foundations destroyed!
٤١. بَكَتْها المَعَالي والْمَعَالِمُ جهدَها
فَلَهْفَ المَعَالِي بَعْدَها والمَعَالِمِ
42. The bearer of the legacy of the line of Ya'rub has died,
And the protector of the guidance of the Chosen Hashimi,
٤٢. سَعيدٌ صَعيدٌ لَمْ تَرُمْهُ قَرَارَة
وأعْظمْ بِها وَسْطَ العِظامِ الرّمائِمِ
43. The guiding planet has set, so the morning is darkened,
And we grope confusedly in a night of overwhelming ignorance,
٤٣. كَأَنَّ دَماً أذْكَى أَديم تُرَابِها
وقَدْ مَازَجَتْهُ الرّيحُ مِسْكُ اللطائِمِ
44. And the hopes of the listeners are ruined by his death,
As he willed on that terrible, momentous day.
٤٤. يَشُقُّ علَى الإسْلامِ إسْلامُ مِثْلِها
إلَى خَامِعَاتٍ بِالفلا وقَشَاعِمِ
45. What brilliance has set, never to rise?!
What glory has vanished, never to return?!
٤٥. كَأَنْ لَمْ تَبِتْ يَغْشَى السُّراةُ قِبَابَها
ويَرْعَى حِماها الصِّيدُ رَعْيَ السَّوائِمِ
46. Peace upon the world, now that it lacks
The living presence of Suleiman bin Musa bin Salem!
٤٦. سَفَحْتُ عَلَيْهَا الدّمْعَ أحْمَرَ وارِساً
كَمَا نَثَرَ الياقُوتَ أيْدِي النَّواظِمِ
47. Without him, is there any joy left in my life,
When sorrows have overwhelmed me like an advancing army?
٤٧. وَسامَرْتُ فيها الباكِياتِ نَوادِباً
يُؤَرِّقْنَ تَحْتَ الليْلِ وُرْقَ الحَمَائِمِ
48. So here I am, fearing the times of war,
When once in times of peace I was secure!
٤٨. وَقاسَمْتُ فِي حَمْلِ الرّزِيَّة قَوْمَها
ولَيْسَ قَسيمُ البرِّ غَيْرَ المُقاسِمِ
49. O brother of might, mature and young!
His peers range from agreeable to stubborn.
٤٩. فَوا أسَفَا للدِّينِ أعْضَلَ دَاؤُهُ
وأَيْأَسَ مِنْ آسٍ لِمَسْرَاهُ حَاسِمِ
50. He was matchless in his knowledge and excellence,
And for one so lofty, it suffices that he is a knowing celestial body,
٥٠. وَيا أَسَفا لِلْعِلْمِ أقْوَت رُبوعُهُ
وأصْبَحَ مَهْدُودَ الذُّرَى والدَّعائِمِ
51. His resting place was above the heights, his visions expansive,
His gifts outpoured before the tying of amulets,
٥١. قَضَى حَامِلُ الآثارِ مِنْ آلِ يَعْربٍ
وَحامِي هُدى المُخْتارِ مِن آلِ هاشِمِ
52. His reach is far, his path cannot be obscured -
Once resolved, his magic overwhelms like a firm spell,
٥٢. خَبا الكَوْكَبُ الوَقَّادُ إذْ مَتَعَ الضُّحَى
لِنَخْبطَ في لَيْلٍ مِنَ الجَهْلِ فاحِمِ
53. His speech is smooth and gently rounded,
Yet if you shoot at it you meet rugged precipices.
٥٣. وَخابَتْ مَساعِي السامِعينَ حَديثَه
كَما شاءَ يَوْم الحادِثِ المُتَفَاقِمِ
54. He has a sorcery of eloquence that surpasses all speakers,
Leaving them humiliated and regretful.
٥٤. فَأَيُّ بَهاءٍ غارَ لَيْسَ بِطالِعٍ
وأَيُّ سَناءٍ غابَ ليسَ بِقادِمِ
55. Neither meadow, graced with his flowing pearls of dew,
Nor chilling hailstones can match him.
٥٥. سَلامٌ علَى الدُّنْيا إِذا لَم يَلُح بِها
مُحَيَّا سُلَيْمَانَ بْنِ موسى بن سالِمِ
56. With the most wondrous beauty in his writings
Penned by his pen in the finest calligraphy,
٥٦. وهَلْ في حَياتي مُتْعَةٌ بعدَ مَوْتِهِ
وَقَد أسْلَمَتْنِي للدَّواهِي الدَّواهِمِ
57. A Yemeni, his gifts were nurtured
To completeness before the tying of protective charms
٥٧. فَهَا أَنا ذَا في خَوْفِ دَهْرٍ مُحَارِبٍ
وكُنْتُ بِهِ في أمْنِ دَهرٍ مُسَالِمِ
58. He pleases palace assemblies in every scene
And looks handsome at the time of festivals,
٥٨. أَخو العِزَّةِ القَعْساء كَهْلاً وَيافِعاً
وأكْفاؤُهُ مَا بَيْنَ راضٍ وَراغِمِ
59. His unique traits proliferate in the immensities of splendor,
Like the perfection of virtues or the beauty of resistance.
٥٩. تَفَرَّدَ بِالعَلْياءِ عِلْماً وسُؤْدَدا
وحَسْبُكَ مِنْ عالٍ عَلى الشُّهْبِ عالِمِ
60. Curse on a stumbling time that broke his might
With a misfortune that befell his glorious state!
٦٠. مُعَرَّسُه فَوْقَ السُّهى ومَقِيلُهُ
ومَوْرِدُهُ قَبْلَ النُّسورِ الحَوائِمِ
61. He was called to the Abode of Peace, to its hospitality -
At it the maidens cry `Oh, the caller! Oh, the called!'
٦١. بَعيدٌ مَداهُ لا يُشَقُّ غُبارُهُ
إِذا فَاهَ فاضَ السِّحْرُ ضَرْبةَ لازِمِ
62. But he came to it guided, not turning back,
Seeking God's welcome, everlasting,
٦٢. يُقَوِّضُ مِنه كُلَّ نادٍ ومنْبَرٍ
إلَى ناجِحٍ مَسْعاهُ في كُلِّ ناجِمِ
63. As leader of the religion or pillar of the state -
His work was completed, no critic could blame him,
٦٣. مَتَى صادَمَ الخَطْبَ المُلِمَّ بِخُطْبَةٍ
كَفَى صادِماً مِنْهُ بأكْبَر صادِمِ
64. And if his jealous enemies find fault in him,
Does not the beautiful always have those who blame her?
٦٤. لَهُ مَنْطِقٌ سَهْلُ النَّواحي قَريبُها
فَإْن رُمْتَه ألْفَيْتَ صَعْبَ الشَكَائِمِ
65. By your life! His affliction among the enemies does not wear away,
Though the heroes have dragged the hem of defeat!
٦٥. وسِحْرَ بَيَانٍ فاتَ كُلَّ مُفَوَّهٍ
فباتَ عَلَيه قارِعاً سِنَّ نادِمِ
66. By Allah, none forgets his stance in battle
Save a denier who hides the radiance of glory!
٦٦. وَمَا الرّوْضُ حَلاهُ بِجَوْهَرِهِ النَّدَى
ولا البُرْدُ وَشَّتْهُ أكُفُّ الرّوَاقِمِ
67. You met catastrophe with a beaming face,
So blessings be upon your beaming face at the catastrophe!
٦٧. بِأبْدَع حُسْناً من صَحائِفِهِ التِي
تُسَيِّرُها أقْلامُهُ في الأَقالِمِ
68. And you were protected until you attained the highest paradise,
So you won the fragments of bliss, the spoils of the victorious.
٦٨. يَمَانٍ كلاعِيٌّ نَماهُ إلى العُلَى
تَمامٌ حَواهُ قَبْلَ عَقْدِ التَّمائِمِ
69. You had your fill of happy life or martyrdom -
You saw nothing else as sinful deeds.
٦٩. يَرُوقُ رُواقَ المُلْكِ في كُلِّ مَشْهَدٍ
ويَحْسُنُ وَسْماً في وُجوهِ المَواسِمِ
70. You attained the Gardens of Bliss and everlasting,
Were a dweller in al-Thurayya before it and its bliss.
٧٠. وَيَكْثُرُ أعْلامَ البَسيطَةِ وَحْدَهُ
كَمَالَ مَعَالٍ أو جَمالَ مقَاوِمِ
71. You did not cease to live in satisfaction or die a martyr -
The best of the two abodes for the God-fearing without end.
٧١. لَعاً لِزَمانٍ عاثِرٍ من جَلالِهِ
بِواقٍ منَ الجُلَّى أُصيبَ بوَاقِمِ
72. O you whose place is solicitude, who is sufficient ransom
From our masters? Every servant of yours!
٧٢. مُنادىً إلى دارِ السَّلام مُنادِمٍ
بِها الحُورُ واهاً لِلْمُنادِي المُنادِمِ
73. O you whose work is sealed with victory - know that
Only deeds are considered in the final judgment.
٧٣. أَتاهُ رَداهُ مُقْبِلاً غَيْرَ مُدْبِرٍ
لِيَحْظَى بِإقْبالٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ دائِمِ
74. Congratulations for what is beautiful from God!
It shades every devout one, permanently.
٧٤. إِماماً لِدين أو قِواماً لِدَوْلَةٍ
تَقَضَّى ولَم تَلْحَقْهُ لَوْمَةُ لائِمِ
75. I find that you do not slow your rage against
Any roar I cure through ceaseless perseverance,
٧٥. وإنْ عابَهُ حُسَّادُهُ شَرقاً بهِ
فلَم تَعْدَمِ الحَسنَاءُ ذاماً لِذائِمِ
76. Nor after today do you promise a gift
Of sleep to transport me to the state of the dreamer.
٧٦. فَيَا أيُّها المَخدومُ عالٍ مَحَلُّهُ
فِدىً لكَ من سَاداتِنا كُلُّ خادِمِ
77. How quickly you pulled away, fleeing,
And traveled the paths you blazed, not following others!
٧٧. ويا أيُّها المَخْتُومُ بالفَوْزِ سَعْيُهُ
ألا إنَّما الأعْمَالُ حُسْنُ الخَواتِمِ
78. You left behind one who hopes for your defense, in despair
Of victory during calamities overwhelming,
٧٨. هَنِيئاً لَكَ الحُسْنَى منَ اللَّهِ إنَّها
لِكُلِّ تَقِيٍّ خيمُهُ غَيْرُ خَائِمِ
79. As though, for my deep sorrows, beyond consolation
Were the attacks of adversaries relentlessly invading,
٧٩. تَبَوَّأْتَ جَنَّاتِ النَّعيمِ وَلَمْ تَزَلْ
نَزيلَ الثُّرَيَّا قَبْلَهَا والنَّعَائِمِ
80. I lost you - none can equal you if present! -
So farewell glory of the absent and disgrace of loss!
٨٠. وَلَمْ تَألُ عَيْشاً رَاضِياً أَو شَهادَةً
تَرَى مَا عَدَاها مِنْ عِدَادِ المَآثِمِ
81. I sought you - unattainable is your abode! -
Who seeks the like of you but the blameworthy?!
٨١. لَعَمْرُكَ ما يُبْلَى بَلاؤُكَ في العِدَى
وَقَدْ جَرَّتِ الأَبْطَالُ ذَيْلَ الهَزَائِمِ
82. My heart is wounded, its sickness incurable,
Unlike one whose heart is reconciled to your loss,
٨٢. وَتاللَّهِ لا يَنْسَ مَقَامَكَ في الوَغَى
سِوَى جاحِدٍ نُورَ الغَزالَةِ كاتِمِ
83. I have an ardent longing to meet you
That tosses me about atop the waves of emotion,
٨٣. لَقِيتُ الرَّدَى في الرَّوْعِ جَذْلانَ بَاسِماً
فبُورِكْتَ من جَذْلانَ في الرَّوْعِ بَاسِمِ
84. By Allah, your memory in my heart eternally
Remains, not the memory of one immoral!
٨٤. وحُمْتَ عَلى الفِرْدَوسِ حَتَّى وَرَدْتَهُ
فَفُزْتَ بأَشتَاتِ المُنَى فَوْزَ غَانِمِ
85. If there were room in my heart for solace
I would be solaced - but no consolation for the distraught!
٨٥. أجِدّكَ لا تَثْنِي عَنَاناً لأَوْبَةٍ
أُداوِي بِها بَرْحَ الغَليلِ المُدَاوِمِ
86. I wrong you if I do not fulfill your boons in full,
But one like me does not wrong in its like!
٨٦. وَلا أَنْتَ بَعْدَ اليَوْمِ واعِدَ هَبَّةٍ
مِنَ النَّوم تَحْذُوني إلى حالِ حالِمِ
87. Loyalty demands of me the utmost with regards to you,
I have preserved it, honoring those days.
٨٧. لَسُرْعانَ مَا قَوَّضْتَ رَحْلَكَ ظاعِناً
وَسِرْتَ عَلى غَيْرِ النَّواجِي الرَّواسِمِ
88. I weep for a beloved in the wild, as Ziyad wept
For a grave between Basra and Jasim,
٨٨. وخَلَّفْتَ مَنْ يَرْجُو دِفَاعَكَ يَائِساً
مِنَ النَّصْرِ أَثْنَاءَ الخُطُوبِ الضَّوَائِمِ
89. And I wish that eulogizers would excel me
In glorifying Qais ibn al-Asim.
٨٩. كأنِّيَ لِلأَشْجَانِ فَوْقَ هَوَاجِرٍ
بِما عاَدَنِي مِنْ عادِياتٍ هَوَاجِمِ
90. With these elegies I have carried out their custom,
Contributing the effort of one who shares,
٩٠. عَدِمْتُكَ مَوْجوداً يَعِزُّ نَظِيرُهُ
فيا عِزَّ مَعْدُومٍ ويا هُونَ عَادِمِ
91. So extend to them a hand that receives
And press to them a mouth that is silent.
٩١. ورُمْتُكَ مَطْلُوباً فَأَعْيا مَنَالهُ
وكيفَ بِما أَعْيا مَنالاً لِرائِمِ
٩٢. وإنِّي لَمَحْزُونُ الفُؤَادِ صَديعُهُ
خِلافاً لِسَالٍ قَلْبُهُ عَنْك سالِمِ
٩٣. وَعِنْدِي إلى لُقْيَاكَ شَوْقٌ مُبَرِّحٌ
طَوَانِيَ مِنْ حَامي الجَوى فَوْقَ جَاحِمِ
٩٤. وَفي خَلَدِي واللَّهِ ثكلك خالِدٌ
أَلِيَّةَ بَرٍّ لا ألِيَّةَ آثِمِ
٩٥. ولَوْ أنَّ في قلْبِي مَكاناً لِسَلْوَةٍ
سَلَوْتُ ولَكِنْ لا سُلُوَّ لِهَائِمِ
٩٦. ظَلَمْتُكَ إنْ لَمْ أقْضِ نُعْمَاكَ حَقَّهَا
ومِثْلِيَ في أمْثَالِهَا غَيْرُ ظَالِمِ
٩٧. يُطَالِبُنِي فيكَ الوَفَاءُ بِغَايَةٍ
سَمَوْتُ لَها حِفْظاً لِتِلْكَ المَوَاسِمِ
٩٨. وأَبكِي لِشِلْوٍ بالعَرَاءِ كَمَا بَكَى
زِيادٌ لِقَبْرٍ بَيْنَ بُصْرَى وجاسِمِ
٩٩. وأعْبَدُ أن يَمْتَازَ دُونِيَ عَبْدَةٌ
بِعَلْيَاءَ في تأْبِينِ قَيْسِ بْنِ عَاصِمِ
١٠٠. وَهَذِي المَراثِي قَد وَفَيْتُ بِرَسْمِهَا
مُسهمَةً جُهْدَ الوَفِيِّ المُسَاهِمِ
١٠١. فَمُدَّ إلَيْهَا رافِعاً يَد قابِلٍ
أكَبَّ عَلَيها خَافِضاً فَمَ لاثِمِ