1. Of faded passion he has no body left,
No refuge from the grief, no shield,
١. وخافِتِ الْحِسّ ما لَه جَسدُ
مِمّا بَرَاه الضَّنَى ولا جَلَدُ
2. The hand of illness wrote upon his page,
What no one understands through intellect,
٢. خطّت يَدُ السقمِ فوقَ صَفحَتِه
ما ليسَ يُعنى بفَهمِه أحَدُ
3. This is a martyr of love, no blood-money taken,
For his death, no retribution, no penalty.
٣. هَذَا قَتيلُ الهَوَى فلا ديةٌ
تُؤْخَذُ في قتلِه وَلا قَوَدُ