1. Reach out with your cavalry to the cavalry of Allah in al-Andalus
The path to its deliverance has certainly worn away
١. أَدْرِكْ بِخَيْلِكَ خَيْلِ اللَّهِ أندلُسَاً
إنَّ السَّبِيلَ إلَى مَنْجاتِها دَرَسَا
2. Bestow upon it from your mighty victory that which it seeks
For mighty victory from you has never ceased being sought
٢. وَهَبْ لهَا مِنْ عَزيزِ النَّصْرِ مَا الْتَمَسَتْ
فَلَمْ يَزَلْ مِنْكَ عزُّ النَّصْر مُلْتَمَسا
3. Save it from the woes that afflict it
For it has long tasted misfortune at dawn and eve
٣. وَحاش مِمَّا تُعانِيهِ حُشَاشَتهَا
فَطَالَما ذَاقَتِ البَلوَى صَبَاحَ مَسَا
4. O land that has become islands for its people
Due to calamities while its glory has become debased
٤. يَا للجَزيرَةِ أَضْحَى أَهلُها جَزَراً
لِلحَادِثَاتِ وأَمْسَى جَدُّهَا تَعَسا
5. In every rising star, an imam shines
Whose funeral upon hostility returns to celebration
٥. في كُلِّ شارِقَةٍ إِلْمَامُ بَائِقَةٍ
يَعُود مَأتَمُها عِندَ العِدَى عُرُسا
6. And every setting star, an injustice appears
That bows safety in caution and joy in sorrow
٦. وكُلِّ غَارِبَةٍ إِجْحَافُ نائِبَةٍ
تَثْنِي الأَمَانَ حِذاراً والسرُور أَسَى
7. The Romans divided it yet their divisions
Claimed nothing but its veiled clans
٧. تَقَاسَمَ الرومُ لا نَالَتْ مَقَاسِمُهُم
إِلا عَقَائِلَها المَحْجوبَةَ الأُنُسَا
8. In Valencia thereof and Cordoba
That which agonizes the soul or which bleeds the soul
٨. وَفِي بَلَنْسِيةٍ مِنْها وَقُرْطُبَةٍ
ما يَنْسِفُ النَّفسَ أَو ما يَنزِفُ النَّفَسا
9. Cities conquered by the polytheists smiling
While faith migrated dejected
٩. مَدائِنٌ حَلَّها الإشْرَاكُ مُبْتَسِماً
جَذْلانَ وارتَحَلَ الإِيمانُ مُبْتَئِسا
10. And the roaming destroyers among them
Made its glances desolate over what was intimate
١٠. وَصَيَّرَتْها العَوادِي العَابِثاتُ بِها
يَسْتَوحِشُ الطَّرْفُ مِنْها ضِعْفَ ما أَنِسا
11. Of citadels that were beneath it protection
And churches that were before it churches
١١. فَمِنْ دَسَاكِرَ كانَتْ دُونَهَا حَرَساً
وَمِنْ كَنَائِسَ كَانَتْ قَبْلَها كُنُسا
12. O mosques that returned to the enemies for sale
And the call to prayer that became bells during its times
١٢. يَا للْمَساجِدِ عَادَتْ للعِدَى بِيَعاً
ولِلنِّداءِ غَدَا أَثْناءَها جَرَسا
13. My fervor for its lost restoration is intense
What were religious schools became schools of deviance
١٣. لَهْفِي عَلَيها إلَى استِرجَاعِ فائِتِها
مَدارِساً لِلْمَثانِي أصبَحَتْ دُرُسا
14. Four realms prospered to its right in spring
Whatever you wished of fine garb, coverings, and thrones
١٤. وَأَربعا نمْنمَتْ يُمْنَى الرَّبيعِ لَها
ما شِئت مِنْ خِلَعٍ مَوْشِيَّةٍ وكُسى
15. They were gardens comforting gazes
So vegetation yellowed and withered from its branches
١٥. كانَتْ حدَائِقَ للأَحْدَاقِ مؤنِقَةً
فَصَوَّحَ النَّضْرُ مِن أَدْواحِها وَعَسا
16. And whatever surrounding sights were wondrous
Where caravans rested or convoys lodged
١٦. وَحَالَ ما حَوْلَهَا مِنْ منْظَرٍ عَجَبٍ
يَسْتَجْلِسُ الرَّكْب أَوْ يَسْتَرْكِبُ الجُلُسا
17. Soon the army of disbelief wreaked havoc and war
Like beasts corrupting its treasures that it amassed
١٧. سُرْعَانَ ما عاثَ جَيْشُ الكُفْرِ واحَرَبا
عَيْثُ الدَّبَى في مَغَانِيهَا التِي كَبَسا
18. And seized its glory from what confiscated it
With the seizure of a vicious lion upon its prey
١٨. وَابْتَز بِزَّتَهَا مِمَّا تَحيَّفَها
تحَيفَ الأَسَدِ الضَّارِى لِما افتَرَسا
19. So where is the life we flourished, once green?
And where is the branch we flourished, once supple?
١٩. فأَيْنَ عَيْشٌ جَنَيْنَاهُ بِها خَضِراً
وَأيْنَ غُصنٌ جَنَيْناهُ بِها سَلِسا
20. An overpowering transgressor enabled against it
Erased its beauties, never sleeping or tired
٢٠. مَحَا مَحَاسِنَها طاغٍ أُتِيحَ لَها
مَا نامَ عَن هَضْمِهَا حِيناً وَلا نَعَسا
21. And shook its outskirts when it surrounded it
So the banners of its flags were left desolate
٢١. وَرَجَّ أَرْجَاءَهَا لمَّا أحاطَ بِها
فَغادَر الشُمَّ مِنْ أَعْلامِها خُنُسا
22. The atmosphere betrayed it, so its hands reached
To obtain what its feet had not stealthily seized
٢٢. خلالَهُ الجوُّ فَامْتَدَّتْ يَداهُ إلَى
إِدْراك ما لَمْ تَطَأْ رِجْلاهُ مُخْتَلِسا
23. And he multiplied false claims of divine incarnation
Though had he seen the banner of divine oneness, he would not have dared
٢٣. وأكْثَرَ الزَّعْمَ بالتَّثْلِيثِ مُنْفَرِداً
وَلَوْ رَأَى رأيَةَ التَّوحِيدِ مَا نَبَسا
24. O Lord, mend its rope for the agreeable have not
Left a rope for it or one to keep its ropes tied
٢٤. صِلْ حَبْلَها أَيُّها المَوْلَى الرَّحيمُ فَما
أَبقَى المِراسُ لَها حَبْلاً وَلا مَرَسا
25. And revive what the enemies erased among it
As you revived what was erased of the call of the Mahdi
٢٥. وَأَحْي مَا طَمَستْ مِنْهُ العُداةُ كَمَا
أَحيَيْتَ مِن دَعوَةِ المَهْدِيِّ ما طُمِسا
26. Days you set out to preemptively champion the truth
And by that enlightened guidance, you were illuminated
٢٦. أَيَّامَ سِرْتَ لِنَصْرِ الحَقِّ مُسْتَبِقاً
وَبتَّ مِن نُورِ ذاكَ الهّدْي مُقْتَبِسا
27. You stood by God's command, victoriously
Like an unsheathed sword or a polished blade
٢٧. وَقُمتَ فيها بِأَمْرِ اللَّهِ مُنتَصِراً
كَالصَّارِمِ اهتَزَّ أَو كالعارِضِ انبَجَسا
28. You erase what false incarnation has inscribed of darkness
As the dawn's lights erase gloom
٢٨. تَمحُو الذِي كَتَبَ التَّجْسيمُ مِن ظُلَمٍ
وَالصُّبْحُ مَاحِيةٌ أَنْوارُهُ الغَلَسا
29. And you take from the Compeller His due
Publicly on the day of battle, not fearing secrecy
٢٩. وَتَقْتَضِي المَلِكَ الجبَّارَ مُهجَتَهُ
يَومَ الوَغَى جَهْرَةً لا تَرقُبُ الخُلَسا
30. These are its means calling you from yearning
While you are the best resort for one in despair
٣٠. هَذِي وَسائِلُها تَدْعوكَ مِنْ كَثَبٍ
وَأَنْتَ أفْضَلُ مَرجُوٍّ لِمَنْ يَئِسا
31. Intercede with good tidings seeking the amiable Prince's pleasure and the generous Master's intimacy
It has plunged into the green of youth which his brilliance raises and lowers
٣١. وَافَتْكَ جارِيَةً بالنُّجْحِ رَاجِيَةً
مِنكَ الأمِيرَ الرِّضَى والسَّيِّد النَّدِسا
32. And it suffers softness and ferocity from his clouds
And it occasionally floats while the winds blow fiercely
٣٢. خَاضَت خُضَارَةَ يُعْلِيهَا ويُخْفِضُها
عُبَابُهُ فَتُعانِي اللِّينَ والشَّرَسا
33. As you have sought with your utmost exertion the steed
It visits Yahya ibn Abd al-Wahid ibn Abi
٣٣. ورُبَّما سَبَحتْ والرِّيحُ عَاتِيَةٌ
كَمَا طَلَبْتَ بِأَقْصَى شَدِّه الفَرَسا
34. Hafs reverently from his burial place in Jerusalem
A king whom the kingdoms have submitted to
٣٤. تَؤُمّ يَحْيَى بْنَ عَبْدِ الوَاحِد بْنِ أَبِي
حَفْصٍ مُقَبِّلةً مِن تُربِهِ القُدُسا
35. Willingly in religion and worldly affairs, enveloping them in contentment
From every departing to his right taking charge
٣٥. مَلْكٌ تَقَلَّدتِ الأَمْلاكُ طَاعَتَه
دِيناً ودُنْيا فَغَشَّاها الرِّضَى لِبَسا
36. And every arriving seeking his bounty
Supported such that if he shot a star he would fix it
٣٦. مِنْ كُلِّ غَادٍ عَلَى يُمنَاه مُستَلِماً
وَكُلّ صَادٍ إلَى نُعْمَاهُ مُلْتَمسا
37. And if he called to a horizon it would obey, not holding back
By Allah, he whom hopes of glory are anticipated for
٣٧. مُؤَيَّدٌ لَو رَمَى نَجْماً لأَثْبَتَهُ
وَلَوْ دَعَا أفُقاً لَبَّى وَما احتَبَسا
38. Has not wandered aimlessly in eternity, ever
An emirate whose standard is borne by destiny
٣٨. تاللَّهِ إِنَّ الذِي تُرجَى السعودُ لَهُ
مَا جَالَ فِي خلَدٍ يَوماً وَلا هَجَسا
39. And a state whose honor accompanies auspiciousness
The day manifests some of its light through it
٣٩. إِمارَةٌ يَحْمِلُ المِقْدَارُ رايَتَها
ودَوْلَةٌ عِزُّها يَسْتَصْحِبُ القَعَسا
40. And the night reveals some of its darkness for it
Unwavering in determination while the days have betrayed
٤٠. يُبْدِي النَّهَارُ بِها مِنْ ضَوْئِهِ شَنَباً
ويُطْلِعُ الليلُ مِنْ ظَلْمَائِهِ لَعَسا
41. The freely flowing and the time has frowned
It is as though he is the full moon and the heights are his
٤١. ماضِي العَزيمَةِ والأَيَّامُ قَدْ نَكَلَتْ
طَلْقُ المُحَيَّا ووَجْهُ الدَّهْرِ قَدْ عَبَسا
42. Surrounded by the mane of glory protecting him
His planning encompassed the world though it did not encompass him
٤٢. كَأَنَّهُ البَدْرُ والعَليَاءُ هالَتُهُ
تَحُفُّ مِن حَولِهِ شُهْبُ القَنَا حَرَسا
43. And the reputation of his virtues covered people and consoled them
His call was established upon justice and benevolence
٤٣. تَدْبِيرُهُ وَسِعَ الدُّنيا وَما وَسِعَتْ
وعُرْفُ مَعْرُوفِهِ وَاسَى الوَرَى وَأَسا
44. And it spread the generosity of generosity that was folded
Blessed is his guidance each morning, his tranquility pervasive
٤٤. قَامَتْ عَلَى العَدلِ وَالإحسانِ دَعْوَتُهُ
وأَنْشَرَتْ مِنْ وُجُودِ الجُودِ ما رُمِسا
45. Not arising except for the best and never sitting
Allah illuminated his insight with piety
٤٥. مُبَارَكٌ هَدْيُهُ بادٍ سَكينَتُهُ
مَا قامَ إِلا إلَى حُسْنَى وَلا جَلَسا
46. So he does not care for the complexities of events, confused
He saw the disobedient and cared for the obedient, so say
٤٦. قَد نَوَّرَ اللَّهُ بِالتَّقوَى بَصِيرَتَهُ
فَمَا يُبالي طُروقَ الخَطْبِ مُلتَبِسا
47. Regarding the lion, ferocious, and the rain, flowing
He did not neglect a plain or mountain
٤٧. بَرَى العُصاةَ وَرَاشَ الطائِعِينَ فَقُلْ
في اللَّيْثِ مُفْتَرِساً والغَيثِ مُرْتَجِسا
48. Without enlivening it if you entrusted it to him depleted
For many prey you do not find prey like it
٤٨. ولَم يُغَادِر علَى سَهْلٍ وَلا جَبَلٍ
حَيَّا لقاحاً إِذا وَفَّيْتَهُ بَخَسا
49. And many pursuits you do not find a pursuit like it
He is nurtured into the angels and kings together
٤٩. فَرُبَّ أَصْيَدَ لا تُلفِي بِهِ صَيَداً
وَرُبَّ أشْوَسَ لا تَلْقَى لَهُ شَوسا
50. In a source that produced for glory what was planted
Allah formed his essence from radiant light
٥٠. إلَى المَلائِكِ يُنْمَى والمُلوكِ مَعاً
فِي نَبْعةٍ أَثْمَرَتْ لِلمَجْدِ ما غَرَسا
51. And protected his constitution from approaching lowliness
For him are the land and throne, two paths so none
٥١. مِنْ سَاطِعِ النُّورِ صَاغَ اللَّهُ جَوهَرَهُ
وَصَانَ صِيغَتَهُ أنْ تَقْرُبَ الدَّنَسا
52. More honorable than his two paths has mounted or settled
The one who sold himself in dangers riding them
٥٢. لَهُ الثَّرَى والثُّريَّا خُطَّتانِ فَلا
أَعَزّ مِنْ خُطَّتَيْهِ ما سَما وَرَسا
53. Considers it sufficient for his life that the sale not be rescinded
Indeed fortunate is one who throws his staff aside
٥٣. حَسْبُ الذِي بَاعَ في الأَخْطَارِ يَرْكَبُها
إلَيْهِ مَحْيَاهُ أنَّ البَيْعَ مَا وُكِسا
54. While being cautious of justice and vigilant
He dwelt making sanctuaries from its corners
٥٤. إِنَّ السَّعيدَ امْرُؤٌ أَلقَى بِحَضرَتِهِ
عَصَاهُ مُحْتَزِماً بالعَدْلِ مُحْتَرِسا
55. And stayed kindling from its lights a flame
Good tidings to a servant who approached the Bountiful Door
٥٥. فَظَلَّ يُوطِنُ مِنْ أَرْجَائِها حرَماً
وبَاتَ يُوقِدُ مِنْ أضْوائِهَا قَبَسا
56. With hopes and drew from the sweet well
As though riding the oaths that accompany him
٥٦. بُشْرَى لِعَبدٍ إلَى البَابِ الكَريمِ حَدَا
آمالهُ ومِنَ العَذْبِ المَعينِ حَسا
57. A path from the seas toward it dried
So he was met with happiness, its floods greeting him
٥٧. كأَنَّمَا يَمْتَطِي واليُمْنِ يَصحَبُه
مِنَ البِحارِ طَرِيقاً نَحْوَهُ يَبَسا
58. From a horizon whose light overflowed and reflected
And before generosity, its downpours met him
٥٨. فاسْتَقْبَل السعدَ وضَّاحا أسرَّتُه
من صَفْحَةٍ غَاضَ مِنها النورُ فانعَكَسا
59. From serenity in which the sea delved and submerged
O victorious King, you are for it
٥٩. وَقَبل الجُودَ طفَّاحاً غَوارِبُهُ
مِن رَاحَةٍ غاصَ فيها البَحرُ فانغَمَسا
60. Heights that expand the enemies of guidance miserably
And reports have circulated that you are one who
٦٠. يَا أَيُّها المَلِكُ المَنْصُورُ أنْتَ لَهَا
عَليَاءُ تُوسِعُ أَعْداءَ الهُدَى تَعَسا
61. Revives by killing the yellow kings of al-Andalus
Purify your country of them, they are impure
٦١. وقَدْ تَواتَرتِ الأَنْبَاء أَنَّكَ مَنْ
يُحْيِي بِقَتْلِ مُلوك الصُّفْرِ أَنْدَلُسا
62. And no purity unless you wash the impure
And tread the mighty regiments upon their land
٦٢. طَهِّرْ بِلادَك مِنْهُم إِنَّهُم نَجَسٌ
وَلا طَهَارَةَ ما لَم تَغْسِل النَّجَسا
63. Until it bows the heads of all who have heads
And aid worshippers in its furthest east who have turned
٦٣. وَأَوْطِئ الفَيْلَقَ الجَرَّارَ أرضَهُمُ
حتَّى يُطَأطِئَ رَأْساً كُلُّ مَنْ رَأْسا
64. Their eyes with tears flowing purely and muddily
They are followers of the creed and it is the abode that has been shaken
٦٤. وانْصُر عَبِيداً بأَقْصَى شَرْقِها شَرِقَتْ
عُيُونُهم أدْمُعاً تهْمِي زَكاً وخَسا
65. With an illness that will not be cured unless addressed decisively
So fill its realm triumphantly with cavalry brandishing swords
٦٥. هُمْ شِيعَةُ الأَمْرِ وَهْيَ الدَّارُ قَد نُهِكَتْ
دَاءً وَمَا لَمْ تُبَاشِرْ حَسْمَهُ انْتَكَسا
66. Or infantrymen with spears, joyous
And make it a promise of conquest which it awaits
٦٦. فَامْلأ هَنِيئاً لَكَ التَّمْكِينُ سَاحَتها
جُرْداً سَلاهِبَ أوْ خَطِّيَّةً دُعُسا
67. Perhaps the day of enemies has come and perhaps is near
٦٧. واضْرِب لهَا مَوْعِداً بِالفَتْحِ تَرْقُبُهُ
لَعَلَّ يوْمَ الأَعادِي قَدْ أَتَى وعَسَى