1. I smile at dawn and at the start of Eid
Mother of the glorious state and radiance of mankind
١. أمبتسم الأضحَى ومَطلع الفِطرِ
أم الدّولَة الغَراء وَضاحَة البشرِ
2. Nights and days alike in their splendor
The musk and camphor in color and diffusion
٢. ليالٍ وَأَيامٌ تَماثَلْنَ بَهجَةً
هيَ المِسكُ والكافور في اللونِ والنشرِ
3. My scent is springtime, my sweets are springtime's
Like the warbling of a pure maiden emerging from her boudoir
٣. عَبِيريةُ الرَّيا ربيعية الحُلَى
كَرَقراقَةٍ عَذراءَ تطلُعُ مِن خِدرِ
4. With her the ages donned beauty and were adorned
And from her the page of sun and moon drew radiance
٤. بِها اشتَمل الدهرُ المَحاسِنَ وارتَدى
وَمِنها استَمدت صفحة الشَّمسِ والبَدرِ
5. So welcome as the showers of Muzna have descended
And welcome as the veil splits from the blossom
٥. فَحَذيا كَما انهَلَّت شَآبِيبُ مُزنةٍ
وَدنيا كَما انشَق الكِمام عَن الزَّهرِ
6. Behold the cub of valor visited its lair
So the people's resolve against it weakened into wailing
٦. ألا هُو شِبل البأسِ زارَ هِزَبرَه
فَقرَّ قَرارُ الناسِ منهُ عَلى الزأرِ
7. The torrent of dew poured forth its abundance
And the torrents never ceased to pour into the sea
٧. وَسَيلُ الندَى أَفضَى إِلى البَحرِ فَيضُه
وَما بَرِحت تُفضي السيولَ إلى البَحرِ
8. It shone crescent-like and the Saudis magnify it
With the aura of the full moon in semblance of blossom
٨. تَجلّى هِلالاً والسعود تَحفُّه
بهالَة بَدرِ المُلك في شُبْهَةِ الزُّهرِ
9. And it alighted loftily, the ride of its stately nose
Upon the mountain firm in pride, not in rock
٩. وَحَطَّ يَفاعاً شامخَ الأنفِ رحلَهُ
عَلى الجَبلِ الراسي من الفخرِ لا الصَخرِ
10. And it came as its breeze revived the gardens
In a capacious canopy and capacious pot
١٠. وَجاءَ كَما حيَّا الرياضَ نَسيمُها
عَلى قَدَرٍ ضَخم السرادِقِ والقَدْرِ
11. You see luck, success and prosperity around it
Accompanying it in procession with chanting
١١. تَرَى السعدَ والإقبالَ واليمنَ حولهُ
تُواكِبه سبحا إلى جَيشِهِ المجرِي
12. And the clouds sent down their rains in service
To it, surrounding the brilliant armor with rainfall
١٢. وَقد أرْسَلتْ أمطارَها السُّحبُ خدمة
لهُ فأَحاطَتْ ساطِعَ النّقعِ بالقَطْرِ
13. Yet the noonday sun with its ferocity
Could not touch it under the shade of the standards of victory
١٣. ولَمْ تَستَطِعْ شمسُ الظهيرَة لَفحَه
بِما فَوْقَه مِن ظِلّ ألْوية النّصْرِ
14. Radiant, splendid is its face and its place
In the palace - from its banners as on the prayer mat
١٤. مُنِيرٌ مُنيفٌ وَجْهُهُ ومَحَلُّه
عَلى القَصْرِ مِن لألائِهِ ما عَلى العَصْرِ
15. Good tidings spread on the day of its arrival
To the noble court in desert and in town
١٥. تَناصَرَتِ البُشرى بِيَومِ قُدومِهِ
عَلى الحَضرةِ العلياء في البدْوِ والحَضْرِ
16. With it, a throne and pulpit became adorned
Like the saddlebags of the blond foal and the sorrel camel
١٦. وأَضْحَى بِهِ يَبْأَى سَريرٌ وَمِنْبَرٌ
كَبَأوِ اليَراع الصُّفر والأَسَل السُّمرِ
17. And it accorded with the hopes and their wisdom
The meeting of dew and rose in the tender time
١٧. وكانَ عَلَى وَفْقِ الأمانِي وحُكْمِها
تَلاقي النّدى والوَرْد في الزّمنِ النضْرِ
18. Pure Zakariyya in his blessed origins
Clarified his excellent traits, sprouting in purity
١٨. زَكا زَكَرِياءُ المُبارَك مَنْشَأ
فَصَرّح عن مَعْروفِهِ نَابِتُ البَكرِ
19. And he was granted wisdom and insight from his forefathers
As a child, so he became the elder in the prime of youth
١٩. وأُوتِيَ مِن آبائِهِ الحُكمُ والحِجَى
صَبِيّاً فكانَ الكهْلَ في بُرْدَةِ الغِرِّ
20. And many a little one in his years has aged
Exalted to the exalted, great beyond great
٢٠. ورُبَّ صَغير في سِنيه سَنَاؤُه
جَليلٌ لَدى الجُلَّى كَبيرٌ عَن الكِبْرِ
21. The namesake of his father, blessed in name and epithet
For the grandson from marking them both with nobility
٢١. كِنيُّ أبيه بُورِك اسْماً وكُنْيَةً
على النَّجلِ من وَسميْهما كرَمُ النَّجرِ
22. And it flows into souls their fervor
As the souls' flowing at first light
٢٢. ويَسْرِي إلى الأرْواحِ مِنْهَا حُبورُها
كَمِثل سُرَى الأرْواحِ في غُرّةِ الفَجْرِ
23. Aspirations whose praise transcends telling it
Even were the verses composed for it instead of prose
٢٣. هُمَامٌ يَدِقُّ المَدْحُ عَنْهُ جَلالةً
ولَو صِيغَت الشِّعرَى لهُ بَدَلَ الشِّعرِ
24. When gathered in the king's company or loved
Then say, in the Syrian mountains and the green sea
٢٤. إذا ما احتَبى في مَجلِسِ الملك أو حبا
فَقُل في الجبالِ الشُّمِّ والأبْحُرِ الخُضْرِ
25. For its chest from the House of Leadership is its rank
And for that House the rank of the chest is its right
٢٥. لهُ الصَّدْرُ مِن بَيتِ الإمارَةِ رُتْبَةً
وحُقَّ لِذاكَ البَيتِ مرْتبَةُ الصَّدْرِ
26. It is enamored with the sublime, absent and present
So from news that consoles time, and from great news
٢٦. تَولّعَ بِالْعَليا مَغيباً وَمَشْهدا
فَمِنْ خَبرٍ يُسلي الزّمانَ وَمِن خُبْرِ
27. And it attained glory and fortune on kingdoms
Thus it poured on the celestial spheres the garments of pride
٢٧. وَأَرْبى عَلَى الأملاكِ مَجداً وَسُؤْدَداً
فجرَّ عَلى الأفلاكِ أرْدِيَة الفَخْرِ
28. It is preoccupied with preparing equipment for its sacrifice
And it desires the aid of war for the virgin raid
٢٨. يَهيمُ بِإعْدادِ العَتادِ لِبَذْلِهِ
وَيَهْوَى عَوانَ الحَرْب للفَتْكةِ البِكْرِ
29. And it accepts no honor and fuel for its fire
Other than Indian steel and fragrant algum wood
٢٩. وَلا يَرْتَضِي عِزّاً وَقُوداً لِنارِه
سِوى المَنْدَلِ الهِندِيِّ والعَنبرِ الشِّحْرِي
30. Indeed Tunis basked in the light of its guidance
As the white camels bask in the fire of kindled campfires
٣٠. لَقَد آنَسَتْ نُورَ الهُدى مِنهُ تُونِسٌ
كَما آنَس الأُمّالُ نَارَ النَدَى الغَمرِ
31. I say, and delegations have crowded its domes
Embroidered above the columns and stucco
٣١. أَقُول وَقد أمَّ الوُفودُ قِبَابَه
مُطنّبَةً فَوقَ السِّمَاكَيْنِ والنَّشْرِ
32. Upon your envoys - indeed the planets are but some of what
Your steeds will trample, unto the splendid planet
٣٢. على رِسلِكُم إنّ الكَواكِبَ بَعضُ ما
تَدُوسُ مَطاياكُم إلى الكَوْكَبِ الدرِّي
33. Good fortune for the command of God that its arm was strengthened
By the House of Abu Hafs, most sublime in prohibition and command
٣٣. هَنيئاً لأمْر اللّهِ أنْ شُدَّ أزْرُهُ
بِآل أَبي حَفص أُلى النّهي والأمْرِ
34. And that Yahya the Righteous and his scion rose up
For its manifestation during the decisive confrontation
٣٤. وَأنْ قامَ يَحيْى المُرْتَضى وَسَلِيلُه
لإظْهَارِهِ أثْنَاءَ قَاصِمَة الظَّهْرِ
35. A beloved prince through it a prince in his kingdom
Who attained vengeance for the religion against rebellion and unbelief
٣٥. أَميراً حَبا مِنْهُ أميراً بِمُلكِه
فأدْرَكَ ثَأر الدينِ في البَغْي والكفرِ
36. And delegated him the Imami covenant, pleased
With his beautiful conduct and youthful undertakings
٣٦. وقَلَّدَهُ العَهْدَ الإمَامِيَّ راضِياً
بِسيرَتِه الحُسْنَى وآثارِهِ الغُرِّ
37. So he girded the swordblade of immaculate lineage from it
Upon the shoulders of a graceful and accomplished archer
٣٧. فَناطَ نِجادَ السَيْف منه بِعاتِقي
نَجيدٍ وأَعطى القَوْس أبرعَ مَن يَبْرِي
38. And this is none but an Umarite state
In which good fortune endures, of lasting life
٣٨. وَما هِيَ إلا دَوْلَةٌ عُمَرِيَّةٌ
يَدومُ بِها الإقبالُ مُنْفَسِحَ العُمْرِ
39. You see its tomorrow rising to it and its yesterday
Keeping eyes fixed on it, repeatedly, again and again
٣٩. تَرى غَدَها يَسْمُو إلَيْهَا وأمسَها
يُديمُ إليها اللحْظَ كَرّاً عَلى كَرِّ
40. It fulfilled its vow to the world by securing its people
Loyally, and they were loyal to religion through their vow
٤٠. قَضَتْ نَذْرَها الدُّنيا بتَأمينِ أهْلِها
وَفاءً فأوْفَوْا للدّيانَةِ بِالنّذْرِ
41. They defended it as the hissing serpent defends its nest
And their swords are sharper than fang and claw
٤١. حَمَوْها كَما يَحْمي الهِزَبرُ عَرينَه
وأسيافُهم أمضَى من النابِ والظُّفرِ
42. And the world was not apt to turn away from them
As they are the party of piety and the faction of righteousness
٤٢. ولَم تَكُن الدُّنيا لتَعدِلَ عَنْهُم
وَهُم فِئَة التّقوى وطائِفَة البِرِّ
43. An equitable nation who were most just when they lifted
From the people what had burdened necks with shackles
٤٣. أيمَّة عَدل أقسَطوا حينَ أسْقَطوا
عنِ الناسِ ما آدَ الرّقابَ مِن الإصْرِ
44. Their faces illuminate the nights' lamps
Thus we are amidst the month, for all time
٤٤. تُضيءُ دَياجيرَ الليالي وُجوهُهم
فَنَحنُ طوالَ الدَّهرِ في وَسطَ الشّهرِ
45. And they fulfilled what exhausted the Imams before them
And exhausted the staunch poets before me and prose
٤٥. وَفَوْا بالذي أعْيا الأئِمّةَ قبْلَهُم
وأَعيْا فُحولَ النَّظْمِ قبليَ والنثْرِ
46. They are God's party; in them is no doubt
And if you are uncertain, ask the decisive Scripture
٤٦. أولئِكَ حِزْبُ اللّهِ لا رَيْبَ فِيهِمُ
وَإن كُنت مُرْتاباً فَسل محكم الذكرِ
47. Scion of guidance, glory, and generosity - take them
Steeped in praise, laud, and thanks
٤٧. سَليل الهُدى والمَجدِ والجودِ هاكَها
مُضَمَّخَةً بالمَدْح والحَمد والشكرِ
48. Gifts from these verses, I hope for acceptance
As they come forth resplendent in the ink of the pen
٤٨. هَدايا مِن المَنظومِ أَرجو قَبولَها
وَقد أَقبَلتْ تَخْتال في حَبَر الحَبرِ
49. Except that the dearest praise under you is inadequate
Even if the eloquence of meaning were confined to sorcery
٤٩. عَلى أنّ أغْلَى المَدْحِ دُونَكَ قَاصِرٌ
ولَو كانَ مَقْصورَ البَيانِ عَلى السِحرِ