
A conquest motivated by victory and empowerment

غزو على النصر والتمكين منشؤه

1. A conquest motivated by victory and empowerment
Its purpose is triumph, its beginning success

١. غَزْوٌ على النّصر والتمكين منْشؤُه
الفَتْحُ غَايَتُه والنُّجْح مَبْدَؤُهُ

2. There is no doubt in what its signs have made clear
That good fortune readies happiness for him

٢. لا رَيْبَ فيما تجلّى مِنْ دَلائِلهِ
إنّ السَّعادَةَ لِلْحُسْنى تُهيِّئهُ

3. And dawn, when its light becomes visible to eyes
The wing of obscurity cannot hide it

٣. والفجر إذ يَصْدُق الأبصارَ مطْلِعُه
لا يستطيعُ جَناحُ الجُنْحِ يُخفِئُهُ

4. Its beginning gives you the substance of its end
For its describer truthfully prophesies it

٤. يُعْطِيكَ أوَّلُه مَضْمونَ آخِره
فإِن واصفَه صدْقَاً يُنَبَّؤُهُ

5. The hand traced it, making plain
Its title for people's eyes to read

٥. خَطّتْ بِهِ اليَدُ منهُ مُهْرَقاً فبَدا
عنْوَانُه لِعُيونِ الناسِ تَقْرَؤُهُ

6. The command is your command, you give and withhold it
And the rule is your rule, you execute and postpone it

٦. الأمْرُ أمْرُك تُعْطيه وتَمْنَعُه
والحُكم حُكمك تُمضيهِ وتُرْجِئهُ

7. You were angry for God, demanding His ordinances
So you came shooting an arrow that does not miss

٧. غَضبت لله تَسْتَرْعي فرائِضَهُ
فَجِئتَ تَرْمي بِسهم لَيسَ يخطِئهُ

8. And I stood for the religion, expressing its victory
Whereupon the world rejoiced, congratulating it

٨. وقُمْتُ للدّين إفْصاحاً بنصْرَتِه
فاسحنْفَرتْ عندها الدُّنيا تُهنّئُهُ

9. The body of guidance had been violated, sick
While you are its soul, ceaselessly healing it

٩. قد كانَ مُنتهكاً جسْمُ الهُدى مَرَضاً
وأَنت رُوحٌ لَهُ مازِلت تُبْرئُهُ

10. Your army and navy have secured
For the guided leader an appeasing course

١٠. للهِ جيْشُك والأسْطول قد ضَمِنا
لِلْمُقْتدي بالهُدى سيْراً يُهدّئُهُ

11. Proceeding together in God's path, competing
Until victory was attained, delayed and hastened

١١. تَساوقا في سبيل الله واسْتَبَقا
فَاستَوْسَقَ النّصر أوفَاه وأبْطؤُهُ

12. One courses the dusty desert, crossing it
The other fills the verdant meadows, overflowing them

١٢. هذا على أَغْبَرِ البَيْداء يسْجرُه
وَذاك في أخضَر الدّأماء يملؤُهُ

13. Each marked forever with your brand
The zeal of religion and fortune shading it

١٣. كُلُّ عَلَيْهِ بِما جَشَّمْتَهُ أبْداً
كِلاءةُ الدين واليُمنُ يُكلِّئُهُ

14. O excellent one of the daughters of water swimming
That boil those of hellfire, extinguishing them

١٤. يا حبَّذا من بَنات الماء سَابِحَةٌ
تطفو لِما شبّ أهل النار تطفئُهُ

15. The wind blows them like crows with wings
Not esteemed by the white doves for partnership

١٥. تُطيرُها الرّيح غرْباناً بأجنِحة ال
حمائمِ البِيض للإشْراكِ تَرْزَؤُهُ

16. From every dusky one not masked by leprosy
His rider is not gladdened by the bells ringing

١٦. مِن كلّ أدْهمَ لا يُلفى به جرَبٌ
فَما لراكِبه بالقارِ يهنئُهُ

17. He is called a crow though his speed
Shows him the son of water and the shrike his shriek

١٧. يُدْعَى غُراباً ولِلْفتخاء سرْعتُه
وهوَ ابْن ماء وللشاهِين جُؤْجُؤُهُ

18. If his swim is from the east sea
The shore of the west sea is his harbor

١٨. إن كانَ مِن نحو بَحر الشرق مسبَحه
فإنّ سَاحِلَ بَحْر الغَرْبِ مَرْفَؤُهُ

19. The Imam turned kindly to his homelands
His tent on earth warms them, its partitions sheltering

١٩. حَنَّ الإمَامُ إلى أوْطانِه كَرَماً
آثارهُ خيمُهُ الأرضَى وضِئْضِئُهُ

20. He headed westward to empower it
And turned to the highest dwelling, lodging it

٢٠. فيمّم المَغْربَ الأَقصى يُمَلّكه
واسْتَقبَلَ المَنْزل الأَعلى يبَوّؤُهُ

21. He clove towards the rising place of the Mahdi
Dispersing the darkness and gloom veiling its brilliance

٢١. سَما إلى مَطلع المهديّ يصْدعُ ما
غَشّاهُ ظُلْمَاً وَإظْلامَاً تلأْلُؤُهُ

22. He called out to Yahya ibn Abd al-Wahid ibn Abi
Hafs, who promptly responded, rewarding and sufficing him

٢٢. نَادى بِيحيى بن عَبد الواحدِ بنِ أبي
حَفْصٍ فَلَبَّاهُ يَجْزيهِ ويُجْزِئُهُ

23. When he saw the trinity's brothers trying to destroy him
He answered with the monotheists' sons, reconstituting him

٢٣. لمَّا رَأى إخوَة التثليث تَمْحَقُه
أجَابَه بِبَني التّوحيدِ يُنْشِئُهُ

24. With an army bearing good fortune's banner
With which the exalted celestial sphere is purified

٢٤. مِنْ جحْفلٍ يَحمل الإسعَادُ رَايتهُ
لا يَرْبأ بالعَالَمُ العَلْويُّ يُرْبِئُهُ

25. Its vengeance grows among the Romans, whom you have set
To ache with wounds and gashes lacerating them

٢٥. تُنْمى نِكايَتُهُ في الرُّوم إذْ جعلت
بالقَرْحِ توجعه والجرْح تنكؤُهُ

26. How many thirsty for the morning draught among them
Sate themselves on the spears cutting them down

٢٦. كَم ظامئٍ للظُّبا فِيهم تضَلُّعُه
وساغِبٍ للْقَنَا مِنْهم تَمَلُّؤُهُ

27. An imam of justice seeing by God's light what
Tomorrow he should hasten or gently prepare

٢٧. إمَام عَدْلٍ بِنُور اللَهِ يَنْظُر مَا
غَدا يُعَجّله أو مَا يُرَوِّئُهُ

28. His pavilion pitched over the stars
Reaches the sun's zenith with its footing

٢٨. على الكواكِب مضْروبٌ سُرادِقه
بِحَيْثُ يَبْلغ أوْج الشمسِ مَوْطِئُهُ

29. He smells no sweetness when deploying troops for strife
Unless it is with the infidels' blood wetting them

٢٩. لا طيبَ حينَ يُعبي عَسكراً لِوَغىً
ما لم يكن من دَم الكُفارِ يَعبَؤُهُ

30. And his sword's edge probed each artery
With none to shield them, clasping and embracing them

٣٠. وزار كلَّ وَريدٍ حدُّ صارِمه
وَليْس من دونِه رِدْءٌ يُحلِّئُهُ

31. With his daring he makes Amr and Mudhij forget
Hatim's hands and hospitality sheltering them

٣١. ينْسَى بإقْدامِه عَمْروٌ ومذحجُه
وحَاتِمٌ بِأياديهِ وطيِّئُهُ

32. Whoever fears injustice or enmity from time
He is their refuge and shelter saving them

٣٢. من خاف حيفاً من الأيّام أو عنتا
وأمّه فَهْو مَنْجاهُ ومَلْجَؤُهُ

33. O sea of limitless knowledge and bounty
Your coral fills our hands, your pearls adorning them

٣٣. يا بَحْرَ عِلْم وجُودٍ لا كِفاءَ له
مَرْجَانُهُ مِلْءُ أيْدينا ولُؤْلُؤُهُ

34. For your sake the fierce cubs risked themselves
Each undertakes the duty of tearing them

٣٤. يَفديك في سبْيك الأشْبالَ ضاريةً
منْ أُسْدِها كلِفٌ بالزِّقِّ يسْبؤُهُ

35. Passing Tlemcen victoriously, adding
To curb the blessings of the ungrateful, stopping them

٣٥. جاوزَ تلمسان فتحاً لاحقا بِسلا
يكُفُّ مَنْ كَفَر النُّعْمى ويَكْفؤُهُ

36. Head to Marrakesh, made prosperous by your grace
None like you neglects or forgets them

٣٦. وانْهَدْ لمرّاكشٍ تسعدْ بها نفَلاً
ما كان مِثْلك يَنساه ويَنْسَؤُهُ

37. Malice deceived the enemy, accusations were cast
So fate frowned severely, surprising them

٣٧. غرَّ المُناوئَ جَهْلاً نِيّةٌ قُذُفٌ
فأوْجَفَتْ نحوَهُ الأقدارُ تفْجؤُهُ

38. Give good tidings to the Zanata of calamity bare
Of any power to repel it thwarting them

٣٨. بَشِّرْ زناتة بالهَيجاء مُسْفِرَة
عَن كُلِّ ذي قَدرٍ لاَ حَوْلَ يَدْرَؤُهُ

39. Advancing against death, swords held high
Who sees life as worth living, tasting and savoring it?

٣٩. ماضٍ على المَوْتِ والأسيافُ نابِية
ما أنصَفَ العيشَ يَهْوَاهُ ويَشنؤُهُ

40. When a brave one attacks, he remains felled
While the appointed lot eludes, missing him

٤٠. إِذا ازْدَهى بِكَميٍّ ظَلَّ يَصْرَعُه
أحْظَاهُ مَا فَاتَ للمَقْدُور يُخطِئُهُ

41. Woe to he who is beset by war while leaning
On his staff of disobedience, unsuccessful in straightening it

٤١. يا وَيْل من غَشِيته الحرْبُ وهْو على
عَصا مَعاصيهِ لَم يُفْلِحْ توكؤُهُ

42. The veil of misguidance called to the wretched, making him hear
Bending his head in humiliation, bowing it

٤٢. ما يَغْمرَاسنُ إلا أكْلُ غَمْرَتها
وإنْ بدا عن تَلظِّيها تَلَكُّؤُهُ

43. He turned for support to the weakest pillars
While the starlings shatter them, clamoring over him

٤٣. غَدا وَأصْلتَ وهوَ العبْدُ سيّدَهُ
فسوْفَ يَغدو الحُسامُ الصّلت يهرَؤُهُ

44. Like one who sleeps exposed on barren ground
Incessantly troubled, his squalor covering him

٤٤. سُؤْر الغِوايَة نادى السُّؤرَ يُسمعُه
بِرأسِه فَهْوَ من ذُلّ يُطَأطِئُهُ

45. If his misery is prolonged by his travails
He has despaired of his hopes, disavowing them

٤٥. أوَى إلى أضْعَف الأركان مُستنداً
وأين من كاسراتِ الطير يُؤْيُؤُهُ

46. The fortunate were not roused by its frenzy
Only the wretched, whom it addles, maddening them

٤٦. كَمنْ يَبيتُ عَلى أزْلٍ وَمَسْغَبَة
وليسَ يَنفكُّ مكروباً تجشُّؤُهُ

47. You rose early while he was the slave of his master
So the swords will rise against the craven, tearing him

٤٧. فإن يَطُلْ بسَنَايَاهُ تَبرُّمُهُ
فقَد أنَّى من أمانيهِ تَبرُّؤُهُ

48. The disaster of error called to disasters, making them hear him
He is laid low by humiliation humbling him

٤٨. أُولُو السَعادة لم يضْرِم هِياجَهُم
أولُو الشَقاوة إلا وهيَ تَفْثَؤُهُ

49. He resorted for support to the feeblest pillar
While the starlings there cry over him

٤٩. بُشْراكَ بالفتْح قد حيّاكَ من كثبٍ
والفتح أهنَؤُهُ الأوْحَى وأمْرَؤُهُ

50. Like one who spends the night exposed on arid soil
Inextricably troubled, his anguish splitting him

٥٠. فَاءَتْ بدولَتكَ الدُّنيا لِزِينَتِها
فدامَ ظِلُّك مأموناً تَفَيُّؤُهُ