1. Who is the living king in the palace
Whose appearance is over the seven levels
١. مَنِ المَلِكُ المحَيَّا في الرِّواقِ
ومَظْهَرُهُ عَلَى السَّبْعِ الطِّباقِ
2. The staffs are honored by his palm
And the remains shine with his name
٢. تَعِزُّ بِكَفِّهِ القُضْبُ المَواضِي
وَتشْرقُ باسْمِهِ الدِّيَمُ البَواقِي
3. Good tidings rush to his acceptance
Valleys with lightnings and miracles
٣. وَتَسْتَبِقُ السُعودُ إلَى رِضَاهُ
هَوَادِيَ بِالْبُروقِ وبِالبُرَاقِ
4. When his regiments march in the day
You see the night outstretched
٤. إذَا زَحَفَتْ كتَائِبُهُ نَهَاراً
رَأيْتَ الليلَ مَمْدودَ الرِّوَاقِ
5. So from aroused, ferocious lions
Over energized, unbound horses
٥. فَمِنْ أُسْدٍ مُهَيَّجَةٍ ضَوَارٍ
عَلَى جُرْدٍ مُطَهَّمَةٍ عِتَاقِ
6. As if the land, because of them, was in seas
Waves in turmoil and collision
٦. كَأَنَّ الأرْضَ مِنْها في بِحَارٍ
زَوَاخِرَ فِي ارْتِجَاجٍ واصْطِفَاقِ
7. It undulates with shields and buildings
And overflows with blazes and fires
٧. تَمَوَّج بِالمَضَارِبِ والمَبَانِي
وتَطْفَحُ بالمَذَاكِي والنِّياقِ
8. The wind gives up blowing to its farthest extent
Like the exhaustion of the overburdened camel from carrying
٨. تَكِلُّ الرِّيحُ عَنْ أَقْصَى مَدَاها
كَلالَ الهِيفِ عَنْ حَمْلِ النِّطَاقِ
9. It leads the horses in eagerness and zeal
Samples for chasing and racing
٩. تَقُودُ الخَيْلُ مِنْ غُرٍّ وَبُهْمٍ
ضَوامِرَ للِطِّرادِ وَلِلسِّبَاقِ
10. Steeds like the wild deer soaring
To the highest where no ladder can climb
١٠. جِيَادٌ كالظِّبَاءِ العُفْرِ تَسْمُو
سَوالِفَ حَيثُ لا مَرْقىً لِرَاقِ
11. And it overtakes the absent things from it
With ears that makes them hear whispers
١١. وَتُدْرِكُ غَائِبَ الأَشْيَاءِ عَنْها
بِأَسْمَاع تُؤَلِّلُها رِقَاقِ
12. Tied to its Lord while the night is dark
And family of its people and death is coming
١٢. رَبِيطَةُ رَبِّها والليْلُ دَاجٍ
وَعُصْرَةُ أَهْلِها وَالمَوْتُ ساقِ
13. The storms wished to join it
But their freedom prevents joining
١٣. تَمَنَّى العَاصِفَاتُ لَها لَحَاقاً
فَيَأْبَى عِتْقُهُنَّ مِنَ الَّلحَاقِ
14. When the full moons of the valleys appear
They turn away from the gardens in shyness
١٤. إِذَا طَلَعَتْ مُحلاةَ الهَوادِي
عَدَلْنَ عَنِ الحَدَائِقِ بالحِدَاقِ
15. And from its iron spear there is a fragrance
The sneezes hurry to smell it
١٥. ومِنْ سَهَكِ الحَديدِ هُناكَ طِيبٌ
تُبَادِرُهُ المَعَاطِسُ بانْتِشَاقِ
16. Battalions whose flags flutter in them
As the heart fluttered from parting
١٦. كَتَائِبُ تَخْفَقُ الرَّاياتُ فِيها
كَمَا فَرِقَ الفُؤادُ مِن الفِراقِ
17. Like resplendent moons
And it protected them from the dryness of place
١٧. كأَمْثَالِ الخَمَائِلِ نَاضِراتٌ
وَقَاهَا مِنْ جُفُوف المَحْلِ وَاقِ
18. The betrayals of valleys and shelters
Trickle in flow and slide
١٨. بِها غُدُرُ المَواضِي والمَوَاذِي
تَرَقْرَقُ في انْسيَابٍ وانْسِيَاقِ
19. It carried the disasters and wishes
To two conflicting and agreed groups
١٩. تَحَمَّلَتِ المَنَايا والأَمَانِي
إلَى فِئَتَيْ خِلافٍ واتِّفَاقِ
20. The first it endows with Andalusia to protect
And the last hovering over Iraq
٢٠. فأُولاها بِأَنْدَلُسٍ تُحَامِي
وَأُخْراهَا تَحُومُ علَى العِرَاقِ
21. By God's command King Yahya stood up
And the groups of hypocrisy sat down
٢١. بِأَمْرِ اللَّهِ قامَ المَلْكُ يَحْيَى
وَقَدْ قَعَدَتْ بهِ زُمَرُ النِّفَاقِ
22. So those are the ties of religion in distress
And that is the tradition of guidance in agreement
٢٢. فَتِلكَ عُرَى الدِّيانَة في اشْتِدَادٍ
وذَاكَ سَنَى الهِدَايَةِ في ائْتِلاقِ
23. A prince, all knowledge, forbearance
Goodness, justice in harmony
٢٣. أميرٌ كُلُّهُ عِلْمٌ وَحِلْمٌ
وَإِحْسَانٌ وَعَدْلٌ فِي اتِّساقِ
24. So from good omens, distant goals
And from ambitions, distant horizons
٢٤. فَمِنْ شِيَمٍ سَعيدَاتِ المَرَامِي
وَمنْ هِمَمٍ بَعيدَاتِ المَرَاقِي
25. The kingdoms of earth fall short of it
And far from the smooth is slipping
٢٥. تُقَصِّرُ عَنْهُ أَمْلاكُ البَرايا
وَهَيْهَاتَ الزُلالُ مِنَ الزعاقِ
26. It stays up at night while in its prime
Its freedom heralding its launch
٢٦. تُطِلُّ عَلَى الليَالِي وهي جُونٌ
طلاقَتُهُ فَتُوذِنُ بِانْطِلاقِ
27. He decreed to not have dust raised around him
His supporter over the people of conflict
٢٧. قَضَى أَلا يُشَقَّ لَهُ غُبَارٌ
مُؤيِّدُهُ علَى أَهْلِ الشِّقَاقِ
28. I wondered at its white resisting bodies
As if they were not wet with thin blood
٢٨. عَجِبْتُ لبَيْضِه تَصْدَى مُتُوناً
كَأَنْ لَمْ تُرْوَ بالعَلَقِ المُرَاقِ
29. Nor dyed with the hearts of rough men
Whose blades drip with fragility
٢٩. وَلا خُضبَتْ بِأَفْئِدَة غِلاظٍ
تَسِيلُ عَلَى مَضَارِبِها الرَّقَاقِ
30. The trustee of God connected them with openings
They responded at the beginning and outpacing
٣٠. أَمينُ اللَّهِ واصَلَها فُتُوحاً
أجَابَتْ في ابْتِداء واسْتِباقِ
31. He supported religion and the progress was evident
And for the world the rise of ascent
٣١. وَدُمْ لِلدِّينِ وَضَّاحَ التَّرَقِّي
وَلِلدُنيا مُحَلاةَ التَّرَاقِي
32. And the unity of believers into a gathering
And the unity of disbelievers into division
٣٢. وَشَمْلُ المُؤمِنِينَ إِلَى اجْتِماعٍ
وَشَمْلُ الكَافِرينَ إلَى افْتِراقِ
33. You rose to face the wishes
So glad tidings to the wishes for the meeting
٣٣. نَهَضْتَ إلَى مُلاقَاةِ الأمَانِي
فبُشرَى للأَمَانِي بالتَّلاقِي
34. And the support of God is evident upon you
And the kindness of God to you is lasting
٣٤. وَتَأييدُ الإلَهِ عَلَيْكَ بَادٍ
وَإِحْسَانُ الإلَهِ إلَيْكَ باقِ
35. So resolve and travel to the forthcoming victory
And strive to the victorious meeting
٣٥. فَحِل وسِرْ علَى الظَّفَرِ المُوَاتِي
وَأُبْ واظعَنْ إلَى النَّصْرِ المُلاقِي
36. You have favored the far and near
And you relieved the strangled tightness
٣٦. مَنَنْتَ علَى الأقَاصِي والأَدَانِي
وَجُدْتَ مُنَفِّساً ضِيقَ الخِنَاقِ
37. And you gave generously and bountifully
And you hastened the contention to Iraq
٣٧. وَأَجْزَلْتَ المَوَاهِبَ والأيَادِي
وأتْرَعْتَ السِّجَالَ إلَى العَرَاقِي
38. I responded to the farewell as I was called
With yearning and longing
٣٨. أَجَبْتُ إلَى الوَدَاعِ وقَد دَعانِي
عَلَى كَلَفٍ بِبَرْحٍ واشْتِياقِ
39. The seat of authority is not one I would
Spend its nights having exhausted travels
٣٩. وَمَا دَارُ الإمَارَة بالتِي لا
أبِيتُ لِبَيْنِها خَضِلَ المَآقِي
40. And I came to it as a free servant
So how can I fault my stay with escape
٤٠. وقَدْ وافَيْتُها عَبْدَاً صُراحاً
فَكَيْفَ أعيبُ مِلْكِي بالإباقِ
41. Indeed, the consolation has spread and he could not bear
A departure I do not see as feasible
٤١. لَقَدْ فَدَحَ العَزَاءُ فلَم يُطِقْهُ
رَحِيلٌ ما أرَاهُ بالمُطَاقِ
42. If I accompanied a body in travel
Then I have left a heart in shackles
٤٢. فإنْ رَافقْتُ جسْماً في سَرَاحٍ
فَقَد فارَقْتُ قَلْباً في وثاقِ
43. Where glory has demolished the high places
And where generosity has sweetened the taste
٤٣. بِحَيْثُ البَأْسُ مَهْزوز العَوَالِي
وَحَيْثُ الجُودُ مَعْسولُ المَذَاقِ
44. So wherever I was directed east
Or west on a ship or a saddle
٤٤. فَإِنِّي أيْنَما وُجِّهْتُ شَرْقاً
وغَرْباً في السَّفِينِ أَو الرِّفاقِ
45. With its blessing is my pride and my boast
And serving it is my elevation and my rise
٤٥. بِنِعْمَتِها اعتِزازِي واعْتِزائِي
وَخِدْمَتُها اعْتِلائِي واعْتِلاقِي