1. The land of enmity has given consent to its opening
Is there anything after night except the morning?
١. أذِنَتْ أرْضُ العِدَى بافْتِتَاح
هَلْ وَرَاءَ الليْل غَيْرُ الصّباح
2. The enemies did not hesitate to attack voraciously
They are the wolves, the lions of struggle
٢. مَا عَدَوْا أنْ هَيّجُوا لافْتِراس
وهُمُ الذُّؤْبانُ لَيْثَ الكِفاح
3. They ignited the fire of turmoil, so they hurried
Whoever's place of ascent among them is lofty
٣. قَدحوا زَنْدَ الوَغَى فَاسْتَحَثُّوا
مَنْ لَهُ فِيها مُعلّى القِداح
4. Their war has been fertilized by resolves
They forgot to join it with harmony
٤. لَقِحَتْ حَرْبُهُمُ عَن حِيَالٍ
أنِسُوا إلْحَاقَهُم باللقَاح
5. Indeed, monotheism has a sound determination
It widens the scope of the Trinity's conquest
٥. إنَّ للتّوْحيدِ عَزْماً صَحيحاً
يُوسعُ التَثليثَ كَرَّ اكْتِساح
6. And it irrigates jaundice with the red of death
With lead missiles or with sharp blades
٦. وَيُساقِي الصُّفْرَ حُمْرَ المَنايا
بِالصّعادِ السمْر أو بِالصّفاح
7. Andalusia has been promised by him one day
It is at ease awaiting his arrival
٧. وُعِدت أنْدلْسٌ مِنْهُ بِيَومٍ
هِي لاسْتِقْبَالِهِ في ارْتِيَاح
8. Every crisis before it and hesitation
Is for an unraveling after it and clarification
٨. كُلُّ أزْمٍ قَبْلَهُ وانَبِهَامٍ
لانْفراجٍ بَعدَهُ واتّضاح
9. If it is a feast for slaughter and sacrifice
However they wished, so let the enemies be victims
٩. إنْ يَكُنْ عِيداً لِنَحرٍ وذَبْحٍ
كَيْفَ شَاءَتْ فَالأعَادي أضَاحي
10. With corruption they employed every craft
While the guide has the means for reform
١٠. بالفَسَادِ اعْتَمَدُوا كُلّ صُنْعٍ
وعَلى الهادِي مَعَادُ الصّلاح
11. They openly permitted violations of the sanctuary at Hims
While its protection was not permissible
١١. أحِمَى حِمْصٍ أبَاحوا جِهاراً
وحِماها لَمْ يَكُن بالمُباح
12. No, Yahya the Chosen One did not forbid them
With the pain of deep gashes and fervent zeal
١٢. لا وَيَحْيَى المُرْتَضى لا هَنَاهُم
بِألِيمِ القَرْحِ وَرْدُ القَراح
13. Rather, he awaits the time of an opening conquest
Which is sure to come, a herald of success
١٣. إنّمَا يَرْقُبُ مِيقَات فَتْحٍ
هُو آتٍ في ضَمانِ النّجاح
14. And he will return the land to them as a sea
With a flood like unrestrained destiny
١٤. ويُعيدُ البَرّ بَحْراً إلَيْهِمْ
ذا مَضَاء كالقَضاءِ المُتاح
15. Of warriors in the garb of monks
Above horses in the blowing of the winds
١٥. مِنْ كَمُاةٍ في وثوبِ الضّواري
فَوْقَ خَيْلٍ في هُبوبِ الرّياح
16. Like lances quivering with agitation
That shook their blades with delight
١٦. كالرّماحِ الُمشْرَعات اهتِزازاً
هزّ أعْطَافِهِم بالْمَراح
17. The blood of steeds cloaks their brightness
With dew like roses above meadows
١٧. وَدَمُ الأعلاجِ يَكْسو طُلاها
بَضّةً كالوَرْدِ فَوْقَ الأقاح
18. And there the hunt will slake their thirst
With the melodious echoes of its morning chime
١٨. وهُناك الصّيدُ يَرْوِي صَداها
باغْتِبَاقٍ مِنْهُ إثْرَ اصْطِباح
19. The cooing of doves in the thickets makes one forget
The sweet voices of singing nightingales
١٩. وغِنَاءُ البيضِ في الهامِ يُنْسي
طِيبَ أصْوات المَثاني الفِصاح
20. Indeed, the striking of seasoned bows
Is unlike the striking of salty bows
٢٠. إنَّ مِضْرابَ القُيونِ المُحَلّى
غَيْرُ مِضْراب القِيانِ المِلاح
21. A stand for victory that laments the Christians
Exposing clearly their loud wailing
٢١. مَوْقِفٌ للنّصْرِ يَنْعي النّصارى
فاضِحٌ للنّوحِ مِلء النّواحي
22. Its pride is a stand against every protector
Among them, by the sword, prosperity flourishes
٢٢. فَخْرُهُ وَقْفٌ على كُلّ حامٍ
فيهِ لِلأعْمَارِ بالسّيْفِ مَاح
23. A yarn that the cheeks of plateaus swoon for
Bloodied or the cheeks of lances
٢٣. غَزَلٌ يَهْوى خُدودُ المَواضي
دامِيَاتٍ أو قُدودَ الرّماح
24. To embrace the alluring darkness they pour
Sweetness instead of any cloying perfume
٢٤. لاعْتِناق البُهْمَةِ الذّمْر يَصبْو
سَلْوةً عَن كُلّ خَوْدٍ رَداح
25. And by God's spirit knightliness is shown
Not by basil or any fragrant herb
٢٥. وبِروْح اللّه يُبْدى هُياماً
لا بِرَيْحان جَنِيٍّ وَراح
26. The length and breadth have not narrowed for him
How could they when valor is intimate with generosity
٢٦. لم يَضِقْ بالصَّوْلِ والطَّوْلِ ذَرْعاً
كيفَ والبأسُ مُؤاخي السّمَاح
27. And from fate there are allies of sincerity
For the slain, from them there are no wounds
٢٧. وَمِنَ الأقْدارِ أَعْوانُ صِدْقٍ
ليسَ لِلْقَتْلى بِها مِنْ جِراح
28. Thus you see the heroes slain but
No trace upon them of weapons
٢٨. فَتَرى الأبْطَالَ صَرْعى ولكنْ
ما عَلَيْهَا أَثَرٌ للسّلاح
29. The Romans approached to slip away safely
How drawn near a summoner is to recoiling
٢٩. دَنَتِ الرّوم لِتَنْأى نَجاةً
كَمْ تَدانٍ مُؤْذِنٌ بِانْتِزاح
30. Indeed, the resolve of an obeyed imam
His command in every alive soul prevails
٣٠. إنَّما عَزْمُ إمامٍ مُطاع
أمْرُهُ في كلِّ حَيّ لَقاح
31. Religion is settled by the strongest pillar
Worldly life by the strongest wing
٣١. يَسْكُنُ الدّينُ لأقوى عِمادٍ
مِنْهُ والدُّنيا لأقْوى جَناح
32. These Arabs had surrendered and were
In disobedience an example and ostrich-like
٣٢. هَذهِ العُرْبُ استَكانتْ وكانَتْ
في التّعاصي مَثَلاً والجِماح
33. And for them against the non-Arabs is a precedent
Like the fierce striking of the armored with spear
٣٣. ولَها في العُجْمِ عَوْداً كَبَدْء
فَتْكُ ذي الدِّرعِ بذاتِ الوِشاح
34. Indeed, the life of creatures only lives
And it suffices them from life to live off of
٣٤. إنَّما يَحيى حَياةُ البَرايا
وَكَفاها مِن حَياً مُسْتَماح
35. It loaned sincerity of intent, so it found
With banishing fear, lowering of wing
٣٥. أسْلَفَتْ صدْقَ جُنوح فَأَلْفت
مَع رَفْعِ الخَوْف خَفضَ الجَناح
36. An Umayyad state awaits
And an Abbasid ascent aspires
٣٦. دَوْلَةٌ حَفْصِيّة في اقْتِبالٍ
وعُلىً مَهْدِيّةٌ في طِماح
37. Its endpoint is in Adiyy bin Ka'b
And its duration in honorable feats
٣٧. مُنْتَهَاهَا في عَدِيّ بْن كَعْبٍ
وذُرَاها في الُّلبابِ الصُّرَاح
38. He makes the earth radiant in clarification
Makes the horizon through it dazzlingly illuminated
٣٨. نَيّرُ الأرْض سَنىً في اتّضاحِ
نَيِّرُ الأفْقِ به في افْتِضاح
39. And the kings of the age disappointed
Being unable to carry out its feats or establish them
٣٩. وَمُلوك العَصرِ باؤوا بِعَجْزٍ
عَن فتوح سنها أوْ مِنَاح
40. From a horse whose inner flame blazes
And a blade whose water surges fluidly
٤٠. مِنْ صِيَالٍ نَارُهُ في اضْطِرامٍ
ونَوالٍ ماؤُهُ في انْسِياح
41. And indeed their heights refused
That they obtain any proposal from its stabbing thrusts
٤١. ولَقَدْ آلَتْ مَعَالِيهِ ألا
يَظْفَرُوا مِنْ رَوْمِها بِاقْتِراح
42. Where are the eloquent tribesmen in glory
And song from Quraysh of wide plains
٤٢. أيْنَ أعْرَابُ الصّواحي سَناءً
وغَنَاءً مِنْ قُريش البِطَاح
43. His knowledge from his forbearance in inclusiveness
That is like the sea and this in vastness
٤٣. عِلْمُهُ مِنْ حِلْمِهِ لانْفِتاحٍ
ذاكَ كالبَحْرِ وَذا لانفِساح
44. And the pure hadiths from his hands
Are perfumed oleanders in the Authentic Collections
٤٤. وأحاديثُ النّدى عَنْ يَديهِ
مُعْرِقاتٍ في الغرابِ الصّحاح
45. O Master, hands fall short
And rhymes cannot fully praise
٤٥. أيُّها المولى تُوافي الأَيادِي
والقَوافِي لا تَفِي بامْتِداح
46. Their excuse in their awe of majesty
With no wing over its startled one
٤٦. عُذْرُها في ذُعْرِها مِن جَلال
مَا عَلَى هَائِبه مِنْ جُنَاح
47. Oh if only their vigor spent itself and their most vehement
Many resolute blades in unsheathing exhausted themselves
٤٧. يا لَها كَدّت قِواها وَأَكدتْ
رُبّ زَنْدٍ صَالِدٍ في اقْتِداح
48. If it is from zeal in fighting
Then O God, from an excess of accord
٤٨. إنْ تَكُنْ مِنْ غَيْرَةٍ في اقْتِتَالٍ
فَاللُّهى مِنْ كَثْرةٍ في اصْطِلاح
49. Your victorious hand has plucked every opponent
What respite for me from it is there
٤٩. يَدُكَ العُليا حَبَتْ كُلّ حُذْيا
مَا لإرْبَاحِي بِها من بَراح
50. Blessings have permitted me from a comfort
That allowed me at dawn to kiss it or smell its fragrance
٥٠. بُورِكَتْ مِنْ رَاحَةٍ سَوّغَتْنِي
في بَكورِي لثْمَها أوْ رَواحي