
He is the victory after victory that comes justified

هو الفتح بعد الفتح يأتي مسوغا

1. He is the victory after victory that comes justified
No clamor of turmoil has penetrated a hearing

١. هُوَ الفَتْحُ بَعْدَ الفَتْحِ يَأتِي مُسَوَّغَا
وَما وَلَجَتْ في مَسْمَعٍ لُجَّةُ الوَغَى

2. Nor has the lion of excitement attacked the likes of it
By its oaths, the likes of lions have been stung

٢. وَلا دَلَفَتْ أُسْدُ الهِيَاج لِمِثْلِها
بِأَيْمَانِها مِثْلُ الأسَاوِدِ لُدَّغا

3. A she-wolf stood up for it with her fangs
To make its gullets overflow and accomplish

٣. رُديْنيَّةٌ قَامَتْ لها بِنيُوبِهَا
لِتُوغِلَها ماءَ النحُورِ وتُولِغَا

4. As if the UN horses and they are spots
That shed the blood of aggressors no matter how much they feign

٤. كَأنَّ الرَّدَى آسٍ وهُنَّ مَبَاضِعٌ
تُريقُ دَمَ الباغِينَ مَهْمَا تَبَيَّغا

5. He settled humiliated whoever wallowed in misguidance
And settled on submission and disgrace whoever transgressed

٥. أَقَرَّ مهيناً مَنْ تَخَمَّطَ ضِلَّةً
وَقَرَّ علَى الإِذْعانِ والهونِ مَنْ طَغَا

6. And the days continued war for whoever transgressed
Against you until it returned peace as befitting

٦. وَمازَالَتْ الأَيَّامُ حَرْبَاً لمَنْ بَغَى
عَليكَ إلَى أَنْ عَادَ سِلْماً كَما انْبَغَى

7. Your determination ascending suffices to defeat the enemy
From the army the neighing horde to the growling

٧. بِحَسْبِكَ جَدٌّ صاعِدٌ يقْهَر العِدَى
مِنَ الجَيشِ جَمَّاعِ الصَّهيلِ إلَى الرُّغَا

8. Behold these horizons towards you extend
To attain the utmost you seek and achieve

٨. أَلا هَذِهِ الآفاقُ نَحْوَكَ تَرْتَمِي
لِتُدرِك أَقصَى ما تَرُومُ وتَبْلُغَا

9. And you desire nothing but your satisfaction as provision
And is there other than it desirable provision that is sought?

٩. وَما تَبْتَغي إِلا رِضَاكَ ذَخِيرَةً
وَهَلْ غَيْرُهُ ذُخْراً يُرَجَّى ويُبْتَغَى

10. So yesterday Sefet threw in Maqadah then
Inherited it security instead of fear

١٠. فَبِالأَمْسِ أَلْقَتْ بالمَقَادَةِ سَبْتَةٌ
فأَوْرَثَها عِدّاً مِنَ الأَمْنِ سَيِّغا

11. And Mariah dismounted by you today her encampment
So you endowed it prosperity of living instead of misery

١١. وَحَطَّتْ بكَ اليَوم المَريةُ رَحْلَها
فَأَقْطَعَها رَغْداً مِنَ العَيْشِ أهْيَغَا

12. She has knocked on the door of victory opened
And supplicated a leader of salvation conveying

١٢. لَقَدْ قَرَعَتْ لِلفَوْزِ باباً مُفَتَّحا
وأَمَّتْ إِماماً للنَّجَاةِ مُبلِّغا

13. He is feared and hoped between forbearance and severity
He made them straight for whoever obeyed and transgressed

١٣. يُخَافُ وَيُرْجَى بَيْنَ حِلْمٍ وبَطْشَةٍ
أَقامَهُما فِيمَن أَطَاعَ وَمنْ بَغَى

14. So how much returned blooming out of living dusty
And how much returned dusty out of living plush

١٤. فَكَمْ عَادَ مُخضَرّاً مِنَ العَيْشِ أغْبَرا
وكَمْ عَادَ مُغْبَرّاً مِنَ العَيْشِ أرْفَغا

15. It established the moorings of the religion of Hanif so it triumphed
And brought it success until it dominated effortlessly

١٥. أقَامَت صغَا الدّينِ الحَنيفِ صِعَادُهُ
وَأسْعَدَهُ حتَّى اسْتَقَل بِلا صَغا

16. He is the apparent full moon we have not become old
For the shining full moon to set and another to rise

١٦. هُوَ القَمَرُ الوَضَّاحُ مَا لاحَ لَمْ نُبَلْ
بأَنْ يأْفلَ البَدْرُ الفَياحُ وَيَبْزُغَا

17. He is the one Ibn Al-Hussein pointed to in his words
Knowledgeable of the secrets of religions and languages

١٧. إلَيْهِ أشارَ ابْنُ الحُسَيْنِ بِقَوْلِهِ
عَليمٌ بأَسْرَارِ الدِّياناتِ واللُّغَا

18. Behold Yahya the chosen one the protection of all
With him Allah draped security and perfected it

١٨. أَلا إنَّ يَحْيَى المُرْتَضَى عِصْمَةُ الوَرَى
بهِ أسْبَلَ اللَّهُ الأَمَان وأَسْبَغا

19. He devoted himself to benevolence, justice and piety
And oh what an occupation for one who has devoted

١٩. تَفَرَّغَ للإِحْسَانِ والعَدْلِ والتُّقَى
وَيا لهَا أَشْغَالاً لِمَنْ قَدْ تَفَرَّغا

20. His generosity permits outpouring and his happiness overflowing
And prohibits that the needy despair and busy themselves

٢٠. يُبيحُ انْهِلالاً جُودهُ وتَهَلُّلا
وَيحْظُرُ أَنْ يَأْسَى المَسِيفُ ويَنْشَغا

21. He is not skilled in the making of makers' making
That forms even if a pot filled and poured out

٢١. وَما يُحْسِنُ الفَرْغان صُنْعَ صَنَائِعٍ
تُرَب وإنْ صبّاً مَلِيئاً وَأَفْرَغا

22. His aid called by the asker and his might
That the lion feel him and yearn

٢٢. كَفيلٌ نَدَاهُ المُسْتَهِلُّ وبَأْسُهُ
بأَنْ يَشْعُرَ السِّكِّيتُ فيهِ ويَنْبُغَا

23. The black lions shroud overwhelming awe from him
So the sly fox with him is not slippery

٢٣. تَخِيمُ الأُسودُ الغُلْبُ عنهُ مَهَابَةً
فَمَا الثَّعلبُ الرَّوَّاغُ مِنْها بأَرْوَغَا

24. And the lofty show him the fluttering of a cloak's hem
With what fluttered the flesh of the skinny and jiggled

٢٤. وتُبْدِي لَهُ العَلْياءُ هزَّةَ مِعْطَفٍ
بِما هَزَّ في الذَّمْرِ القَنَاةَ وشَغْشَغَا

25. Wearing against him a coat of mail of blue iron
So he bends it with the blood of the slain dyed

٢٥. يُلاقِيهِ لَبَّاساً مِنَ السَّرْدِ أَزْرَقاً
فَيَثْنيهِ مِنْ قَانِي الدِّماء مُصبَّغا

26. With him the truth repelled falsehood and erased it
Else without him falsehood would not have been erased

٢٦. بِهِ دَفع الحَقُّ الضَّلالَ وهَاضَهُ
فَلوْلاهُ ما كانَ الضَّلالُ لِيُدْمَغَا

27. His guidance emerged while the world had gone
And the devils of misguidance crept away

٢٧. أطَلَّ علَى الدُّنيا هُداهُ وَقدْ غَدَتْ
ورَاحَتْ شَيَاطِينُ الغَوايَة نُزَّغَا

28. So he followed them with meteors to the rebel
Burning them until it spread and ignited

٢٨. فَأَتْبَعَها شُهْباً ثَوَاقِبَ لِلقَنَى
تُحَرِّقُها حتَّى فَشَا وتَفَشَّغَا

29. And he united the people while they were as if
The sky's canopy rumbled and did not rumble over them

٢٩. وَلَمَّ الوَرَى شَمْلاً وَكانوا كَأَنَّما
رَغَا وسطَهمْ سَقْبُ السَّماءِ وَما رَغَا

30. So if he left incarnation paralyzed fragmented
He protected the oneness of a face wiped

٣٠. فإِن غادَرَ التَّجْسيمَ شلْواً مُمَزَّعاً
فَقَدْ صانَ للتَّوحيدِ وَجْهاً مُمَرَّغَا