1. You struggle for the religion of guidance and defend it
As if in battle your father is its defender
١. تُناضِلُ عَنْ دينِ الهُدى وتُدافِعُ
كَأنَّكَ في الهَيْجا أبُوكَ مُدافِعُ
2. And on the day of turmoil, you stand firm in the fray
As if you are its resident or frequent visitor
٢. وتَثْبتُ يَوْمَ الرَّوْعِ في حَوْمَةِ الوَغَى
كَأنَّكَ ثَهْلانٌ بِها أَوْ مُتَالِعُ
3. And you raid the enemies in succession
And raiding the enemies in succession suffices you
٣. وَتَغزُو العِدَى في عُقْرِها مُتَتابِعاً
وحَسْبُكَ غَزْوٌ في العِدَى مُتَتابِعُ
4. So you destroy the lands of the polytheists, which have not ceased
To be empty and desolate in the early dawn
٤. فَتُلْفِي دِيارَ المُشْرِكِينَ ولَم تَزَلْ
أَواهِلَ قَدْ أصْبَحْنَ وَهيَ بَلاقِعُ
5. And they and their lands are but trusts
To be soon reclaimed, those trusts
٥. وَما هُمْ ولا البُلْدان إِلا وَدَائِعٌ
وَعَما قَرِيبٍ تُسْتَرَدّ الوَدَائِعُ
6. Terror precedes you, giving them no rest
Nor hope of survival from it
٦. تَقَدَّمَك الرُّعْبُ الذِي ما لَهُمْ بهِ
قَرارٌ ولا في العَيشِ مِنْهُم مَطامِعُ
7. So their horizon narrowed, though vast
And their days darkened, though expansive
٧. فَضَاقَ عَلَيْهِم أفْقُهُمْ وهوَ واسِعٌ
وأَكْثَبَ مِنْهُم حيْنُهُمْ وهوَ شاسِعُ
8. And they took refuge in the highest fortresses
In fear of what will befall them, and what is bound to happen
٨. وَلاذُوا بِأَعْلَى الرَّاسِياتِ تَوَقُّعاً
لِما سَوْفَ يَغْشاهُم وَما حُمَّ واقِعُ
9. Yet you did not stop devastating their lands
As its parts vie with each other over them
٩. فَلَمْ تَألُ هَدّاً أَرْضَهُم واسْتِبَاحَةً
تُجَاذِبُهُم أطْرَافَهَا وتُنازِعُ
10. By what you have brought of good deeds, indeed
You have protected the pillars of religion, while religion was in peril
١٠. يَمِيناً بِما قَدَّمْتَ مِن حَسَنٍ لَقَدْ
حَمَيْتَ ذِمارَ الدِّينِ والدِّينُ ضائِعُ
11. And you shouldered the burdens of leadership, rising up
To battle for it against whoever transgresses and contends
١١. وَقُمْتَ بِأَعباءِ الإِمارَةِ نَاهِضاً
تُجالِد عَنها مَنْ عَتا وَتُقارِعُ
12. So none remains silent but by praising you speaks
And none remains aloof but to your command submits
١٢. فَلا صامِتٌ إِلا بِشُكْرِكَ نَاطِقٌ
وَلا خالِعٌ إِلا لأَمْرِكَ خَانِعُ
13. And the horizons of polytheism have none
But those racing to obey you, hoping to be accepted
١٣. ولَيْسَ بِأُفْقِ الشِّرْكِ إِلا مُبادِرٌ
بِطَاعَتِهِ يَرْجُو القَبُولَ مُسارِعُ
14. And faith knows that you are one who reaps
With your advancing sword what disbelief had sown
١٤. وقَدْ عَلِمَ الإيمانُ أَنَّكَ حاصِدٌ
بِمُنْصُلِكَ الماضِي لِما الكُفْرُ زارِعُ
15. That you have always been one to lower the forbidden
And raise the enjoined good
١٥. وأَنَّك لِلْمَنْكورِ مُذْ كُنْتَ خَافِضٌ
وأَنَّكَ لِلْمَعروفِ مُذْ كُنْتَ رافِعُ
16. You have spread such lights that when
Their course ends, it cuts through the darkness
١٦. بَسَطْتَ مِن الأَنْوارِ ما تُقْبَضُ الدُّنَى
إذَا انْصَرَمَتْ آمَادُها وهوَ قاطِعُ
17. You have attended to what every devout attendee attends to
So, by God, you are righteous, God-fearing
١٧. عُنِيتَ بِما يُعْنَى بِهِ كُلُّ خَاشِعٍ
فَلِلَّهِ بَرٌّ مِنْكَ للَّهِ خاشِعُ
18. Prayer, fasting, piety, reverence
Justice, benevolence – and jihad makes seven
١٨. صَلاةٌ وَصَوْمٌ واحْتِسابٌ وَخَشْيَة
وَعَدْلٌ وإِحْسَانٌ لَها الغَزْو سابِعُ
19. And you remain guided in every state
Continuing in His pleasure, abstaining from His displeasure
١٩. وَفِي كُلِّ حالٍ لا تَزال مُوَفَّقاً
تُوَاصِلُ في مَرْضاتِهِ وتُقَاطِعُ
20. It pleases the Abbasids that you have shed
The allegiance to those who had called you to it before
٢٠. يَسُرُّ بَنِي العَبَّاس خَلْعُكَ مَنْ غَدَا
لِدَعْوَتِهِم مِنْ قَبْلِهَا وهوَ خالِعُ
21. And that you stand with the Sa`dis, supporting
The Household of the Messenger of Allah among their supporters
٢١. وَكَوْنُكَ في أبْناءِ سَعْدٍ مُشايِعاً
لآل رَسولِ اللَّهِ فِيمَنْ يُشَايِعُ
22. And that you are beneficial to the ally
And harmful to the adversary you subdue
٢٢. وأَنَّكَ أَرْيٌ لِلمُحالِفِ نافِعٌ
وأَنَّكَ شَرْيٌ لِلْمُخَالِف ناقِعُ
23. By the Sa`dis is a group of youths
When an elder among them is gone, a youth takes his place
٢٣. وللَّهِ مِنْ أبْناءِ سَعْدٍ عِصَابَةٌ
إِذا غابَ كَهْلٌ مِنْهُمُ قام يافِعُ
24. They are kingly lions, honorable nobles
Whose manners are agreeable, though contentious
٢٤. ملُوكٌ بِهَا ليلٌ كِرام أَعِزَّةٌ
لَهُمْ شِيَمٌ مَرْضِيَّةٌ ومَنَازِعُ
25. Lions heading into battle with the enemies
Stars rising on the horizons of glory
٢٥. ليُوثٌ إِلَى حَرْبِ الأَعادِي دَوالِفٌ
نُجومٌ بِآفاقِ المَعالي طَوالِعُ
26. When your right hand unleashes on a day
They are its fingers in the lofty repose
٢٦. إِذَا بَطَشَتْ يُمْناكَ يَوْماً فَإِنَّهُم
لِرَاحَتِها العُلْيا هُناكَ أَصابِعُ
27. Do the Christians hope for victory in your time
When, by my life, many catastrophes have befallen them
٢٧. أَيَرْجو النَّصارَى في زَمانِكَ نُصْرَةً
وَقد كَثُرَتْ فِيهِمْ لَعَمْرِي الوَقائِعُ
28. So after withdrawal, their eyes are sleepless
While after prowess, our eyes find repose
٢٨. فأَعْيُنُهُم بَعدَ الهُجوع سَواهِدٌ
وأَعْيُنُنا بعد السُّهاد هَوَاجِعُ
29. And how can the Romans enjoy longevity
When you have repelled them, you splitter of the sturdy mountains
٢٩. وكَيْفَ يَرُومُ الرُّومُ طُولَ تَمَتُّعٍ
وأنْتَ رَدَاهَا والمَواضِي القَوَاطِعُ
30. An army of reserve when the enemies are not safe
From their swords, nor the governors safe from their assault
٣٠. وجُنْدٌ كُماةٌ لا العُداةُ أَوَامِنٌ
بِأَسْيافِهِمْ وَلا الوُلاةُ جَوازِعُ
31. When they halt, you say they are impassable mountains
When they march, you say they are gusting winds
٣١. إِذا وَقَفُوا قُلْتَ الهِضَابُ الفَوارِعُ
وإِنْ زَحَفُوا قُلْتَ الرِّياحُ الزّعازِعُ
32. They throng around their magnificent commander as if
He is a heart while they are its enclosing ribs
٣٢. تَحُفُّ بِزَيَّانِ الأَمِيرِ كَأَنَّهُ
فُؤَادٌ وَهُمْ فَوْق الفُؤَادِ أَضالِعُ
33. A commander characterized by beauty, for he
Is beautiful, praiseworthy in all he undertakes
٣٣. أَميرٌ كَسَوْهُ بِالجَميلِ لأَنَّهُ
جَميلٌ حَميدٌ كُلُّ ما هُوَ صانِعُ
34. By his leadership, time became adorned and
Abandoned hopes retreated
٣٤. بإِمْرَتِهِ ازْدانَ الزَّمانُ وَأَصْبَحَتْ
مُوَدَّعَةَ الآمالِ وَهْيَ رَواجِعُ
35. For his black banner, in every arena
There is, in supporting truth, a gleaming white defiant
٣٥. لِرَايَتِهِ السَّوْداءِ في كُلِّ مَشْهَدٍ
قِيَامٌ بِنَصْرِ الحَقِّ أبْيَضُ نَاصِعُ
36. The borders of Muslim lands smile
Through him, and the necks of the polytheists bow
٣٦. ثُغُورُ ثُغُورِ المُسْلِمِين بَوَاسِمٌ
بِهِ وَرِقابُ المُشْرِكين خَواضِعُ
37. Goodness and evil ever flow to them
And hardship and exhaustion are shared among them
٣٧. يُفيضُ عَلَيها الخَيْرَ والشَّرُّ دائِمٌ
ويَقْبِضُ عَنْهَا الجُهْدَ والجُهْدُ شَائِعُ
38. So his planning in times of peace is beneficial
And his preparation in times of war advantageous
٣٨. فَتَدْبيرُهُ في حالَةِ السِّلْمِ نَاجِعٌ
وَتَشْميرُهُ في حالَةِ الحَرْبِ نَافِعُ
39. Supreme commander I hope for, and one like you is forbearing
Supreme commander I supplicate, and one like you is hearing
٣٩. أَميرَ العُلى أَرْجُو ومِثْلُكَ سامِحٌ
أميرَ العُلى أَدْعُو ومِثْلُكَ سامِعُ
40. And I sing of what you have graced me with of great deeds
As the doves sing of past loves
٤٠. وأَشدُو بِما طَوَّقْتَنِي مِنْ صَنائِعٍ
جِسامٍ كَما تَشْدُو الحَمامُ السَّواجِعُ
41. So from me emerges with your support one who cries out loudly
And from me emerges with your praise one who proclaims
٤١. فَيَصْدَعُ مِنِّي بِاعْتِمادِك صَادِحٌ
ويَصْدَحُ مِنِّي بِامْتِدَاحِكَ صادِعُ
42. And last with mercy upon all the worlds, and victory
Your enemy is vanquished, and your might overwhelming
٤٢. وَدُمْ رَحْمَةً لِلعالَمينَ وَعِصْمةً
عَدُوُّكَ مَصْروعٌ وبَأْسُكَ صارِعُ