
Good tidings of the dawn of success' travel

بشرى بإسفار صباح النجاح

1. Good tidings of the dawn of success' travel
Of the page of pardon and the lowering of wings

١. بُشرَى بإسفارِ صَباحِ النّجاح
عَن صَفْحَةِ الصّفحِ وَخَفضِ الجَناح

2. The wish has given notice of gaining what is sought
And struggle has announced the winning of the prize

٢. قَدْ آذَنَ المَنُّ بِحَوْزِ المُنى
وَأَعْلَنَ الكَدْحُ بِفَوْزِ القِداح

3. This is the inauguration of fasting in the future
After conclusion with contentment and inauguration

٣. هَذا افتِتاحُ الصَومِ مُسْتَقبَلاً
عَن اختِتام بِالرّضى وافتِتاح

4. Indeed the guiding Imam Al-Murtaza
Has emphasized with kindness the conditions of pardon

٤. إنَّ الإمامَ الهاديَ المُرتَضَى
أكّدَ بالعَطْفِ شُرُوطَ السّماح

5. To soften rigid natures like
The blowing winds stirred the winds

٥. لِينُ السّجايا عاطِراتٍ كَما
هَزّ الرّياحينَ هُبوبُ الرّياح

6. And the beauty of submission followed by moisture
Thus there is openness and so there is relaxation

٦. وَحُسْنُ إِسْجاحٍ يَليهِ النّدَى
لِذَا انِفِتاحٌ ولِذاَك انفِساح

7. If fate were created according to his forbearance
There would be no overpowering of souls

٧. لَوْ جُبِل الدّهْرُ عَلى حِلْمِهِ
لَم يَكُ مِنْه للنُفوسِ اكْتِساح

8. Forgive, Imam of truth, the mistaken one
Who was excessive in his ambitions

٨. عَفْواً إمامَ الحَقِّ عَن خاطِئ
أسْرَفَ للغاياتِ مِنه طِماح

9. He was pleased with himself by restraint and discipline
And did not openly flaunt with pride

٩. قَدْ راضَهُ بالكَبْحِ تأديبُه
وَلَمْ يُجَاهِرْ عامِداً بالجِماح

10. He sinned but repented immediately
And in accepting repentance is the lifting of wings

١٠. أذْنَبَ لَكِنْ تَابَ مِنْ فَوْرِه
وفي قَبُولِ التّوبِ رَفْعُ الجُناح

11. My intercessor with you for my lapses is sufficient
Love, advice and candid praise

١١. حَسْبِيَ شَفيعاً لك في هَفْوَتي
حُبّ ونُصْحٌ وثَنَاءٌ صُراح

12. Yearning took me to a presence
That has no serenity for one deprived of it

١٢. بَرَحَ بِي الشّوْقُ إلَى حَضْرَةٍ
لَيسَ لِمَنْ وُفِّقَ عَنْها بَراح

13. I aspired to draw near but
The destinies produced for me nothing but recoil

١٣. وَهِمْتُ فيها بِاقْتِرابٍ فَلَمْ
تُثْمِرْ لِيَ الأقْدَارُ غَيْر انتِزاح

14. You remain while lapses are the way of the world
Swaying with pardon like the swaying of sieves

١٤. لا زِلْتَ والزّلاتُ شَأنُ الوَرَى
تَهْتَزُّ للصَّفْحِ اهْتِزازَ الصِّفَاح