
Did you really rejoice at tambourines,

أحقا طربت إلى الربرب

1. Did you really rejoice at tambourines,
While the house crumbled, you did not rejoice?

١. أحَقّاً طَربتَ إلَى الرّبْرَبِ
ومُذْ شَطَّت الدارُ لَمْ تَطْرَب

2. Restrain yourself, youth has turned away from you,
It is enough for you to have white hair as a companion.

٢. رُوَيْدَكَ أعْرض عنكَ الشبابُ
وحسْبُك بالعارِضِ الأشْيَب

3. So how can you desire the eye of the alluring one,
And the shining one with prominent teeth please you?

٣. فَكَيْفَ تَعِنُّ لِعينِ المَها
وتُشرِقُ لِلْمُشْرقِ الأشْنَب

4. Indeed infatuation in old age,
Is one of the major sins, so seek forgiveness.

٤. وَإنّ الغَرامَ عَلَى كَبْرةٍ
لإحْدى الكَبائِرِ فَاسْتَعْتِب

5. After the water of youth has dried up,
And its lush greenery has withered,

٥. أبَعْدَ نُضوبِ مِياه الصِّبا
وَتَصْويح يانِعِه المُخْصِب

6. You yearn for the playground of gazelles,
Among the sand dunes of Ramah or Ghurrab.

٦. تحِنُّ إلى مَلْعَبٍ للظّباء
بِكُثْبانِ رامَةَ أو غُرَّب

7. Why not head to the playground of lions,
Delighted by its awe-inspiring view.

٧. فهَلا إلى مَلْعبٍ لِلأسودِ
نَعمت بِمَنظرِهِ المُعْجب

8. Jihad and execution are carried out in it,
For every sharp-witted heroic young man.

٨. يُقَامُ الجِهَادُ بِهَا والجِلادُ
لِكلِّ فَتىً مِدْرَهٍ مِحْرَب

9. He takes pride in attacking the vicious,
And if he overcomes the spearpoint he is not overcome.

٩. وَيَضْرَى عَلى الفَتْكِ بِالضّارِيات
وإن غَالَبَ القِرْنَ لَمْ يُغْلَب

10. You see him annihilating the people of the cross,
With the sharp edge of his five-fingered sword.

١٠. تَرَاهُ مُبيداً لأهلِ الصليب
بِفَلّ خمسهمُ الأصْلَب

11. The claws of its lionesses,
Mock the gentleness of the deer's hoof.

١١. ضَوار ضَوارِبُ أظفارِهَا
تُعِيرُ الظُّبَى رقّةَ المَضْرب

12. It has ferocious lions, angry and roaring,
And snarling, hissing leopards.

١٢. فَمِنْ أَسَدٍ شَرِسٍ مُحْنَقٍ
ومِنْ نَمِرٍ حَردٍ مُغْضَب

13. Their instincts have been aroused, so they charge forth,
Racing in their vast plain.

١٣. أثِيرَتْ حَفَائِظُهَا فانْبَرَت
تَسَابَقُ في شأوِها الأرْحَب

14. Their roars deafen the ears,
Like howling hyenas in the valleys.

١٤. تُصِيم المَسَامِعَ مِنْ زَأْرها
عَوادِيَ كالضُّمَّر الشزُّب

15. Eyes avert out of fear of their attack,
Brandishing fangs and claws.

١٥. وَتَنْبُو العُيون لإقْدَامِها
مُذربةَ النابِ والمِخْلَب

16. They are lionesses, when they snarl they become resolute,
And if snarling is scarce, they are not subdued.

١٦. لُيُوثٌ إِذا ذمَرَتْ صَمّمَت
وإن لَغَبَ الذّمْرُ لم تُغْلَب

17. Biting at grievous, cutting blades,
If the bond is severed, it will not be mended.

١٧. كَواشِرُ عَنْ مُرْهفاتٍ حَدادٍ
متى تصْدَعِ الشملَ لم يُشعَب

18. Fangs sprouted from she-lions,
And forearms with the slaughtering sword.

١٨. نُيوب نَبَتْن مِن النّائِبات
وأزْرَينَ بالصارِمِ المُقْضِب

19. Their tread is heavy but they
Are lighter garbed than the locust.

١٩. تَنُوء ثِقالاً ولَكِنّها
أخَفُّ وُثوباً من الجُنْدُب

20. As if for them there is a battlefield in the sky,
So they ascend to gain the high ground.

٢٠. كأنّ لَها مَأرَباً في السّماء
فَتَسْمُو لِتَظْفَرَ بِالمَأرَب

21. And a raider of the pitfalls of destruction,
If people claim, he will not deny.

٢١. ومُقْتحِمٍ غَمرات الرّدى
إذَا ما ادّعى الناسُ لم يكذِب

22. He toys with them when battle is heated,
So they flee from him in panic.

٢٢. يُلاعِبُها حَيْثُ جَدّ الحِمامُ
فتفْزَعُ مِنْهُ إلى مَهْرَب

23. He pounces on them and no shield
Except leaping nimbly aside.

٢٣. يَكُرُّ عَلَيْهَا وَلا جُنَّةٌ
سوى كُرَةٍ سهْلَة المَجْذب

24. He knocks them down slowly bending them,
Treading carefully like a lynx.

٢٤. يُدَحْرِجُها ماشِياً ثِنْيَها
عَلى حَذرٍ مِشْيَة الأنكب

25. I was amazed that she hesitated in fear,
And he advanced in might but did not dread.

٢٥. عَجِبتُ لَها أحجَمَتْ رَهْبَةً
وأقْدَمَ بأساً وَلَم يرْهَب

26. The eagles of death watched him
From their vantage point thinking he had mounted it with difficulty.

٢٦. وَقَتْهُ الأَواقي علَى أنّهُ
تَسَنّمَهَا صّعْبَة المَرْكَب

27. And the bowstrings of the mighty archer tensed around him,
So he bubbled in the blink of an eye into a drinking trough.

٢٧. وَثاوٍ بِمَطْبَقَةٍ فَوْقَه
مَتَى تَطْفُ هامَتُهُ تَرْسُب

28. And they slithered there with their tails,
Fleeing the slaughter like a scorpion.

٢٨. يُهَجْهِجُ بالليثِ كَيما يَهيج
ويأوِي إِلى الكَهفِ كالثّعلب

29. So what fortresses have been turned
Into hedgehogs by the shooting arrows!

٢٩. كذلكَ حتّى هوَتْ نَحوَهَا
عُقابُ المنيّة مِنْ مَرْقَب

30. And what great feats, if enumerated,
Would exhaust the verbose orator.

٣٠. وعَاجَتْ عَلَيْهَا قَواسِي القِسِيّ
فَعَبّتْ مِن الْحَيْن في مَشْرَب

31. Wondrous strange things dazzled minds,
Brought together under the king of the Maghreb.

٣١. وشَالَتْ هُنَاكَ بِأذْنَابِها
لِيَاذاً من العقرِ كالعَقْرب

32. If the mind is generous it will not go astray,
And if the poem is brief it will not sin.

٣٢. فَيا لِقَساوِرَ قد صُيّرَتْ
قَنَافِذَ بالأَسْهُمِ الصُّيَّب

33. A guiding imam whose light is penetrating,
And the blossom of stars has no holes.

٣٣. ويَا لمَآثِرَ لَوْ عُدِّدَتْ
لأَعيَتْ عَلى المُسهِب المُطنِب

34. On the doctrines of Imam Ar-Ridha,
He bases his principles and doctrinal schools.

٣٤. غَرَائِبُ شَتّى بهرْن العقول
جُمِعْنَ لَدَى مَلِك المَغرِب

35. He calls people to his cause,
Pleasing God and the Prophet.

٣٥. فَإنْ جَوّدَ الفكرُ لم يُغربِ
وإنْ قصّر الشعر لم يُذنب

36. Supporter of guidance, he guided views
To it, gaining a share without aiming.

٣٦. إمَامُ هُدىً نُورُه ثَاقِبٌ
وَزهْرُ الكَواكبِ لمْ تثقُب

37. Alone, he humbled himself in his glory,
His position is the zenith of the celestial sphere.

٣٧. عَلى مَذْهبٍ للإمَامِ الرّضى
تَقَيله وَعلى مَشْعَب

38. He has the nobility of the family, above kings,
And the perfume of the bride and ancestry.

٣٨. يُهيبُ لِدَعْوَتِهِ بالأنَامِ
فَيُرْضي الإلَه ويُرْضي النّبي

39. Abu Al-Hasan Al-Murtadha raised him
To the most pure, good gathering.

٣٩. ظَهيرُ الهِدايةِ أهدَى الظهور
إلَيْهَا نَصيباً وَلَمْ يَنْصب

40. And he attained his happiness from his father
Muhammad, the eminent chosen one.

٤٠. وَحِيداً تَواضَعَ في عزّة
وَمَوْطِنُه هامَةُ الكَوْكَب

41. He fulfilled the rights of the exalted,
With efforts on the most difficult path.

٤١. لَهُ شرَفُ البيتِ دونَ الملوك
وطيبُ الأرُومَة والمَنْسَب

42. His brilliant virtues are too lofty
To be undermined by fickle time.

٤٢. نَمَاهُ أبو حَفْصٍ المُرْتَضى
إلى المَحْتِد الأطْهَر الأطْيَب

43. He assumed its emirate which gained,
Through his position, the noblest position.

٤٣. وأحْرَزَ سُؤْدَدَهُ عَنْ أبِي
مُحَمّدٍ السّيّد المُنْجب

44. And through it he called to a cause that tore apart,
With its lights, the veils of the unseen.

٤٤. وَفَى لِلْعُلَى بِحُقُوقِ العُلى
نُهوضاً على المَرْكبِ الأصْعَب

45. With a long reach, determined and aspiring,
Yet a comforting neighbor, loved and pleasing.

٤٥. وَجَلّتْ مَنَاقِبُهُ الزُّهْرُ أنْ
تُقَوّضَ بالحُولِ القُلَّب

46. He ascended loftily and drew near lowly,
So glad tidings to you of the farthest yet nearest!

٤٦. تَقَلّدَهَا إمْرَةً أحْرَزَتْ
بِمَنْصِبهِ شَرَفَ المنْصِب

47. I have not seen the sun of morning before him,
Or a deep, surging sea at sunset.

٤٧. وَقَام بِهَا دَعْوَةً مَزَّقَتْ
بِأنْوَارهَا حُجُبَ الْغيهَب

٤٨. بَعيدُ المَدى بِالقَنا مُحْتَمٍ
قريبُ النّدى بالتقى مُحتَب

٤٩. نَأى راقِياً وَدَنَا قارياً
فبُشرَاك بالأبعَد الأقرَب

٥٠. ولَم أرَ شَمس الضُّحى قَبلَه
وَبَحراً وطَوْداً عَلى مَغْرِب