1. Do not reject, for perhaps rejection leads to death,
While the rejected was seeking solace, undeterred by rejection.
١. لا تَصُدُّوا فرُبَّما ماتَ صَدا
مُستَهامٌ لِسَلْوَةٍ ما تَصَدّى
2. He found disfavor in your pleasure and dressed
In the garb of sickness due to your love's coldness.
٢. جَعَلَ السهْدَ في رضاكُم كراهُ
واكْتَسى في هَواكُمُ السُّقم بُرْدا
3. He wanted to hide his passion yet
He could find no escape from revealing his secret.
٣. رامَ أن يُخْفِيَ الغَرام ولَكِن
لَمْ يَجِدْ مِن إبْداء خَافِيه بُدّا
4. Whenever the breeze blew, memories of passion
Flooded his eyes with yearning and ardour.
٤. كُلّما هبّت الصَّبا ذَكَرَ الشّوْ
قَ ففاضَت عَيْناهُ شَوْقاً وَوَجْدا
5. When lightning flashed in the cloud,
It told of this and that, kindling and flames.
٥. وإِذا بارِقٌ تَألّق فِي المُزْ
نِ حكى ذا وذاك وَدْقاً ووَقْدا
6. O Allah, grant the land of Rusafa pleasant days
Like the gentle breeze, soft and dewy.
٦. يا سقَى اللّه للرُّصافَة عَهْداً
كَنَسيم الصَّبا يَرِقُّ ويَنْدى
7. And gardens where I wander, infatuated,
Although I am deprived of dwelling in them forever.
٧. وَجِنَاناً فيها أهيمُ حنَاناً
بَيْدَ أني حُرمْتُ فِيهِنّ خُلْدا
8. Setting out while my tears, like drops of musk and amber,
Were shed by the puffing wind the day we parted.
٨. مُسْتَهِلاً كأدْمُعي يَوْم ودّعْ
تُ ثَرَاها النّفّاحَ مِسْكاً ونَدا
9. I wonder, will time bring back the days
When sweet life bore witness that it was bliss?
٩. ليتَ شِعري هل يَرْجِعُ الدّهرُ عَيْشاً
يَشْهَدُ الطيبُ أنه كانَ شُهْدا
10. And open space in a meadow with a stream
Where our wishes could find respite?
١٠. وَمَجَالاً لِرَوضَةٍ من غَدير
تَبْتَغِي لِلْمرادِ فيها مَرَدا
11. Where we would flirt with the narcissi, their lids still dewy,
And gingerly step over the myrtle's branches.
١١. حَيْثُ كُنّا نُغَازِلُ النّرجِسَ الغَض
ضَ جُفُوناً ونَهْصُر الآسَ قَدّا
12. The gardens would wink at the eye
As flowers are piled up in a heap.
١٢. وتُناغي الحَدائِقُ العَيْنَ آدا
باً كَما تُنْضَد الأزاهرُ نَضْدا
13. Under a night as lovely as daylight,
When youth was clipped of its bloom and prime.
١٣. تَحْتَ ليلٍ من حُسْنِه كَنَهارٍ
قُطَّ من صيغَة الشّباب وَقدا
14. And Pleiades beside the moon telling
Of comforts, signalling the waves to surge.
١٤. والثرَيا بجانِب البَدْرِ تحْكي
راحَةً أوْمَأَتْ لِتَلْطِمَ خَدا