
I have a strife from which there is no retreat

عندي نزاع ليس عنه نزوع

1. I have a strife from which there is no retreat
The moon has a veil from which there is no rising

١. عِندِي نِزاعٌ ليسَ عَنْهُ نُزُوعُ
لِلْبَدْرِ حَجْبٌ لَيْسَ مِنْهُ طُلوعُ

2. How strange that its brightness was eclipsed
And its beauty returned after the eclipse

٢. عَجَباً تَقَضَّى بالخُسوفِ سُطوعُهُ
ولِصِنْوِهِ عَقِبَ الخُسوفِ سُطوعُ

3. Or is the Most High not truly characterized
By anything other than care for one distressed?

٣. أوَ لَيْسَ عُلْوِيُّ الصِّفاتِ حَقيقَةً
غَيْرَ الْتِفاتٍ راعَ وَهْوَ مَروعُ

4. Soon time wrongfully robbed me of him
And fate ravenously deprived me of that precious comrade

٤. سُرْعانَ ما فَجَعَ الزّمانُ بِغَصْبِهِ
وَالدَّهْرُ بالعِلْقِ النَّفيسِ فَجوعُ

5. It folded up the scrolls of his mention and covenants
As if it never kept its promise in the week

٥. وَطَوى مَعَاهِدَ ذِكْرِهِ وعُهُودِهِ
حَتَّى كأَنَّهُ مَا وَفَى الأُسْبُوعُ

6. O would that he had continued to delight me with himself
Forever risings for the bright dawn and gifts shared

٦. يَا لَيْتَهُ لَو دامَ يُمْتِعُنِي بِهِ
أَبَداً شُرُوقٌ لِلضُّحَى ومُتُوعُ

7. My craving for him bidding farewell cannot be appeased
Even by reckoning his return until the final judgment

٧. لَهْفِي عَلَيهِ مُوَدّعاً لا يُقْتَضَى
لِذِهابِهِ حَتَّى الحِساب رُجُوعُ

8. How many an impenetrable army did he hold back from him
If something for the doves could be warded off

٨. كَمْ دَافَعَ الجَيْشُ العَرَمْرَمُ دُونَهُ
لَوْ أَنَّ شَيْئاً لِلْحِمامِ دَفوعُ

9. For the heart the state of being torn on the day of his death notice
Each is in the grip of destruction, split open

٩. لِلْقَلبِ حَالُ الشَّمْلِ يَوْمَ نَعِيِّهِ
كُلٌّ علَى حُكمِ الرَّدَى مَصْدُوعُ

10. If places and risings are devoid of him
Breasts and ribs are not devoid of him

١٠. إنْ تَخْلُ مِنْهُ مَنَازِلٌ وَمَطَالِعٌ
لَمْ تَخْلُ مِنْهُ جَوَانِحٌ وضُلوعُ

11. By his beauty with which he joined the earth
With some of which I am less endowed

١١. بِأَبِي مَحَاسِنَه التِي وُصِلَ الثَّرَى
مِنْها بِما أَنَا دونَهُ مَقْطُوعُ

12. If I tried to forget him, my recollection
Would stir like a flaming blaze or copious downpour

١٢. لَو رُمْتُ أَنْ أَنْساهُ هَاجَ تَذَكُّرِي
بَرْقٌ لَمُوعٌ أَوْ أَغَنُّ سَجوعُ

13. It suffices as a witness to gentleness and love
That the forbidden of disasters is prevented

١٣. وَكَفَى شَهِيداً بِالْهَوَادَةِ والهَوَى
أَنَّ المُباحَ مِن الكَرَى مَمْنوعُ

14. The friendly assembly will not cease to cheer my eyes
As long as shutting brings them together in seclusion

١٤. لَن يَبْرَحَ السُّهْدُ المُبَرِّحُ مُقْلَتِي
ما دَامَ يُطْبِقُ مُقْلَتَيهِ هُجُوعُ

15. In it prairies and meadows reconciled
And springs and volcanoes connected

١٥. فيهِ تَهَاجَرَتِ الحَشَايَا والحَشَا
وتَوَاصَلَ البُرْكَانُ واليَنْبُوعُ

16. No feast or celebration makes his proximity joyous
And his absence is lonely and dismal

١٦. لا فِطْرَ لا أَضْحَى يُؤَنِّسُ قُرْبَهُ
ولَهُ نُزوحٌ مُوحِشٌ وَشُسوعُ

17. I did not happily attend celebrations
But fearing it might be said I was disconsolate

١٧. لَمْ أَشْهَدِ الأَعْيادَ مَسْروراً بِها
لَكِنْ مَخافَة أنْ يُقَالَ جَزوعُ

18. Make pilgrimage to fresh graves, the soil of which
The breeze perfumed as it freely blew

١٨. حجِّي لأَجْدَاثٍ أَطَابَ تُرَابَهَا
بِشَذىً كَمَا هَبَّ النَّسِيمُ يَضُوعُ

19. For them I profess what I pour out, but in fact
My being there is gloom and anguish

١٩. مِنها أهِلُّ لِما أُفيضُ وإنَّما
لِبْسِي هُناكَ كآبَةٌ وَولُوعُ

20. And the gift in those sacred places
Is a barren heart, and the tears, a downpour

٢٠. والهَدْيُ في تِلكَ المَشَاعِرِ قُدِّسَتْ
قَلْبٌ جُذاذٌ والجِمَارُ دُمُوعُ

21. He is as you knew him, so do not blame me
And consider my abundant youthful folly an intercession

٢١. هُوَ مَا عَهدْتَ فَلا تَدِنْ بِمَلامَتِي
وَجْدِي بِفَرْطِ صَبَابَتِي مَشْفُوعُ

22. And when you hear my dreamy discourse
Judge it as fabricated

٢٢. وَحَدِيثُ سُلْوانِي مَتَى أُسْمِعتَهُ
فَاحْكُمْ عَلَيْهِ بأَنَّهُ مَوْضُوعُ