1. For whom are there words like orderly pearls
Superior in their sublime attributes
١. لِمَنْ كَلِمٌ كَاللؤْلُؤِ المُتَنَاسِقِ
لَها فَضْلُ مَوْصوفَاتِهِنَّ البَواسِقِ
2. Rarities like deep seas attracting prohibition
With their charm of beauty and intimacies
٢. نَفَائِسُ كالأَعْلاقِ تَجْتَذِبُ النُّهَى
لِفِتْنَتِها مِنْ حُسْنِها بِعَلائِقِ
3. Majestic words when you recite them
I met a spring of meanings and subtleties
٣. جَلائِلُ أَلْفَاظٍ إِذَا ما قَرَأْتَها
قَريت مَعِيناً مِنْ مَعَانٍ دَقَائِقِ
4. It arouses a sea of knowledge and dew
Each horizon was filled to overflowing with its surplus
٤. يَجِيشُ بِها بَحْرٌ مِنَ العِلْمِ وَالنَّدَى
حَبَا كُلَّ أُفْقٍ مِنْ حُلاهُ بفَائِقِ
5. Angelic led to honor a market
And hopes suffice from what is driven or driver
٥. مَلاكِيَّةٌ سِيقَتْ لِتَشْريفِ سُوقَةٍ
وَحَسْبُ الأَمَانِي مِنْ مَسُوقٍ وَسائِقِ
6. Purified lineage, no shrine exists for it
With its verses desire nor for annexes
٦. مُطَهَّرَةُ الأَعْراقِ لَيْسَ لِمَعْبَدٍ
بِأَبْيَاتِها شَدْوٌ وَلا لِمُخَارِقِ
7. It grew with the heights, guidance and piety
So it came to violate the norms of poetry
٧. نَمَتْها المَعَالِي وَالهِدَايَةُ والتُّقَى
فَجَاءَتْ لِعَادَاتِ القَرِيضِ بِخَارِقِ
8. Verily through it guidance of eloquence
Rivaling desires veiled in the desolate places
٨. أَلا بِأَبِي مِنْها هَدِيُّ بَلاغَةٍ
تُنَاغِي المَهَى مَحْجوبَةٌ فِي الْمَهَارِقِ
Neighbor of the garden of grief, its morn bloomed
٩. شَقِيقَةُ رَوْضِ الحَزْنِ باكَرَهُ الْحَيَا
فَحَيَّا بِغَضَّيْ نَرْجسٍ وشَقائِقِ
10. So greet the narcissi and primroses
١٠. أُطالِعُ مِنْ قِرطَاسِها كُلَّ غارِبٍ
مَحَاسِنَ تَلْقَانِي بِطَلْعَةِ شارِقِ
11. I glimpse through its parchment every setting sun
Beauties meet me at the rising of daybreak
١١. وأَلثُمُ مِنْ أَسطارِها كُل فَائِن
بِمَا يَجتَلِى مِن رَقمِها كل رامِقِ
12. And I kiss from its lines every languid
With what is revealed of its inscription, every gazing
١٢. وَلوعاً بِيُمنَى نَمْنَمَتْها حَدِيقَةٌ
نَزْهَدُ أَحْدَاق الوَرَى فِي الحَدَائِقِ
13. Yearning with its right handful, a garden has prospered
We enjoy the sights in gardens
١٣. كَأَنِّي مِنها فِي نَسيمِ نَوافِحٍ
تَهبُّ أَصِيلاً أَو شَمِيم نَوَافِقِ
14. As if I from it in the breeze of wafting winds
Blow pure or scent of accord
١٤. تَدانَتْ رَحِيباً شَأْوهَا وتَباعَدَتْ
فَضَاقَ نِطاقا عِندها كُل ناطِقِ
15. It drew near in welcome, its horizon expanded
So the range narrowed for it every speaker
١٥. رَشَفْتُ بِها مِثل الثُّغورِ عذوبَةً
فأَقْصَرْتُ عَن ذِكْرِ العُذَيْبِ وَبارِقِ
I sipped from it sweetness like citadels
١٦. وَمِلْتُ إِلَيهَا وَالفَصَاحَةُ مِلؤُها
صَحِيفَة ضَخْمِ السَّرْوِ وَضَخْمِ السُّرادِقِ
17. So I fell short of mentioning fresh and brilliant
And I inclined toward it as eloquence fills it
١٧. يُشَقِّقُ أَطرافَ الكَلامِ لِسَانُهُ
فَيَثْنِي الفُحُول اللُّسْنِ خُرْس الشقائِقِ
18. Parchment of the tall cypress and canopy
Its tongue splits the edges of speech
١٨. وَقُورٌ فَإِن هَزَّتْهُ نغمَة صادِح
رَأَيْتَ قَضِيبا مِنْهُ أَثناءَ شاهِقِ
19. Bending the tongues of lions silent violets
١٩. سَمَا بِأَبِيهِ حِينَ سَمَّوْهُ باسْمِهِ
فاللَّهِ مِنْ سامِي المَراتِبِ سامِقِ
20. And dignified, if a blaring melody shook it
You’d see a rod from it during towering
٢٠. مُيَمَّمُ مَرْضَاةِ الإِمامِ بِسَيْفِهِ
وَمُوضِحُ خَافِي الهدْيِ فِي كُلِّ خافِقِ
21. It was named by its father when they named it by his name
By God from the highest ranks lofty
٢١. سَمِيُّ الذِي اسْتَسْقَى بِعَمِّ نَبِيِّهِ
فَأَخْمَدَ بَرْدُ الوَدقِ حَرَّ الوَدَائِقِ
22. Aiming for the Imam’s pleasure with his sword
Clarifying the hidden guidance in every pulsation
٢٢. وَوَافَقَ فِي عَهدِ الرِّسالَةِ رَبَّه
وَناهِيكَ مِن تَوْفِيقِ ذاكَ الموَافِقِ
23. The eminent who sought rain through the uncle of his Prophet
So the cold of beloveds was extinguished, the heat of passions
٢٣. مِن الصَّفْوةِ الأَبْرار صِيغُوا وَصُوِّرُوا
لِمَوتِ أَعِادٍ أَو حَياةِ أَصَادِقِ
24. And corresponded in the era of the Message with his Lord
And suffice it from the success of that corresponding
٢٤. إِذا حَق أَو حاقَ اضطِهادٌ بِأُمَّة
تُخلّصُها مِنْهُم حُماةُ الحَقائِقِ
25. From the elite of the righteous were created and pictured
For the death of enemies or life of the truthful
٢٥. أَمَوْلايَ إِغْضَاءً فَلِلفِكْرِ نَبْوَةٌ
وَلا نَبْوَ إِلا لاِعْتِرَاضِ العَوائِقِ
26. Whenever right or its absence brings oppression upon a nation
Its protectors of realities deliver it
٢٦. عَلَى أَنَّها الغايات أَعْيَا لِحاقُها
فَلا سَبْقَ فيها للوَجيهِ وَلاحِقِ
My wealth not inclining so for thought a prophecy
٢٧. إِلَى العَجْزِ يَلْوِي بَعد لأي عنانه
وَإنْ عُدَّ صَدْراً فِي العِتَاقِ السوابِقِ
28. And no prophecy but to overcome obstacles
Though the goals exhausted reaching them
٢٨. وَأَنَّى لِمِثلِي أَنْ يُساوِفَ مِثلَها
وَمَا فِي البَرايَا مِن مُساوٍ مُساوِقِ
29. So no precedence in them for eminent or subsequent
To incapacity it coils after any rein
٢٩. وَلَكِنَّنِي فيها عَلَى نَهْجِ خِدْمَةٍ
لأَنْعَمَ مِن أَرْفَاقِها بِمَرافِقِ
30. Even if deemed a chest among freed former
Whence is it for my like to keep pace with its like?
٣٠. سَلامٌ عَلَيها ساحَةً مَوْلَوِيَّةً
مُلِمٌّ لُهَاهَا البِيض غَيرُ مُفارِقِ
31. Nothing in the wild equals it or keeps up
But I through it am on a course of service
٣١. تَجُودُ بِوَضْعِ الدِّينِ مِنْ سعَةِ النَّدى
وَتَضْرِبُ صَفْحاً عَن تَقاضِي المَضَائِقِ