1. Perhaps the divider of virtue from the family of Qasim
Will cry out to it a lament from the dividers
١. لَعَلَّ قَسيمَ الفَضْلِ مِنْ آلِ قاسِمٍ
يُصِيخُ إلَيْهَا نُدْبَةً مِنْ مُقاسِمِ
2. His opinion turned towards it, not sinful
And how many wailers become regretful companions
٢. تَقَيَّلَ فِيهَا رَأْيُهُ غَيْرَ آثِمٍ
وكَمْ نادِبٍ مُسْتَصْحِبٌ حَالَ نادِمِ
3. The best that you are given is the knowledge of an ascetic
And the finest that you return is the asceticism of a scholar
٣. وأَحْسَنُ مَا أُعْطِيتَهُ عِلْمُ زاهدٍ
وأزْيَنُ ما رُدِّيتَه زُهْدُ عالِمِ
4. And the length of contemplation during the nights and their wisdom
Upon every one ruled over and every ruler
٤. وَطُولُ اعْتِبارٍ في الليالي وحُكْمِهَا
عَلى كُلِّ مَحْكُومٍ عَلَيْهِ وحَاكِمِ
5. My two friends, what is this misery that I see
And those bare lifetimes in the hand of the breaker
٥. خليلَيَّ ما هَذِي الأَسَاةُ التِي أَرى
وتِلْكَ عُرَى الأَعْمارِ في يَدِ قاصِمِ
6. Do you not know that souls are like fillies
Led out to the lions of death, the attackers
٦. ألَمْ تَعْلَما أنَّ النّفوسَ فَرَائِسٌ
تُزَجَّى لآسادِ المَنايا الهَوَاجِمِ
7. So where is the caution for happiness tomorrow
And where is avoidance of passions, the corrupters
٧. فَأَيْنَ التَّوَخِّي لِلسَّعادَةِ في غَدٍ
وَأَيْنَ التَّوَقّي للدَّواهِي الدَّواهِمِ
8. It is enough of sorrow that the predator is unleashed
And that we race towards sin in ignorance
٨. كَفَى حَزَناً أنَّ الحِمَامَ مُسَلَّط
وأنَّا عَلى اسْتِبْصَارِنا فِي الجَرَائِمِ
9. We race towards the graves galloping without
Provision except for that which destroys integrity
٩. نَسيرُ إِلى الأجْداثِ رَكْضاً وما لَنا
من الزَّادِ إلا موبِقاتُ المَآثِمِ
10. Neither can the elderly save nor the child from
A time hostile to its people, assailing
١٠. وَما الكَهْلُ بِالنَّاجِي وَلا الطِّفْلُ مِنْ يَدَي
زَمَانٍ لأهْليهِ مُصَادٍ مُصادِمِ
11. Peace upon the house whose Lord
Kept it safe from disasters with well-being
١١. سَلامٌ عَلى الدَّارِ التي ليسَ رَبُّهَا
وإنْ سالَمَتْهُ الحادِثَاتُ بِسَالِمِ
12. For the longest life of a person is a lightning bolt
And the sweetest death of a human is the dreams of one sleeping
١٢. فَأَطْوَلُ عُمْرِ المَرْءِ خَطْفَةُ بارِقٍ
وأَحْلَى مُنَى الإنسانِ أَحْلامُ نائِمِ
13. May Allah water a grave in which goodness and piety were deposited
As flowers are folded in bouquets
١٣. سَقَى اللَّه قَبْراً أودِعَ البِرّ والتُّقَى
كَما تُودَعُ الأَزْهارُ طَيَّ الكَمَائِمِ
14. And may contentment give it a generous mother
To the most singular in precious qualities
١٤. ويَمَّمَهَا الرِّضْوَانُ أُماً كَرِيمَةً
لأَوْحَدَ مَخصوصٍ بِغُرِّ الْمَكَارِمِ
15. She left the world and left it loftily
With the sweet breaths of the soft breezes
١٥. تَخَلَّتْ عَنِ الدُّنْيَا وخَلَّتْ مُسَامِياً
لَها طِيب أنْفاسِ الرِّياحِ النَّواسِمِ
16. So if the clouds' darkness laments after her
Then the leaves of doves have cried out in elegy
١٦. فَإِنْ وَكَفَتْ سُحْم الغَمائِمِ بَعْدَها
فَقَدْ هَتَفَتْ بالنَّوْحِ وُرْقُ الحَمَائِمِ
17. Blessed is she who came with a blessed progeny
For him the highest traits amongst the high
١٧. مُبَارَكَة جاءَتْ بِنَجْلٍ مُبَارَكٍ
لَهُ في المَعَالي سامِيَاتُ المَعَالِمِ
18. Rising up with the burdens of religion leading
Forward for truth with the boldness of attacking lions
١٨. نَهوضٌ بِأَعْباءِ الدِّيانةِ مُقْدِمٌ
عَلى الحَقِّ إِقدامَ الليوثِ الضَراغِمِ
19. He practiced asceticism, not hoping for a congenial time
And fearing no critic's blame in God
١٩. تَنَسَّكَ لا يَرْجُو زَمَاناً مُلائِماً
ولا يَتَّقِي في اللَّهِ لَوْمَةَ لائِمِ
20. He surrendered the world of people to people seizing
The joys of religion in both abodes
٢٠. وأَسْلَمَ دُنْيَا النَّاسِ للنَّاسِ غانِما
مِن الدِّينِ في الدّارَيْنِ أُنْسَ المَغَارِمِ
21. He is not, if he fasts the day, a breaker of fast
Nor if he stands at night, a sleeper
٢١. فَلَيْسَ إِذا صَامَ النَّهَارَ بِمُفْطِرٍ
ولَيْسَ إذا قامَ الظَّلامَ بِنَائِمِ
22. He has vast knowledge and patience which grace him
With restraint of pace but to restrain tyranny
٢٢. لَهُ بَسْطَةٌ في العِلمِ والحلْمِ زَانَها
بِقَبْضِ الخُطَى إلا لِكَفِّ المَظَالِمِ
23. And excellent consolation in woe and composure
Beyond tears no longer a custom of the compassionate
٢٣. وحُسْنِ عَزَاءٍ في الأَسى وتَمَاسُكٍ
سِوَى عَبْرَةٍ لم تَعْدُ عادَةَ راحِمِ
24. And who is like my father Abdel Ilah bin Qasim
In patience and entrusting at the hands of every divider
٢٤. وَمَنْ كَأبِي عَبدِ الإلَهِ بْنِ قاسِمٍ
لِصَبْرٍ وَتَفْوِيضٍ لَدَى كُلِّ قاصِمِ
25. It is enough that your guidance to good is his guidance
And that your success in every star is his success
٢٥. وحَسْبُكَ مِنْ هادٍ إلَى الخَيْرِهَدْيُه
ومِنْ ناجِحٍ مَسْعاهُ في كُلِّ نَاجِمِ
26. Yours is the good - take it while overlooking its shortcomings
End rhymes wearied describing each composer
٢٦. لَكَ الخَيْرُ خُذْها مُغْضِياً عَنْ قُصورِها
قَوَافِيَ أعْيَا وَصْفُهَا كُلَّ نَاظِمِ
27. I sent it to keep your pleasure a partner
And one you pleased is the effort of partners
٢٧. بَعَثْتُ بِهَا أبْقِي رِضاكَ مُسَاهِماً
ومِثْلُكَ مَنْ أرْضَاهُ سَعْيُ المُسَاهِمِ