
The colonel yearned for his homelands

إلى أوطانه حن العميد

1. The colonel yearned for his homelands
He seemed as a bending branch

١. إلى أوْطَانِه حَنّ العَمِيدُ
فَظَلّ كَأنّه غُصْنٌ يَمِيدُ

2. And his birthplace he remembered longingly
His heart melted though it was iron

٢. ومسقطَ رأسهِ ذَكَر اشْتِياقاً
فَذابَ فُؤادُهُ وهو الحَديدُ

3. Had oblivion tried to make him forget
The pacts of his glorious past would have refused

٣. ولَو رامَ السلُوّ أَبَتْ عَلَيه
مَعاهدُ عَهدها الماضي حَميدُ