1. Renew your noble intention with an intention
As if with the destiny of demise we had been
١. جدّد لنيّتك القصيّة نيّةً
فكأن بمحتوم الردى قد كانا
2. And look to yourself as a guided one who has deposited - so how
Many handfuls to the soil? Rise and be distinct
٢. وانظر لنفسك راشداً أودع فكم
تربٍ إلى الترب استقلّ وبانا
3. With death is the youth roused from heedlessness
His company all his life and years
٣. بالموت ينتَبِهُ الفتى من غفلةٍ
صحبتهُ طول حياته وسنانا
4. Oh, the misery of the lowly world that has stained
With his blood recklessly and cowardly
٤. يا بؤسَ للدنيا الدنية ضرّجَت
بدمائه مستبسلاً وجبانا
5. If only the slain of her night and day
Were counted, they would exceed all counting
٥. لو أنّ صرعى ليلها ونهارها
حسبوا لفاتوا العدّ والحسبانا
6. Among turmoil and inflammation, each who
Hopes for a settled place and time
٦. بين اضطراب واضطرامٍ كلّ من
يرجو مكاناً ساكنا وزمانا
7. Do not feel safe from days and fear their caprices
For many a glory has it made abject
٧. لا تأمنِ الأيّام واخش صروفها
فلرُبّ عزّ صيّرَته هوانا
8. And upon its manners the manners have ridden
Or do you not see their loyalty treacherous?
٨. وعلى خلائقها الخلائق ركبوا
أو ما ترى أوفاهم خوّانا
9. How many guarantors of their loyalty to you
When qualities change, guarantees change
٩. كم ضامنٍ لك منهم إخلاصهُ
فإذا استحالت يستحيلُ ضمانا
10. By my father, one perspicuous of the times and its people
Who has severed humanity and joined with the Merciful
١٠. بأبي بصيرٌ بالزمان وأهله
قطعَ الأنام وواصلَ الرحمانا
11. What the ascetics wagered on escaped them
Preceding and winning however he wished to bet
١١. ما راهن الزهاد إلّا فاتهُم
سبقاً وأحرزَ كيف شاء رهانا
12. I have comported with Him while people on the day of presentment
Will fearfully awake sober from intoxication
١٢. أخلق به والناس يوم العرض
من خوف سكارى أن يفيق أمانا