1. The praises you shower are your ruin, nothing but infatuation and delusion,
A ferocity no hero can overcome, an ambition no seeker can fulfill,
١. حَسْبُ التّقْريظِ حُلاك وما
هِي إلا السؤدَدُ والحَسَبُ
2. Phrases that leave rhetors helpless and speechless, their devices and strategies useless,
And when the verses describe them, poems and speeches cannot match,
٢. بَأسٌ لا يَغْلِبُه بَطَلٌ
وَنَدىً لا يَبْرَحُه طَلَبُ
3. Won for Abd al-Wahid, protected by Yahya, son of the Prophet's lineage and its father,
The head of Uliya is his grinding stone, Umar al-Farooq its axis,
٣. نُخَبٌ عَيَّ البُلَغاءُ بها
عَجزاً ومآخِذُهم نُخَبُ
4. A house in the dust settled, its pillar reaching the highest heavens,
Good news it is, illuminating the face of this world, its smile radiant,
٤. وإذا وَصَفَتْها الآي فَما
تَصِفُ الأشْعارُ والخُطَبُ
5. It rose defying norms, so watch your enemies, they have faded away,
They supposed tumult as usual, but faced what could not be anticipated,
٥. عَن عَبْد الوَاحِد أحْرَزَها
يَحيى لِلنّجْل ابْنٌ وأبُ
6. Sincere in their attack, yet were forsaken, as if their pledge was a lie,
The banners themselves wavered from your conquests when unfurled in haste,
٦. في جُمْجُمَة عُليْا وَرَحىً
عُمَرُ الفاروقُ لَها قُطُبُ
7. They shy from the bitter warfare by its standards, thus the Arabs do not object,
The whites envied its brilliance, blushing red in your presence,
٧. بَيْتٌ في الترْبِ رَسا وَتَداً
وَعَلى الأفْلاكِ لَه طُنُبُ
٨. بُشرى هي في وَجْهِ الدُّنيا
بِشْرٌ وَبِمَبْسَمِهَا شَنَبُ
٩. طَلَعَتْ للعادةِ خَارقَةً
فارْقُبْ أعداءَك قَد غَربوا
١٠. حَسبوا الهَيجاءَ كَما ألِفوا
فأتَاهُم ما لا يُحْتَسَبُ
١١. صَدَقوا زَحْفاً لَكنّهُم
خُذِلوا فكأنّهُم كُذُبُ
١٢. حتّى الرّاياتُ يُخامِرُها
لِفُتوحِكَ إذ نُسِقَتْ طَرَبُ
١٣. تَسْتَعْذبُ مُرّ الحَرْب بِها
فَلِذلكَ ما تَهْفو العَرَبُ
١٤. حَسَدَتْها البيضُ تجلّيها
حُمْراً فغدتْ لك تختضِبُ