
O delight of my eye, truly the eye desires you

يا قرة العين إن العين تهواك

1. O delight of my eye, truly the eye desires you
So it finds no peace in anything other than seeing you

١. يا قُرَّةَ العَيْنِ إنَّ العَينَ تَهْوَاكِ
فَما تَقَرُّ بِشَيء غير مَرآكِ

2. By Allah, my glances have become unable to desire
Anything but your brilliance and the fragrance of your singing

٢. للَّهِ طرفَيَّ أضحا لا يَشُوقُهما
إلا سناكِ وإلا طيبَ مغناكِ

3. The sun is ashamed that while the sun sets
Since you shone forth, your glow has not diminished

٣. قَد أخجلَ الشَّمسَ أنَّ الشَّمسَ غارِبَةٌ
وَمُذ تَطَلَّعتِ لم يَغْرُب مُحَيَّاكِ

4. Do not come out to me in jewelry and fine garments
For beauty has covered you without need for adornment

٤. لا تَبْرُزي لِيَ في حَلْي وَفِي حُلَلِ
فالحُسْن غشّاكِ مَا وشَّى وحلاكِ

5. O occupation of my eye when I harbor no ill intentions toward you
And preoccupation of my heart when I hope for nothing but to meet you

٥. يا شُغْلَ عَيْني إِذا لَمْ أخْشَ مِنْكِ نَوىً
وَشُغْلَ قَلْبِي إِذا لَمْ أرْجُ لُقَيَاكِ

6. The wine of generosity can not intoxicate me
When I have fallen drunken merely from your fervor

٦. لا تَسْتَطيعُ حُمَيَّا الكَرْم تُسكرني
وقَد تَسَاقَطْتُ سكْراً مِنْ حميّاكِ

7. You were named Beauty when you were distinguished by it
So your name suits you, O beautifully named one!

٧. سُمِّيتِ بالحُسنِ لَمَّا أن خُصِصْتِ به
فَطَابَقَ اسمُكِ يا حَسْنَا مُسَمَّاكِ

8. None will take you from me but He who would punish me
For my passion, though He Himself inspired desire for you in me

٨. لا وَاخَذَ اللَّه إلا مَنْ يُعَنِّفُني
عَلَى هَوَاكِ اعتِداء وهْوَ يَهْواكِ

9. I fear your anger as I hope for your pleasure
So how I hope for you, O this one, and fear you!

٩. أَخشاكِ غَضْبَى كَما أَرْجوكِ راضِيةً
فكَمْ أرَجِّيكِ يا هَذي وأَخْشاكِ

10. I weep for our separation, should fate refuse
Oh, how ill-fated are the eyes that gazed upon your eyes!

١٠. أبكِي لِبَيْنِكِ إنْ آبَى الكَرَى أسَفاً
يا سُوءَ ما كَلَّفت عَينَيَّ عَيْنَاكِ

11. How strange is time, hoping to make me forget
Your love in ignorance! No, by God, I will not forget you

١١. ما أعجب الدّهر يرْجو أنْ يُنَسِّيَنِي
هَوَاكِ جَهلاً وَلا واللَّهِ أَنْساكِ

12. How could I forget covenants made long ago?
I have no patience when they and you are remembered

١٢. وكَيفَ أَنْسَى عُهوداً بالْحِمَى سَلَفَتْ
لا صَبْرَ لي عِندَ ذِكرَاها وذِكراكِ

13. And how many nights we spent concealing
Our intimate conversation and lamentations for what distressed you

١٣. وَكَمْ لَيَالٍ قَطَعْنَاها بِكاظِمَةٍ
نَجْوَى وشَكوَى بِما يَلْقَاهُ مُضْناكِ

14. I hid your secret then, fearing the slanderer
But musk itself broadcast your scent

١٤. كَتَمتُ مَسراكِ فِيها خَوفَ عَاذِلَةٍ
وَعاذِلٍ فَأَذاعَ المِسْكُ مَسْراكِ

15. The sash sang out in rapture around your waist
So it listened to the tale your anklets related

١٥. غنّى الوِشاحُ على خصْرَيْكِ مِن طَرَبٍ
فيها فَأصْغَى لِمَا عَنَّاكِ حِجْلاكِ

16. I restrained my eagerness out of reverence for your
Free gift of favor, so I did not demand your kiss

١٦. وَقَد عَفَفتُ عَلى حِرْصي بآيةِ مَا
بَذَلْتِ طَوْعاً فلَم أعرضْ له فَاكِ

17. Woe to one who meets the fierce lion in battle
Yet whimpers when he meets you!

١٧. واهاً لِهَيْمان يَلْقَى الأُسْدَ ضَاريَةً
يوْمَ النِّزال وَينْبُو حِينَ يَلْقَاكِ

18. He complains of arms but complains of a veiled woman
Secluded, so wonder at one who has become a complainer when he meets you!

١٨. شاكِي السِّلاحَ ويَشكو من مُحَجَّبَةٍ
عزْلاءَ فاعْجَب لِشَاكٍ قَدْ غَدا شاكِ

19. The sash sang out in rapture around your waist
So it listened to the tale your anklets related

١٩. غنّى الوِشاحُ على خصْرَيْكِ مِن طَرَبٍ
فيها فَأصْغَى لِمَا عَنَّاكِ حِجْلاكِ

20. I restrained my eagerness out of reverence for your
Free gift of favor, so I did not demand your kiss

٢٠. وَقَد عَفَفتُ عَلى حِرْصي بآيةِ مَا
بَذَلْتِ طَوْعاً فلَم أعرضْ له فَاكِ

21. Woe to one who meets the fierce lion in battle
Yet whimpers when he meets you!

٢١. واهاً لِهَيْمان يَلْقَى الأُسْدَ ضَاريَةً
يوْمَ النِّزال وَينْبُو حِينَ يَلْقَاكِ

22. He complains of arms but complains of a veiled woman
Secluded, so wonder at one who has become a complainer when he meets you!

٢٢. شاكِي السِّلاحَ ويَشكو من مُحَجَّبَةٍ
عزْلاءَ فاعْجَب لِشَاكٍ قَدْ غَدا شاكِ