
God defends those virtues from blame,

الله عن تلك المناقب دافع

1. God defends those virtues from blame,
And protects them from all harm and shame.

١. اللَّهُ عَنْ تِلكَ المَناقِبِ دَافِعُ
ولَها مِن المَحْذورِ واقٍ مانِعُ

2. Were I not certain they're infallible,
My heart would weep tears, inconsolable.

٢. لَوْلا اليَقينُ بأَنَّهَا مَعْصُومةٌ
لَتَفَجَّرَتْ بِدَمِ القُلوبِ مَدامِعُ

3. Patience' robe is rended at the seams,
And terror rends all hearts it seems.

٣. زَرَّتْ على الصَّبْر النّفُوسُ جُيوبَها
والذُّعْرُ فيها لِلْجَوانِحِ خالِعُ

4. In their asking and answers intertwined,
Virtue sighs, and healing's undermined.

٤. وتَعَلَّلَتْ بِسُؤالِهَا وجَوَابِهِمْ
الفَضْلُ ناجٍ والتَّداوِي ناجِعُ

5. How can plaints of His bounty e'er cause loss?
His existence for creation is gain across.

٥. أنَّى تَضيرُ شِكايةٌ مِنْ جودِهِ
وَوُجودُهُ لِلخَلْقِ طُرّاً نافِعُ

6. A wonder - his devotees in meadows of dew,
While the highest realm is aloof from him too.

٦. عَجَباً لِمُخلِصِها إلَى نادِي النَّدَى
والعالَمُ العُلْوِيُّ عَنْهُ يُقارِعُ

7. His views are white, cutting sharp dissent,
His raiment saffron, down broad ways sent.

٧. آراؤُهُ بِيضٌ تُسَلُّ قَوَاطِعٌ
وَجداؤُه سُمْرٌ تُمَدُّ شَوارِعُ

8. Sorrow drew grief to weaken his health,
So time's oppressed are fearful in stealth.

٨. جَرَّ الشّجونَ الجُونَ عارِضُ سُقْمِهِ
فالدَّهْر من جَرَّاهُ خاشٍ خاشِعُ

9. Why should pain block us, and not him?
For slaves defend kings from harm's brim.

٩. هَلا بِنا سَدَك التَّألُّمُ لا بِهِ
إنَّ العَبيدَ عَن المُلوكِ تُدَافِعُ

10. Speaking of woe diminished for us is enough,
For distress' water flowed, though rough.

١٠. غاضَ التَّحَدُّث بالضَّنَى وبِحَسْبِنَا
أَنْ غاضَ مِنْ ماءِ العَنَاءِ النابِعُ

11. Until restoration came, evidence accrued
And reached loved ones, conclusive and shrewd.

١١. حتَّى إِذَا الإبْلالُ صَحَّ تَوَاتُراً
وَصَلَ الحُبُورَ بهِ الدّليلُ القاطِعُ

12. The prince healed, so every heart calmed,
Fear departed, and every glance tamed.

١٢. شُفِيَ الأَميرُ فَكُلُّ قَلْبٍ ساكِنٌ
بَعدَ الخُفوقِ وكُلُّ طَرْفٍ هاجِعُ

13. His glory emerged, no foe feels safe,
No friend despairs or wavers in faith.

١٣. وَبدا سَناهُ فَلا عَدُوٌّ آمِنٌ
يَرجو النَّجاةَ ولا وَلِيٌّ جازِعُ

14. Soul of the world, secret of highness, essence of guidance,
Singular in gathering virtue's shards for alliance.

١٤. رُوحُ الوَرَى سِرُّ العُلَى مَعْنَى الهُدَى
فَرْدٌ لأَشتاتِ المَكارِمِ جَامِعُ

15. For religion and life, by his being kept safe,
Even those under his care marvel and waive.

١٥. لِلدِّينِ والدُّنيا بِعِصْمةِ ذاتهِ
إِعْجابُ مَنْ هُوَ في حِماهُ وَادِعُ

16. O beauty of his innocence `gainst a nation,
Without him, torment upon them would weigh like spoliation.

١٦. يا حُسْنَ مَوْقعِ بُرْئِهِ مِن أُمَّةٍ
لَولاهُ حاق بِهم عَذابٌ واقِعُ

17. Ensnared in misleading doubts, clouded in dim,
His guidance shone light, their mis`ry made slim.

١٧. كانُوا مِن الشُّبَهِ المُضِلَّةِ في دُجىً
فَجَلا غَياهِبَها هُداهُ السَّاطِعُ

18. His rule filled nights with turmoil rife,
Events suddenly turned, full of strife.

١٨. مَلأَتْ إيالَتُه اللَّيالي حَبْرَةً
وَالحادِثاتُ فَواجِئٌ وفَوَاجِعُ

19. The life of the chosen Yahya in the throes,
Even the doves sobbed during his woes.

١٩. وحَيَاة يَحْيَى المُرْتَضَى ما شَاقَ فِي
أَثْناءِ شَكْواه الحَمَامُ السَّاجِعُ

20. Nay, spring with its blooms could not appease,
Despite its peerless blossoms and breeze.

٢٠. كَلا وَلا رَاقَ الرَّبيعُ وزَهْرُهُ
في ناظِرٍ وَهوَ النَّضِيرُ اليانِعُ

21. All but him seemed to change in their ways,
Even the rooftop singers lost their lays.

٢١. وَلَقد تَنَكَّرَ كُلُّ شَيْء دُونَهُ
حتَّى المَغانِي الآهِلاتُ بَلاقِعُ

22. Seclusion prevailed, minds wandered away,
As sorrows arose at the start of day.

٢٢. غَلَبَ التَّوَلُّهُ فالعُقولُ غوارِبٌ
لَمَّا تَحَجَّبَ والكُروبُ طَوالِعُ

23. Shelter's cold seemed like scorching rays,
Sweet living seemed a toxic craze.

٢٣. وَكأَنَّ بَرْدَ الظِّلِّ قَيْظٌ لافِحٌ
وكأَنَّ عَذْبَ العَيْشِ سُمٌّ ناقِعُ

24. The brightening whitener itself grew dark,
The expanding space itself grew stark.

٢٤. يَسْوَدُّ مُبْيضُّ الصِّفاحِ الناصِعُ
وَيَضيقُ مُنْفَسِحُ البَراحِ الواسِعُ

25. As if hours of anguish were ages long,
Hearts roamed, distressed by sorrow's throng.

٢٥. وَكأَنَّ ساعاتِ الثَّواءِ لِطولِها
حِجَجٌ رَوائِبُ للنُّفوسِ رَوائِعُ

26. But now the distant goal feels close at hand,
The unreachable wish feels near and grand.

٢٦. فالآنَ دانَ بِهِ القَصيُّ من المُنَى
ودَنا منَ المَنِّ القَصِيِّ الشاسِعُ

27. Horizons of doom loom for unbelievers,
While rest awaits hearts of faithful believers.

٢٧. وتَطَلَّعَتْ لِلكافِرينَ مَصَارِعٌ
وتَمَهَّدَتْ بالمُؤْمِنينَ مَضَاجِعُ

28. Scenes and dwellings now exude delight,
As do couches and shelters invite site.

٢٨. وَبَدَتْ تَزينُ مَشَاهِدٌ ومَحَاضِرٌ
وغَدَتْ تَطيبُ مَصَائِفٌ ومَرَابِعُ

29. Safety he found, so times make peace,
Fears reassure and perils cease.

٢٩. لاقَى السَّلامَةَ فالزّمَانُ مُسالِمٌ
دونَ انْتِقاضٍ والأَمانُ مُشايِعُ

30. Blessings descend on him in a queue,
As gifts of life align in view.

٣٠. وتَرَشُّفُ النُّعْمَى بهِ مُتَنَاسِقٌ
وتَشَرُّفُ الدّنيا بهِ مُتَتَابِعُ

31. A king sanctified, exalted his station,
His royal traits and disposition.

٣١. مَلِكٌ تَقَدَّسَ في المُلوكِ مَقامُهُ
فَخَصَائِصٌ مَلَكِيَّةٌ وطَبَائِعُ

32. Supreme perfection is agreed his right,
None in the worlds can match his might.

٣٢. أَضْحَى له شَرَفُ الْكَمَالِ مُسَلَّماً
هَيْهَاتَ ما في العَالَمِينَ مُنازِعُ

33. In prose or verse of his feats told,
All sights and sounds hunger to behold.

٣٣. في المُونِقَيْنِ رُوائِهِ وثَنَائِهِ
ما تَشْتَهيهِ نَوَاظِرٌ وَمَسَامِعُ

34. His house surpassed the stars' climb,
As God's home overshadows celestial shine.

٣٤. فَرَعَ الكَوَاكِبَ في التَّرَقِّي بَيْتُهُ
للَّهِ بَيْتٌ لِلْكَوَاكِبِ فارِعُ

35. Of his ornate qualities, prominent is wisdom,
That frustrated Mu'awiyah and discernment bespoke.

٣٥. مِنْ زَاهِراتِ حُلاهُ حِلْمٌ بارِزٌ
أَعْيا مُعاوِيَةً وعِلْمٌ بارِعُ

36. Decisive and few can equal him in fight,
Abundant his bounty and little his spite.

٣٦. ماضٍ وقَدْ تَهِنُ الظُّبى في مَأْزقٍ
كَثُرَ الكُماةُ بهِ وقَلَّ مُضارِعُ

37. His nature tells of dignity and poise,
In good he still competes and employs.

٣٧. يَصِفُ النَّجابَةَ والرَّجَاحَة خُلقُه
ويَظَلُّ في الخَيْراتِ بَعْد يُسارِعُ

38. His vision's lofty goal is clear and high,
As if atop his throne it fills the sky.

٣٨. مَرْآهُ بِالطَّوْدِ المُنِيفِ مُطَالِعٌ
فَكَأَنَّما فَوْقَ السَّرِيرِ مُتالِعُ

39. If the world boasts of him and his reign,
Its kings are but servants in his domain.

٣٩. إِنْ تَفْخَرِ الدُّنْيا بهِ وبِمُلْكِهِ
فَمُلوكُها خَوَلٌ لَهُ وَصَنائِعُ

40. My lord, your servant pleads for your grace,
As his heart's daughters seek your embrace.

٤٠. مَوْلايَ عَبْدُكَ في الرِّضَى مُسْتَشْفِعٌ
وبَنَاتُ خاطِرِهِ إليْكَ شَوافِعُ

41. Behold him at your door, tireless in his knock,
Though oft rebuffed, he withstands each shock.

٤١. هُوَ ذا بِبابِكَ ليسَ يَسْأَم قَرْعَه
ولَطالَما وَلَجَ المُلِظُّ القارِعُ

42. Joy returns to congratulate the occasion's boon,
As days of celebration prolong soon.

٤٢. يَرد السّرورُ مُهَنِّئاً وَمُهَنَّأ
عِدّاً يُطيلُ العَبَّ فيهِ الكارِعُ

43. He wishes eloquence granted to sing your praise,
So his odes and poems your glory raise.

٤٣. وَيَوَدُّ لَوْ مُنِحَ الإجادَةَ ناظِماً
لِتَسيرَ عَنْهُ بَدَائِهٌ وبَدائِعُ

44. But pleading acceptance is sufficient reason,
As truth strives to immortalize your season.

٤٤. إنَّ الضَّراعَةَ لِلْقَبولِ ذَريعَةٌ
والحَقُّ في تَخْلِيدِ أمْرك ضارِعُ